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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Haha! I didn't even notice that. I think we have Swype + inattentiveness to blame for that one. Also I noticed later that a lot of KSP play is testing things over and over for hours so it may seem similar to QA work, but in regular play you also get explosions.
  2. I deorbit but don't recover my debris. I almost never have a probe on it, I just make sure it's on a destructive (or system-exiting) trajectory when I decouple it. If money mattered more than it does I'd care more, but I'd also play (even) less because I want to fly spaceships not balance ledgers.
  3. He's right, you know I've never done QA, but I have worked for decades with the QA department in my company and it can be frustrating but rewarding work. I know people who have happily worked in our QA lab for years.
  4. QA work is not "playing the game." It's ruining through proscribed tests, sometimes over and over, for hours. And these tests likely won't be "land on Mun." They'll be "check all mk3 parts attached in all combinations to make sure they are aerodynamic." And you'll have a long checklist. And if you're really good at that you may graduate up to being the one who makes those lists.
  5. My favorite thing is how you pay tax where you work, but can't vote there if you live elsewhere. We literally fought a war over that.
  6. No, they use the name. They also use the name for MEASUREMENT itself for length. How meta is that?
  7. Well analyzed! I'm willing to assume you could perform that last burn, as it's not the hard part of the challenge. Welcome to the top (and only slot) on the leaderboard!
  8. Minmus' tilt is not in line with its orbit. It's in line with Kerbin's axial tilt. So ejecting to Minmus from Kerbin will cause you to arrive at Minmus with a tilt relative to Minmus' equator.
  9. Regular warp puts your ship on rails (like ships that you're not controlling) which allows for very fast warping. Physics warp allows you to still control the ship, so is limited to 4 times warp.
  10. Unnecessarily and expensively But in any case, that is immaterial here. The purpose of the challenge isn't to be elegant, it's to find a way to do something difficult yet simple to define. (Also, matching planes with Minmus first is totally allowed in this challenge. And it won't get you an equatorial orbit)
  11. I find that people tend to define "elegant" as "the way I like to do it." I personally find it inelegant to do an unnecessary and expensive (relatively) plane change, and I also find it inelegant to time warp to the correct time on the ground to launch into the proper orbit. Maybe if the game had tools to tell me when that time was, it'd be a little more elegant.
  12. Nope. For years now I just transfer to the next An/Dn point and burn higher than Minmus' orbit so I meet it on the way out or the way back.
  13. I just fill out the forms and get money. I don't care enough to try to save $10 in interest or $30 in fees. And yes, I tend to do it all on the very last day even though there is literally no reason to. If it wasn't for the last minute, I'd never get ANYTHING done.
  14. And then 3 months later they'll ping me because I've not replied because I'm not checking the thread.
  15. Very likely someone in the art department decided it looked better.
  16. I was able to get two maneuvers set up with a 3.6 degree final Minmus inclination, starting at a 60 degree Kerbin orbit. That took quite a while and a lot of fiddling. I was never able to execute that maneuver, though, with anything resembling enough accuracy. I don't think I got anything close to even 15 degrees. So my conclusion is: Don't. It's stupid-hard and there is zero benefit to it over just fixing your inclination once there (or, as I suggested earlier, going Zen and not caring anymore). One thing I did determine, though, was that your lowest inclination was when you Pe was matched with the target equatoral orbit. At least, with my "approach from near polar" strategy.
  17. After trying this for a good half hour or so, I conclude that wow it's hard. I was able to get two maneuvers set up with a 3.6 degree final Minmus inclination, starting at a 60 degree Kerbin orbit. That took quite a while and a lot of fiddling. I was never able to execute that maneuver, though, with anything resembling enough accuracy in the time I'd allowed (under 100km orbit) to get anywhere NEAR that. Frequently, I couldn't even get my encounter set up before getting over 100km. I don't think I got anything close to even 15 degrees even allowing for burning above 100km. One thing I did determine, though, was that your lowest inclination was when you Pe was matched with the target equatoral orbit. At least, with my "approach from near polar" strategy. As this thread hasn't gotten any replies from interested parties and it really does seem ridiculously difficult to the point that I sure don't want to try it anymore, I'm going to close it unless someone replies within the next few days with a submission.
  18. Any time in any TV show or movie that something that should not be illuminated is illuminated, as if it's only being illuminated so you as the viewer can see it better... it's so you as the viewer can see it better. Asking why it's lit is like asking why there's music in the scene.
  19. A thread in Gameplay Questions got me thinking that it'd be fun to see who can actually do this the best. I am by no means sure of the best strategy though I've thought of a couple. The Equatorial Minmus Challenge The Goal Transfer to Minmus from LKO in such a way that you enter Minmus' orbit as equatorially as possible. The Setup Use Alt-F12 to put a craft into equatoral Minmus orbit, so you can check your score. Launch or Alt-F12 your actual ship into LKO, less than 100km orbit. Your Kerbin Orbiter can be in any orbit of Kerbin (tilted from 0 to 90, retrograde, eccentric), so long as the ap is under 100km. The Rules You may do 2 "burns" once in LKO (Defined as an orbit with less than 100km Ap): One to eject from LKO, and one to slow down at Minmus. The LKO burn can actually be any number of burns (so you can tweak it to be exact) but needs to be represented by a single maneuver node. NO BURNING ONCE YOUR SHIP IS OVER 100KM. The Minmus burn must be in Minmus' SOI, at Pe, and may only be retrograde. The Proof 2 images: One of your maneuver node from LKO to Minmus, and another in orbit of Minmus showing your An/Dn variance. The Score The score is simple: Your An/Dn variance, either from the game or from KER, between your craft and the one you hacked into Minmus orbit. Lowest score wins. Unless someone points out how a mod could help you, I'm willing to allow ALL MODS for this. Even MechJeb. As this is more of a planning than an execution challenge. The Duration This challenge is open indefinitely, but will close if someone gets 0.00 inclination as nobody can do better than that. The Leaderboard 0.12943 - @Pand5461 (Reported by Kerbal Engineer Redux) 2.36 - @OHara (Reported by Precise Maneuver)
  20. Not Michael Jackson's Beat It, but my own version about trying to get a peanut salesman at a hockey game to leave you alone. Beat it! Beat it! No one wants to eat a peanut! No one likes hockey, except for the fights. It doesn't matter, who's wrong or right.
  21. How about the fact that aliens arrive from distant stars, have presumably a lot of (and at least 9) plans for getting people to listen to them, and "raise the dead to scare everybody" is in the top 10.
  22. Will it still be possible (and likely) to exit a Mission in such a way as to not be able to continue the game because everything in the Space Center is locked? And will reverting the second launch in the first Mission (and I assume all Missions) cause you to have to replay the first launch?
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