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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Oh jeez don't get Hollywood any more ideas of ways to fix everything with nukes.
  2. I'm stealing that large one I couldn't find one the correct size in the 10 seconds I spent looking. ... Aw man now it's too big. I found one that's close enough. Whew. I can sleep now.
  3. Totally unrelated. If you take your imgur page and click the image to make it big, then right click it and "Copy image location", and then paste that here you get a nice picture so we can see it without having to go to imgur.
  4. That advice hasn't been viable for over 3 years. You should also not go straight up to 10km and then crank it 45 degrees.
  5. I looked up circles on an extended ASCII table and put 5 of them for my forum title.
  6. I'm not saying the habitable portion of Earth is fine. That *is* our tiny portion of it.
  7. That's Navhud. It also added all those lines. I'm not sure how configurable that info is. I've never changed it.
  8. Holy cow would you believe I have never, ever noticed that button? I have worked out all manor of ways to achieve what I want (usually involving detaching the side part, attaching it inline, putting the radial thing on it, and then reattaching the main part back to the side of the ship) and have never figured out how or why the game sometimes chooses to radialy attach across the part or the ship. Now I know it's because I hit F by accident. Where's that "mind blown" gif?
  9. The Earth is doing just fine. We've only messed up the tiny portion of it we require to survive.
  10. True story, I installed Steam because they were giving away Portal 2 for free and I figured why not. Now I have over 100 games on Steam. Portal 2 is exactly what Portal needed and I think you'll really like it. One of those games, Rimworld, I am STILL playing to the near exclusion of all other entertainment, a month after starting it up again upon the 0.19 nee 1.0 release.
  11. I know how you feel. I get a similar feeling when people seem to want help but are really just complaining.
  12. I am not aware of any update of KSP ever that just flat out broke a save. The closest I can recall is 1.0 which totally changed the atmosphere so all your ships stopped working correctly. But the saves still loaded. Updates of course continually cause MODDED saves to not load, but that's basically expected. And not just in KSP.
  13. Yes, but all I can say is I've never seen the problem and I've done this as recently as 1.4.3. I'm basically just adding a data point. I have no idea why our experiences are different.
  14. This is my personal experience. I have no insights into the code and have access to the same release notes/version history as you. It's hard coded (or at least not part of the biome map). From what I can tell, the game determines your biome by checking these 3 things, in order, and stopping as soon as one is found: Is your craft touching a special building that we've defined as a biome? Is your craft in a special area that we've defined as a biome? Use the biome map. Like I said no clue. I doubt it, because I've never seen it and you haven't either. I have no opinion on the Wiki because I don't edit it, and feel that unless someone is willing to edit it they can't really complain. Something like 90+ percent of players have never left Kerbin. Squad knows this and has said it publicly. I suspect a good portion of those players have never left the immediate area of the KSC. This is for them. I am unaware of any centimeter-wide biomes though. The building ones are of 0 width, and are a binary "are you touching the building or not" thing. The other area-specific biomes are much larger than a centimeter. Note: I don't really agree that it's necessary, and only collect it myself when doing challenges like the Caveman challenge, because let's face it it's easier than going to Minmus without patched conics.
  15. That's exactly what I did in 1.4.3 about a month or so ago to get a ridiculous amount of science driving around R&D. Almost every building has its own biome in the fully leveled-up R&D. Note, I don't think ANY lowest-tier buildings have it, you have to upgrade at least once.
  16. For small ships, I found the Making History structural tubes to be WONDERFUL landing gear. Just slap one around the engine on the bottom of your lander. Never tried it with the larger ones (ships or tubes) but I suspect they may work there as well. Though you never know. The Square Cube law can be finicky.
  17. Part 14, in which our penultimate mission hits Laythe a bit too quickly, is up.
  18. I can think of 2 easy ways to fix this: Alt-F12 "Create A Kerbal" (I don't actually know the rest of the steps offhand but they should be obvious) Or do it the way I used to change people's names back before the devs loved us and gave us the option in alt-f12: Hire a female pilot. Or an engineer or a scientist. Exit to the main menu. Edit your save to change their gender and anything else you want. Load the save back up. This is not a feminist agenda. You hired all the dudes and the ladies are all that's left. The same could easily happen with careers and you wouldn't think Squad is pushing some Engineerist agenda down your throat.
  19. I am not sure what you are asking but I think it's "Were more new mini-biomes added in recent versions?" If so, then "Yes" is the correct answer.
  20. Grammar describes how people talk. It doesn't tell them how to talk. When one person violates the grammar rules they're doing it wrong. When many people do, the rules change. And saying "he" when someone could be female is almost intentionally confusing, while (s)he and he/she looks dumb.
  21. Upgrade R&D and drive around to each building with your science car. It's crazy. Soon we won't even need to leave the peninsula to unlock the whole tech tree.
  22. I don't even know why this thread is here, but I refer to animals as "he" "she" "little guy" or whatever I feel like. I don't use "it" even for insects or spiders while crushing them. I frequently apologize to a spider before crushing its life out. So I guess by your definition I treat them well.
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