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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I would have by now, but after ... I literally have no idea but let's say 3000? ... hours I'm taking a break and playing some other games. For me the problem isn't the tech tree or the parts or anything else, it's that everything I've ever wanted out of the game, I got. I really haven't played except to test my mods or to do a quick challenge here and there, in almost a year.
  2. When I started there was no tech tree and I did start in Sandbox because that was all there was. It was super daunting and confusing and I had a lot harder time than all those players who are being "babied" by the tech tree. I actually quit playing the game for a few months and only came back to see what had changed in the new update and tried "career" mode (that was what is now science mode). Then I played the game for about 5 years straight. So for me, Sandbox was a really bad tutorial. You can argue that the tech tree doesn't properly serve as a tutorial, but I won't ever agree that Sandbox is better as one.
  3. A single ladder? Sure. That woudln't make it worse. Nor would a single light, or landing gear, or wings, or structural panels, or ... If you put everything that would be "better" to be at the front of the tech tree at the front of the tech tree, then the tech tree fails at it's #1 stated goal: Reasonable gated progression for new players that doesn't throw a ton of stuff at them and confuse them. So, you can only pick one or maybe 2 things at best without compromising that goal. If that many. Every single part must be analyzed and the question must be answered, "Will moving this earlier in the tech tree help people who want to use it, MORE than it will hurt someone who's struggling learning the game and confused about what everything does?" So, let me ask you: Why are ladders better than anything else in the list of things that could go to the start? Why is THAT the right thing to promote to the start of the tree, and not landing gear? Or, why is the the stated goal of the tech tree wrong? And finally, why is your opinion on these things more valid than anybody else's, in particular Squad's? You are aware that new players can opt for sandbox mode if they are feeling babied. And the tech tree is there for when they realize they were wrong.
  4. It's super straightforward. I wouldn't call it simple. Walking across America is as simple as walking across your living room, but if you ask most people they'd rather fly. The problem is the current tech tree is not bad ENOUGH to go through the work. If the only way to go from coast to coast was walking (It used to be) there's got to be a really really compelling reason to do so (there was). I love my family but I'm not walking 2000 miles for a birthday. I do fly when I can, though. That's another aspect to it. There are a couple modded tech trees out there. I can't speak to them because I've never used them but they seem pretty popular. Again, are you going to walk across the country if you can find passable substitutes for what you'd get by going there? While I've not used those tech trees I *HAVE* tried my hand at writing my own. I dropped it after about an hour and won't go back. The stock tech tree would have to be so bad as to actually endanger my well being for me to try that again.
  5. Sure it will. You can EVA on Kerbin so long as you're landed, which you are if you're on the launchpad.
  6. You CAN disable "Kerbal Experience" and then everbody's essentially level 5. I think in everything, so Jeb can change tires and Bob is actually useful, and they can all open their chutes even on the first mission. It's a bit more than you want but other than installing a chute mod, I don't know any other way.
  7. Yeah that's totally normal. You're going about the same speed and direction as the Mun. Then you get close enough to it to be within its SOI, and the game figures out your new velocity relative to the Mun which is very slow. Then you fall and die.
  8. When I was a kid, I could tell if a TV was on in the room I was in even with no sound and no screen. Nobody believed me until we did blind tests of it. I was like 9 or so.
  9. They do. That's why they're happy with what they have.
  10. Delta: Change. V: Velocity. Delta-V: Change in velocity. Literally, that's it. If your craft was sitting alone in space going 0m/s, and you burned all your fuel, you'd now be going a certain velocity. That velocity is (well, was before you burned all your fuel) your Delta V.
  11. Did they change that in the past year? Last time I looked at it, you could only set up wifi as metered, which is actually exactly the opposite of what I wanted. My wired connection is "wired" to my cell phone, while when I'm on Wifi I'm on an unlimited cable plan.
