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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. The flaw is that it makes YOU (not YOU you, but the YOU in the thought experiment) more important than anybody else in history, even while it says you're not more important. From what I can tell, the hypothesis makes 3 assumptions*: There are a finite number of humans in all of history: Fine. Not guaranteed because who knows what smart people will think up in 15 billion years but whatever. They probably won't even be "Human" then. If you pick a set of random people from that entire pool, then half of them will roughly be before the midpoint of all humans and half will be after it, and on average one of them will be halfway between the first and last person in history: Fine. That's statistics and probability and even makes common sense. YOU are eligible to be pick for this: Not fine. You specifically picked yourself. You may as well have picked Socrates. Or Jean Luc Picard. Or Hari Seldon**. Picking a specific person is not picking a person at random. Picking ANYBODY ALIVE TODAY is not picking a random person. Picking anybody AT ALL when you know who they are and didn't pick randomly from the pool of everybody alive in all of time and space is NOT random. Until the last human is alive and somehow has a huge list of all humans who had lived prior, it is impossible to make such a pick because the list literally does not exist until then. But even when it does exist, picking a specific person for any reason other than the random number generator spat out their name is NOT picking at random. *It makes a lot more than 3 assumptions. For example, it assumes that a doomsday scenario is all that can end humanity. But it makes 3 that together make it invalid in my mind. **He lives several dozen thousand years from now in Asimov's future history. He was the biggest name I could think of that lived as far in the future that I could think of off the top of my head.
  2. I'm not big on watching random YouTube videos so I'll just assume it's some nutjob saying certain natural disasters haven't happened recently so won't happen at all or something like that. I'm not saying there's not a problem. I'm saying the hypothesis has a flaw. There's better statistical evidence that we're living inside a simulation.
  3. By not all dying, we've proven that anybody who had this thought any time in the past 10,000 years or so would have been wrong. So if the hypothesis has been wrong for 10,000 years, statistically it's pretty unlikely to be correct now. And the longer we go without it happening, the less likely it will be to be true. I just saved Humanity for all time.
  4. Spies Like Us Avengers: Infinity War Hunger Games 2001: A Space Odyssey I can't delete this quote *grrr*
  5. Another option is to rebuild the craft in the VAB with the proper antenna, put it on the launch pad without a launcher or anything else extra, alt-f12 to "set orbit" to "rendezvous" with the bad probe, then delete the bad probe in the tracking station.
  6. The 5 craft in "The Jool Mix-Up" were created not just in Sandbox mode, but in 1.3 before 1.4 even came out. They worked fine, though I think all 5 of them I also edited later from within Making History. I just copied the craft from the sandbox game's VAB to the VAB folder in \missions\ (not in \saves\missions\ ) and they showed up just fine.
  7. I suggest the "Approach" section of my "Rendezvous, Approach, and Docking" tutorial though you may also need the "Docking" part.
  8. Hit F5 before you launch, then holding F9 will revert to it.
  9. You can also set Trajectories to "Body Fixed Mode" that will show the trajectory your ship will take relative to the surface of the planet. Makes for some pretty (and pretty confusing) lines sometimes but accurately shows you where you'll be. I use it all the time to do "get a temperature reading over this spot on the Mun" contracts.
  10. I installed this because I don't care about shrouds on my Terriers if it means I can have that awesome half-Terrier engine that fills a super needed gap in engines. I have not seen a shroud on any Terrier, newly built or already in orbit.
  11. THIS. If SAS is on, a reaction wheel on the far side of your station will try to orient your command part, but it's so far away it causes the station to bend instead. When your pod swings from being "too far left" to "too far right" (for example, could be any direction) that same reaction wheel will start going mad the other way, causing a feedback loop that can shake a station apart. And if you have 8 such reaction wheels, well then things go bad 8 times faster.
  12. Please tell me you grabbed the science. I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights wondering if I grabbed the science before jumping out of a fuelless lifter.
  13. Doesn't bother me, but most every texture the game's ever had hasn't. I care more that the rockets work than look good.
  14. I can relate to your problems, though it was pretty rare that someone would complain or insult my play. I have a lot more fun now that I'm just playing to play, than I did back when I was playing for YouTube. This is untrue. I just hacked a simple pair of satellites into Eeloo orbit, and the one with just the simplest antenna talked to Kerbin just fine through the relay. If you like/don't mind mods, I highly recommend AntennaHelper. It tells you, in the VAB, exactly what you can expect from your antennas. And in map mode, it tells you exactly what you have.
  15. I know this one. You don't bury survivors. I'm sorry, but the question is specifically stated to avoid you understanding the parameters. Yes. Yes.
  16. As was said, not much. Though the naming each command pod is nice. Too bad the name of the pod isn't written on the side.
  17. Put me in there too. I wrote most of a novel back in 2005 or so where the space ships had the ability to teleport (I handwaved something about folding space) any distance, but thrust was limited to chemical engines not unlike what we have today. So getting to Alpha Centauri was easy, but getting around once there involved jumping around near gas giants to change your velocity, only using the precious fuel when near your target's velocity. And because I'm a huge nerd I made sure it actually followed orbital mechanics.
  18. Aha. I never found those readouts useful so have never really looked in that tab.
  19. I think if you click them in the Astronaut Complex it tells you what ship they're on or if they're EVA. Then find them or their ship in the Tracking Station. I'm on mobile so I can't check to make sure.
  20. How do you target arbitrary worlds with KER?
  21. What if instead of the plane itself, the treadmill was configured to keep the passengers on the plane stationary by moving the plane back and forth around them? What happens when two passengers walk in opposite directions? If you can have a magical treadmill of impossible so can I.
  22. At this point you should report the bug (with save file) and alt-f12 complete the contract (which will give you the rewards).
  23. You need a trajectory that leaves Kerbin without encountering Mun or Minmus along the way. But you still need to be in Kerbin's SOI. Test the part and burn back down. No need to actually leave Kerbin's SOI. Or even low Kerbin orbit.
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