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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I was bored one day and remembered this guy who was trying to walk to the Far Lands in Minecraft. I wondered if he was still doing it, so I searched for him on YouTube. Not only was he still going, but he had started playing this game about running a space program. 4.5 years later, he's still going to the Far Lands and I'm still playing KSP.
  2. Actually since it's Minmus, lose the entire rover. It won't work there and you'll just become sad and frustrated. Why it won't work is because it's super light and won't get any traction. Assuming you can get any speed on it, you'll need several km to slow down.
  3. Someone has to make the craft but Contract Configurator has the ability to spawn them randomly as part of contracts. I don't know for a fact, but I think it can even spawn them without you taking the contracts or even having the contracts be about the things spawned, so in theory you could do it covertly without the player being aware of how you pulled it off (other than requiring they use CC of course )
  4. Short enough that I don't pay attention, but I don't go for mods with tons of assets. It was a couple minutes last time I used mods like Kerbinside etc, but that was multiple versions ago.
  5. Unsure why you felt the need to spoiler that, but no that's not how it went. The astronomer was giving the numbers to the President of the US, who is a good ole boy and don't like no numbers and just wants it all plain-like. So the astronomer responded, if I recall, "It's the size of Texas, sir."
  6. Space operas never get old. And space operas have more to do with the (in)accuracy of science than politics. Calling Dune a space opera isn't to disparage it, but to explain why for it the dodgy science isn't as important as it is for Gravity.
  7. Nice trailer. I like the casting for Lando. Looking forward to seeing it... Just like I was before the trailer hit
  8. In the movie they also gave the dimensions in numbers. They were comparable to Texas.
  9. Well if you just go by the observational evidence... (Note I've never observed the console ports directly and am going by others' reports alone) (Also note it was a joke)
  10. Mine too, but imo if I don't hit the spacebar I didn't launch. There's enough science on the runway and launchpad to unlock the first propulsion node. Then it's just a stack of tanks and the engine (reliant or swivel, I forget which it is) to a pretty simple orbit.
  11. That's like asking what's the best car. Are you racing, or hauling logs? Or are you a soccer mom? Same with a rocket, though maybe not so extreme (no soccer games in orbit... yet). In general, though, I like to have 2 stages to orbit, each with about 1700 m/s dV. Or, each with 1500 and boosters for the extra 400 or so off the pad.
  12. I wish you could name each command pod in the VAB and have the names be on the sides. And then the ship name would be the name of the controlling module.
  13. Ask me in 5 years. Right now, KSP does about 1000 more things that Flyout Alpha, so I'll take that.
  14. A meta-peeve, I hate it when people say "what would you rather have, good science or a good movie?" as if you can't have both. The Core could not have been made using realistic science in any way shape or form. Armageddon could have, though, with a massive rewrite into basically a totally different movie. And Gravity just needed a few changes in the logistics without any real change in the plot to work. That nobody bothered in any of those cases (and yes, I'm blaming the people who didn't bother to decide to not make The Core) is sad, to me.
  15. You'll be better off in space with a more space-worthy engine than the Skipper, especially for just going to Mun that's a lot of mass. I'd try a couple Terriers or Thuds. You won't get the TWR but you're in space, low TWR isn't a big deal. Then becasue they're lighter, not only will your rocket go farther but the lifter will go farther as well, meaning you can either bring more, have a better margin for error, or just do more while you're out there.
  16. I've only ever used it for biomes and anomalies. And ore, if that counts. I've used it for waypoints but prefer the Waypoint Manager mod for that. I also find it clunky. I'd prefer the display overlaid over the planet itself, than in its own window.
  17. I really liked it. Far from perfect but far better than most movie SF out there.
  18. Not quite. You can break any number so long as you know you're breaking them, have extremely good reasons for breaking them, and at least acknowledge to the consumer of your fiction that you are breaking them because very smart people discovered or invented ways around what are our current mistaken views of physics, in this fictional universe. FTL drives work because we don't currently know something that someone smart figures out in the future: Good Science Fiction. A space ship built by a world with no resources can visit 3 planets around a black hole and do a slingshot maneuver because gravity and stuff: Bad Science Fiction. ---- Okay, here's my big peeve with Science Fiction. Interstellar does it but as far as I know nobody's mentioned it because SO MANY SHOWS AND MOVIES do it: "Earth is doomed. We can't live there. Let's build a perfectly sealed environment in space, solving hundreds of engineering challenges in all fields, to save a couple hundred people instead of building much simpler - but still perfectly sealed environments on the ground and save thousands, millions, or even billions of people." If you can build a massive self-contained-yet-thriving space station, you can build a massive self-contained city on the surface of Earth. And it will be bigger, easier to maintain, and easier to protect.
  19. Not wanting to go to other planets in Caveman mode is why I made the Caveman Evolved challenge. I see all the pieces and understand how they work, but there's no way I'd ever want to do it myself
  20. One quick trick to note: If a thing requires staging, you can still use that thing in normal flight by staging it. Just, when you're in the correct position (be it splashed down, orbiting at the correct altitude, or even flying Xm/s at Y,000 meters off the ground in atmosphere) you can drag the part out of the "staged" bucket at the bottom of the list on the left, up to the "next stage," creating a new stage with that already used part in it. Then stage again (sometimes you have to hit spacebar twice). This even works on SRBs and decouplers that can't actually do anything when staged a 2nd time.
  21. I wonder if people on the Orbiter forums gave HarvesteR this much guff for posting there about KSP.
  22. Raw impressions as I watch: Wow they copied KSP's translation widget exactly. Their procedural part controls work like I wished Procedural Part mods controls worked in KSP. Planes are cool and all but where are the rockets? Okay I'm skipping forward to the rocket. I must have missed it, I'll skip back for the rocket. Hmm. There must be less than 30 seconds of rocket. Okay I'm bored skipping around. All in all a decent looking game, but it looked more like "not so simple planes" than "the ksp you've always wanted."
  23. One thing not mentioned is that we do not want to risk contaminating any ecosystems we don't yet know about. I can't imagine how we'd feel 100 years from now when we discover that Galileo had - after we abandoned it - crashed into Europa and some microscopic germs spread across the surface obliterating the life that was once there.
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