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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. And the day they announce they're doing this in KSP, I'll care. not much, mind, but more than I care now which is zero. I won't care much because it won't affect me. I'll either move on to a better game with less BS in it, stick with the version I have right now which is pretty great and has a license that allows me to keep using it even if they screw up future versions, or use the new version that has BS in it and just not buy the stuff. Most likely I'll try all 3 and stick with whatever works best for me personally.
  2. When the 16th comes around I would like it if people would continue to share their experiences, good and bad, in this thread. I've a couple nephews and a niece whom I'm hoping to trick into geekdom entice into the awesome world of KSP.
  3. They were also 8 bit and if they sucked, which many of them did, you were stuck with only that 87% review score from PC Gamer to console you.
  4. Sure if they sell the songs for $.99 each *ducks and runs*
  5. Of course they should not happen. Car accidents should not happen. I shouldn't drop buttered bread on the kitchen floor, or kick that table leg when I'm not wearing shoes. Stuff that "should not happen" happens all the time. It's part of life.
  6. Hey, it worked for "Classic" Coke.
  7. Actually I remember chuckling at least twice when it looked like they were going to go down an Episode 5 path and then veered off to the side.
  8. It's stock, and came out in 1.2 I think so it should be on the console release.
  9. Thanks for all you've done for the KSP community. I hope to benefit from you skills in a future game! EDIT: I liked your post, but I didn't like your post. You deserve the kudos though!
  10. If you set the other ship as a target, you should get encounter markers. One will tell where YOUR ship will be, the other will tell you where the OTHER ship will be. Place a maneuver node just after the marker that says where your ship will be, and drag it prograde. The marker telling you where the other ship will be will move. Set up that maneuver so that the two markers are very close. Do that burn, and then you'll have a close encounter. When you get to that close encounter, set your navball to "target" mode, and burn retrograde until you're going 0 m/s. You should be fairly close to and moving in the same direction as your target vessel.
  11. 99 Kerbals stranded on Mun 99 Kerbals on Mun... Send a ship to save them all 100 Kerbals stranded on Mun!
  12. As to the Acronym, how about... Munlike, Infinitesimal, Non-Minty Umbilical to Space ?
  13. Nope! Er. Yep. Whatever. How about @Li0n? A name I picked at random because it has a profile picture.
  14. On PC - and I strongly suspect on consoles too - you can hit time warp for a second and kill rotation. It's a bit cheaty but hey, so is sending your ship into a crazy spin for no reason, so in this case I'd consider it cheating back at the game.
  15. If you don't mind modding your mods, you can also change the mass limit in the configs. It's been a long time so I don't remember the specifics but it shouldn't be hard to find. Of course you could consider that "cheating" but think of all the time you'll save not wrangling ladders onto the sides of your craft and Kerbals onto those ladders.
  16. This thread is at least as entertaining as the movie was, and I expect some day will be as long. And it was free! In my mind miticloreans (I refuse to look up the spelling) are not "Force units" but instead an organism attracted to people with the Force. The more Force powerful, the more they want to ride along. The Jedi just used them as a test, like taking someone's temperature. I have 0 issues with Rey being some super Force user. I'd have preferred she train a little bit, though.
  17. There's a button art the bottom of the VAB that has the info. Looks like a gear if I recall correctly.
  18. From what I recall, HarvesteR specifically ruled out WAIT based mechanics, not TIME based mechanics. Things can take time, just not make you wait. (Like you do for the lab, science transmission, mining and converting ore...)
  19. Random thought: Maybe this kind of thing would only work while jumping to lightspeed (as opposed to actually being at lightspeed, whatever that is), which is apparently similar in ways to hyperspace in other fiction. So the damage done was not necessarily collision damage, but damage from being so near the tear in spacetime. Or, the ship wasn't actually going THAT fast (relative to light) when it hit because it was accelerating. So, ships smaller than cruisers would not be effective, and cruisers are expensive. Also, FTL engines may be a lot more difficult to run than just "slap it on an asteroid" so that may not even be an option. Plus, the odds of navigating an asteroid field are 3,720 to 1 so you'd lose a lot of ships going to get just one asteroid.
  20. He served his plot point and everybody hated him so much they were afraid to include him in another scene long enough to write him out of the story.
  21. I don't hate porgs, but I don't really find them all that endearing. They seem like more emotive tribbles. And that "oh look it's cute and looking at Chewie and all scared" moment to me seemed more like "Chewie's eating that thing's parents."
  22. As far as I can tell, a person has somewhere between 0 and infinity Force-Units. Most people have 0 or a very low number so as to effectively be 0, a small number of people (Anakin and Rey for sure) have way over the average, and all the Jedi and Sith we've seen have somewhere in between those extremes. I take most of this from the Midichlorian discussion with Anakin. Whatever they are, they show some sort of affinity to the Force, and the way Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon talked, Anakin was soaking in it compared to them. From what I can tell (and based on the actual original trilogy and Luke's story), amount of force power and whether or not you are dark or light have nothing directly to do with each other.
  23. \your-ksp-directory\ksp.log \your-ksp-directory\ksp_x64_data\output_log.txt They have different information, so give them both.
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