  12. Really the only way Squad could improve the tech tree would be to make it more easily editable. They already made it editable, but I looked into it and frankly I'd rather just use the stock tech tree than try to make my own. If there was a tech tree editor that was basically the Mission Creator but for the tech tree, we'd have about 100x more tech trees than (the 2 or 3) we have today.
  13. The problem is, Microsoft gets FAR more support calls (and thus has to pay far more support personnel) from idiots who have security problems because they never updated, then they will EVER get from people who know what they're doing and want control over when and how updates are performed. They won't change because we cost them far less money than all the people who only use their computers for The Facebooks and The Twitters. However there is a solution: Install a firewall and block outbound connections to all Microsoft servers except at those times you want the updates. It's a pain but it works. You can also disable the Windows Service but in my experience Windows helpfully re-enables it. And no, once you're here there's nothing you can do. Though I think if you say "wait 90 minutes" or whatever, in 90 minutes you'll get the chance to wait another 90 minutes. But when you miss one of those because you're sleeping or whatever, your computer will reboot and there is nothing you can do about it. All the fixes for the problem have to do with stopping Windows from updating in the first place.
  14. In KSP every planet and moon (and the Sun) rotate such that their North Pole faces exactly the same direction. I guess you could make them rotate backwards by using negative numbers for their rotation periods (though I find it odd I've never seen this in a planet pack so it makes me think either it doesn't work or I've just not happened to see it) but then the South Pole would point that exact way. There is no way to tilt a planet like how Earth is tilted, or more dramatically how Uranus is tilted on its side.
  15. Pfft. Why does falling wake you up but being inside a truck doing flips doesn't? And regarding Age of (Vo)Ultron they raised the land up to then accelerate it back down. In theory if you had enough energy to impart on the landmass that would work. Of course if you had that much energy you could just not bother with the whole lifting the land part.
  16. A different take on this (because I can't think of anything in-game) but when All Y'All not only compiled but actually WORKED I was not just proud. I was a bit shocked and amazed.
  17. Actually the big winners of a mythical "KSP 2.0" would probably be console players. You'd have to buy it again but it'd probably be built from the ground up to work on console. ...which likely means the interface would be total garbage on PC. Unless they went the No Man's Sky route and made a hybrid interface that was garbage on BOTH.
  18. Reflect on how in just a few short years you won't even get a summer vacation.
  19. I hate to suggest it but Hyperedit. You can go right from the launch pad to landed on the moon. It's like teleporting. It's essentially cheating but if you literally only want the fact that your ship is on the moon by all means it's the easiest way.
  20. Flying higher and reaching orbit are two totally different things. If you lived in England and I asked you if you've ever been to Paris and you said "I must have, I've gone as far as Canada!" you'd be making about the same comparison. Getting into Orbit means you're going around a planet (or moon but they're the same as far as this goes). You can get into orbit without ever going to Mun, and to get to Mun (reliably and easily) you need to get into orbit first. Getting to Mun isn't a goal. It's a skill. You need to learn this skill to play the game. Same thing with getting to orbit. You're not beating a final boss. You're acquiring knowledge. Ignore Mun for now. You've figured out how to get to space (it's 70km off the surface, when the music starts playing). Now you need to learn how to get into orbit. Once you can do that reliably you need to learn how to transfer to Mun from that orbit, then how to get into orbit of Mun, then how to land. Then, you need to learn how to get back into orbit of Mun, then transfer back to Kerbin, survive re-entry, and land. Each of these steps will take time and gain you knowledge. If it sounds daunting that's because it is. But it's also likely to be one of if not the most rewarding experiences of your life.
  21. As far as the rules to this forum go, anywhere else on the Internet except this website. Of course other sites may or may not let you.
  22. You forgot that you could make a science car and get asteroid-specific science from each building in the KSC. Don't bump them too hard though! Actually that may be fun enough to try.
  23. I don't know how to delete anything but imgur images still work. Though albums don't. Here's some random ship I made 4 years ago.
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