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Everything posted by SleepyWacKo

  1. i wondered the same thing myself and looked back the other day when i was hoping it would release last weekend, found one that was released on a sunday. can't remember which build though
  2. to correct you it went into QA june 26th according to announcement, and now it has left the QA phase and officially as of yesterday july 9th, it is in the experimental testing phase, if all goes well then it will be released to the public. Going by the last experimental phase for 0.20 it was 4 business days. barring any new issues hopefully if we are lucky we will get to play 0.21 over the weekend but that is just me hoping, probably will be next week sometime
  3. apparently experimental phase seems to be the phase they send out release canidates to a volunteer team of people to test out for bugs that the devs and QA may have missed. QA team can't catch everything so i guess squad put in place another measure that sends the build out to a slightly larger base for testing before public release
  4. to play the game are my plans, been waiting for it since it will be breaking saves
  5. i haven't accomplished anything really yet other than getting into orbit than i heard about 0.21 so currently waiting on it before i do anything other than blow up kerbals.
  6. i'm getting the same vibe buddy, ready have a relapse of my kerbin crack addiction!
  7. I recently looked into this mod and love the idea, not sure how the devs will input career mode but for now this is a good subsitute. I have also decided it garnered enough of my interest to start working on a mission pack "The Kerbal Space Agency". The missions will be loosely based on real space exploration but with my own twists, I also tend to create missions that require certain mods such as remote tech etc but they will be optional of course. I have only completed 2 missions so far so it's not in a state for release, I am balancing them toward Hard mode also! I will probably release the pack once i get some basic missions in place and then add on from there, my free time is limited too. wish i didn't have to work
  8. First want to say thanks for the mod, but i noticed a minor bug. If your are using solar panels with the kethane overlay turned off it blocks the sunlight from hitting the panels if in an orbit of at least 100k distance(tested) but on the flip side with the kethane overlay turned on it will block the sun light from hitting the panels if you have a large enough orbit (I tested this at keosychronous orbit). you can tell when the overlay may be blocking as the status of the solar panels will say "Blocked by Kethane Overlay" instead of "direct sunlight" etc.
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