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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Never tried the tutorial, but I use the +/- orbit buttons on the maneuver node (right click it first) to get the orange markers close, then prograde/retrograde and dragging the node to get them exact.
  2. I signed the EULA and Squad came and stole my kidneys.
  3. Just today, in fact.
  4. Terribly and boringly. Here's the craft files from my most recent game. The most creative I got was to name ships that satisfy the "docking" contract to be called "dokker" instead of "docker." And "Prover" as a portmanteau of Probe and Rover. Wow I'm so creative. Orbit 1.craft Orbit 2.craft Mun 2.craft Mun 3.craft Rescue 1.craft Satellite 1.craft SuperMun.craft Mun Lander 1.craft Satellite 2.craft Dokker 1.craft Dokker 2.craft Dokker 3.craft Minmus 1.craft Minmus 2.craft Minmus Station 1.craft Minmus Science Lander.craft Minmus Relay.craft Duna Flyby.craft Duna Flyby - Ike Orbit.craft Minmus Ore Scanner.craft Minmus 4-Bagger.craft Ike Relay Sat.craft Ike Prover.craft Ike 2_0.craft Tourist Trap 1.craft Minmus Lander 2_0.craft Minmus Lander 2_1.craft Parachute Coupler.craft Ike Dokker.craft Ike 3_0.craft
  5. Very few people are making and playing Missions. The Vostok capsules are great, but they're about all I use on a regular basis for the parts.
  6. I can't speak to if it's crazy or not However, it's not that hard if you don't mind modding your game and rolling up your sleeves for some light config editing.
  7. Yeah something simple like :delta: would work perfectly.
  8. I just copy and paste it from the web whenever I need it, which is rare enough that I'd have to look up that code every time anyway.
  9. If you can load a save and have the ships explode then that right there is a great bug report.
  10. That's what I'm saying, though.That doesn't work. If you eject from Kerbin when you're tilted, relative to Kerbin, the same way Eve's tilted to the Sun, then you'll be just about as bad off as you were ejecting equatorially. I can't get into the math because I don't know it, but try ejecting from Mun to Minmus tilted to match Minmus' orbit's tilt. You can easily see all the players in this case, and see that your resultant orbit around Kerbin will not actually match Minmus'.
  11. ...except it doesn't tie in with any other mode, like Career.
  12. Transfer Planner will tell you what angle to eject from Kerbin, but won't show you. You can't just "align your orbit with Eve" though in LKO, because Kerbin and Eve are moving in relation to the Sun and ... well it's complicated but it just doesn't work.
  13. Yeah I do remember that and yeah, I kind of agree with him. It's a cool idea and if it was some kind of plugin scenario or something that'd be really great, but no way would I want it to be slapped into career mode as "the way to play."
  14. I suggest Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aforum.kerbalspaceprogram.com+seti
  15. Don't even need a mod. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cubic_Octagonal_Strut
  16. The single best part of KSP is the sheer number of moments you have to look forward to just like that one. Things like pinpoint landings, transfer windows, gravity assists... just to name a few.
  17. If all you want to do is replicate old rockets, I'd say find some mods that add the parts. Unless you're a stock purist then yes, that's your only option
  18. I've had this happen, but haven't had time to do the due diligence enough to recreate it in stock and report it. I've seen 2 flavors of it: The ships just explode, and the ships teleport to a random tracking station on the surface of Kerbin (maybe the one they were talking to when they passed the SOI) and then explode. In both cases, F9 to restore the last quicksave is all that's needed to fix it. So, it doesn't seem all that reproducible.
  19. I favor the idea of a story mode. Preferably along with a framework for others to create stories. I have no idea what the original story mode was so don't know if it was rubbish or not. Was it that thing that tied a lot of the easter eggs together?
  20. Did you target something? You must target something first, like Tylo or Laythe or something. The stock game doesn't show you your an/dn relative to the plane of the universe/planet equator, but only relative to something else orbiting the same body.
  21. You may want to watch Rogue One. Or read the opening crawl to A New Hope
  22. The stuff at the top is SUPPOSED to look like that. I don't think it's right either, but that's the way it is. It doesn't need a proof reader, it needs a redesign. The contracts themselves could in places be more (and in some cases less) clear, precise, and specific so they're easier to understand. In particular the "Materials Bay" should really be referred to by it's actual name of "Science, Jr." and when you're looking at waypoints in flight they should tell you what the contract wants of them (Take a bla bla bla reading bla bla bla meters above or below x thousand meters") instead of just an icon that nobody remembers and the least useful piece of information out of the contract: The name of the company that gave it. I like your idea of giving contracts to go places you've not gone. I frequently take survey contracts on the off chance that I've not been to that biome yet. And I'm often disappointed that I have.
  23. I can't continue the discussion. You either don't understand me, don't agree with me, or are trolling. I can't explain myself better to get you to understand, won't convince you with any other points if you don't agree, and won't bother if you're trolling.
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