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Status Replies posted by magico13

  1. Hi. I'm the dumb-SAS that had the terribly stupid idea of deleting the CurseForge project for StageRecovery.

    I'm terribly sorry for even considering that stupidity, the CurseForge has 4 years of Project History, from the KSP 0.24.2 era! Would be sad to loose that.

    I would like to kindly ask you to lock down the project instead, and edit the front page to state that new versions will be available on SpaceDock only. I think this is a better way.

    I meant well, I was thinking on people relying on CurseForge only and that would be unattended of the change, but didn't though enough about the consequences.

    Sorry for the mess, I should had known better.

    1. magico13


      Not a big deal, but I didn't get the message until after I had already done it. Looks like I can still access the projects so I'll try to download all the files off there just in case they get permanently removed at some point but someone still needs access.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Having an error with KCT don't know why. Link to log file and screenshot https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A6gqnVY1zOzq-KoZTaLx26b9sS4q6Peo

    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. magico13


      Hey that log isn't one I'm familiar with. Looks like you're on mac, so you'll want to find the log specified here:

      • Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )

      If I had to guess based on the screenshot though, it looks like you're either running an older build or have an extra MagiCore dll lying around. Grab the latest build from here (http://magico13.net:8080/job/Kerbal Construction Time Beta/) and make sure there isn't a GameData/MagiCore.dll (but that there is a GameData/MagiCore/MagiCore.dll). The install location changed for that dll and it's broken a few installs.

  3. Hi magico13!

    Thanks for dated quicksaves, it's very useful.

    I found the file names hard to read and sorted out of order. Can you please make the numbers with leading zeroes and a more readable format like YYYY-DD+HH:MM:SS (e.g. 0014-239+03:44:08)? I think that's better readable than Y14D239H3M44S8 and would sort chronologically.

    In the config file I could change the format, but not the leading zeroes.

    I tried to change the code, but realized DatedQuicksaves.cs hardcodes the format, so that's not a good place to change, as it doesn't use the config file. Hmm, it might still work, but I've never made a KSP mod and only now looked at C# programming. Dunno how to make a dll file.

    Thanks, Bernhard


    1. magico13


      This would be better posted in the Modlets thread ;)


      Dated Quicksaves does have a set of variables with leading zeroes. The forum page for the modlets lists all of the available variables. If you're using the real life time rather than game time then you can use any time format supported by C#.


      Note that the variables are listed under Sensible Screenshot because they both share one set of code.

      Here's the forum thread for the modlets. Read through the appropriate sections and then let me know if you still have questions. Thanks :)



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