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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Would this editor be as easy to use and as bug free as the mission editor? Because of so, no thanks.
  2. Don't use auto struts, or don't strut to root. Though I've never had trouble with them.
  3. Whenever the ship state changes, all autostruts recalculate. So for example "heaviest part" will strut to - say - an asteroid when you grab one. "Root Part" on both vessels that dock together will go to whichever part the game makes the root. "Grandparent" will sometimes reverse direction if the direction to the root part changes. If the ship state doesn't change, though, the struts will not change. So as you empty fuel tanks, "heaviest part" struts will not re-strut to new parts. Until you stage.
  4. Yes and after getting used to it and expecting it, I think you'll like it. It allows for quite rapid assembly of complex craft.
  5. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not talking about it because after the fifth really obvious bug I shut the game down in disgust and haven't loaded it since. No the pre made missions in Making History.
  6. You have to put on the panels in two groups of 4. Note I'm on mobile so didn't watch the video.
  7. I like it. Simple rules and interesting challenges to solve. I'm in. Plus, anything to get me interested in 1.4 and M.H. as 1.4 and M.H. sure didn't do it. I'll be using mods and M.H. parts. I'm cool if that disqualifies me or something as I do challenges for my own enjoyment, but if it doesn't disqualify me, so much the better
  8. After rotating with Q you could translate the pod with snap on. It should snap to 0,0 just by clicking one of the arrows. At least, it should if the root part works the same as child parts do. I use this method to center radial parts on top of a rocket all the time.
  9. The Experiment Storage Unit is what I referred to as the "Science Container." Think of it as a shortcut to taking your Kerbal out and grabbing all the science reports. You right click it and "collect all data" and then bam, all data is in the container. You can do this any number of times and get all the data for your mission in that one container. The two most common ways of integrating it on a ship are: Put it on top of a Mk1 pod where you'd normally put the parachute, and then put the parachute on top of it. Put it (and all of your science stuff except the Jr.) in the Service Bay that you get around the same time.
  10. You mean "Scientist" here. Scientists reset experiments, and specifically only the Science Jr and Mystery Goo experiments. The rest don't need reset, you can use them over and over. Any Kerbal on EVA can take an experiment out of it's container, though, and store them in a pod. Also, there's the science container that can automatcally pull all experiments into itself without the need to go EVA. You don't ever need to do multiple EVA's in any given situation/biome combination. However yes, while orbiting you can hop out over and over and get additional EVA reports in new biomes. Goos also add up, but yes if the choice is between bringing a scientist and bringing an extra goo container, then yes the extra goo is more cost and weight effective. The best way to figure it out is to get into a nice cicular orbit, create a maneuver node to burn up to touch Mun's orbit, and then drag that maneuver node around until you get an encounter. Keep dragging it around until that encounter has a low Pe around Mun, and you've just planned a Hohmann Transfer. Note this requires a single level-up of both the tracking station and mission control if you're in career mode. They're well worth the cost though. Frequently the first two buildings I upgrade. Sorry about that I had a brainurism and thought you were talking about going to Mun, but Hohmann transfers are to go from one planet to another, or between moons of a planet. That's a more difficult thing and requires more than a one-off paragraph
  11. I was wondering when you were going to stop slacking off and take on a few more projects.
  12. I downloaded the demo the day I learned the game existed. Landed on Mun the next day (or maybe the day after that, it was a long time ago) and bought the game immediately upon returning to Kerbin. Then I joined the forum. That was all back in early July 2013. I bought the DLC the moment I saw it was available, and have no qualms about it though I'd prefer it be a bit more playable.
  13. I am considering this challenge to be for all versions, so if you want to upgrade (and it won't affect your save, I've not paid that much attention to that side of things) I won't mind.
  14. I always forget that one because I cheat use a mod to transfer it directly to the pod
  15. Two things: 1) Close the doors. You can do this without losing the science inside. This does not need an EVA'd Kerbal. This makes it a bit smoother and fits behind that heat shield. It's still dodgy though. 2) Take the science from it and store it in the pod. This does need an EVA'd Kerbal. Then you don't care about the device and it can explode all it wants.
  16. You have 2 options: They track who you are in some way so they know if you've okayed the box or not, or they ask you every time. If you deny them the ability to do the first (by logging in or allowing cookies), they'll do the 2nd. Note I'm leaving off the 3rd option of "just don't bug us with the popup at all" because someone thought it was a good enough idea to do in the first place, I doubt they'll be changing that any time soon.
  17. I never expected to load others' missions into my career, but I'd have liked to create my own missions to follow in career. In other words, use the Mission Builder to plan out a complex mission like a Jool-5 or Grand Tour.
  18. Here let me fix that for you. I gotta say I'm pretty much bummed about this whole debacle, enough to step away for a while. I haven't really been playing KSP much and I was hoping that some new content that'd been polished for over a year would be just the thing to draw me back in. This pack has done just the opposite.
  19. Or not even have struts and have your stuff float under the fairing. The trusses look nice but aren't necessary to launch stuff.
  20. I'm more curious about what keeps it going. It's not like we have multi-decade hurricanes here on Earth.
  21. I seriously, seriously doubt you'll get a reply at all, and if you do get one it will be from a lawyer and will be at least as obscure as the current EULA. Why? Because the EULA has nothing to do with them evilly stealing all your precious bodily fluids personal information, and everything to do with protecting their rights against people who may do financial harm to them. That is more important to them than not scaring you, as they feel that they have more to lose from people infringing their copyrights than not funding further development due to the EULA, and I suspect they are correct. While fair, you are setting yourself up for a lonely video gaming life. Similar to Take 2, you have a choice to make: Is preserving and protecting what you find personally important worth more to you than playing a game? If so, don't play the game. If not, let that important thing go.
  22. I think you mean 0.625m parts. Ironically, the change you are lamenting was to make it work BETTER with the 1.25m parts. That change was to discourage the default clipping that took place when placing multiples of the part on top of each other, or on top of other 1.25m parts. For 0.625m parts, use the translation tool to squeeze them together.
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