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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. As you orbit the prograde (and retrograde, and both radials) marker changes, because you're going around and a around in circles. The normal vectors, though, stay the same. If you align your docking ports on your station so they are facing in one of the two normal directions (the purple triangles) then you can align your ship to the other normal direction, and be sure you're facing the correct way. Though I prefer using one of the several mods that help you align docking ports:
  2. Yes, but you were nuts to start playing anyway so full speed ahead! I think you should go to Duna first. It is a bit easier of a target. Change your "Conic Patch Limit" in settings. I think the maximum is 6 which is probably enough. You can also go into your settings.cfg file in the root of your ksp folder and set it to any number. I personally prefer 8. I can't see it but ouch xenon. I'd go for chemical rockets or NERVs to start. They have burn times in the minutes, not hours. As far as mods are concerned, I think the three most important ones are: 1) Kerbal Alarm Clock - Because you're going to be time warping enough to want to go get some coffee or a sandwich. 2) Transfer Window Planner - Learn about porkchop plots, or for your fist time just take whatever it gives you and trust it. Don't worry about the numbers too much just warp to when it tells you and set up a maneuver node to burn to the planet of your choice. 3) Some Maneuver Node Editor: So you can change your burn by fractions of a m/s, not by tugs on pull handles. Traditionally I've used PreciseNode but many prefer Precise Maneuver. Lately I've enjoyed Maneuver Node Evolved. The trick is, get your ejection maneuver node to just tell you you got an encounter, or barring that just get the encounter markers for your ship and the planet to be as close as you can. Then do that burn, warp out of the Kerbin system, and in Sun orbit set up another maneuver and tweak it until you get a periapsis really close to the planet. For Eve, I'd go 150km, maybe 200. For Duna, I'd do 100km. Then do that burn, and warp to the planet. Then at periapsis, burn retrograde until you're in orbit.
  3. I don't know but it was probably something to get into orbit, it was probably 10x bigger than you need to get into orbit, and it probably failed to get into orbit assuming it even made it into the air.
  4. I don't know all those mods, but you obviously have mods that modify the tanks themselves based on two (!) "Jettison Shroud" options on the tanks. I suspect something is loading after GPO that is removing all modules and replacing them with that mod's modules. But I don't know for sure. If you browse through the ksp.log and ksp_x64_data\output-log.txt you may be able to figure out what mod is erasing it. Or, you could make a modulemanager config that loads GPO's modules to all fuel tanks that don't have them, as a FINAL thing.
  5. You can also go into the settings.cfg file (in the root ksp directory, one up from GameData) and find "CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = " there. Put any number you want. I think ridiculously high numbers will cause lag, but I personally use 8 and never noticed anything.
  6. Frist Psot! KSP MOD BINGO B I N G O Contract Configurator Take Command Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Waypoint Manager Visual Enhancements (Any) Realism Overhaul Blizzy's Toolbar Real Solar System Extraplanetary Launchpads Precise Node / Maneuver Kerbal Attachment / Inventory System Docking Port Alignment Indicator FREE SPACE (ModuleManager) Strategia RCS Build Aid Kerbal Engineer Transfer Window Planner MechJeb Kerbal Alarm Clock Procedural Anything Distant Object Enhancement Life Support (Any) Editor Extensions Anything ending in -atterer Better Burn Time Use this card any time anybody asks any question about anybody's opinions on mods in general.
  7. I'm exactly the opposite. The goofy parts perfectly offset the seriousness of the actual gameplay. I don't really care when I'm designing a rocket that the text says it was found on the side of the road, so long as it works as if it was machined to perfection in a high tech factory. If anything, the added smile when I come across a new one or one I've not noticed in a while is *better* than sterile descriptions pulled from a tech manual. (Though I do like actual information on part descriptions. "A vaguely wing-shaped board" could be replaced with something actually describing the part a bit)
  8. Yeah but you'd have to start your career with $100,000,000 extra.
  9. I can't get the Law and Order theme out of my head. And I probably haven't seen an episode in 5+ years.
  10. I don't know what it'd be like to start a space program without Jeb, but I'm personally leaning toward what @regex suggested. With the ability to allow the game to pick randomly for me. Then have a pool of 6 men and 6 women, for variety.
  11. Any chance this could be set to respect the stock priority levels of tanks instead? That way, I could land a small drilling station with a small ore container, a small converter with a large ore container and a small fuel container, and then a large fuel container. When I hook them ships set up like above as it is, everyhing stops because the ore stays in the driller until it's full and stops drilling, and if I manually move it the fuel stays in the converter until it's full and stops converting. If it checked tank priority levels, I could modify how the resources flow after landing and with more options and control.
  12. Because danny2536. As for me, I've encountered things I called Krakens many times over the years, including the actual Kraken once. I've not seen hide nor hair (Does the Kraken have hair?) in over a year, though. I have a lot of mods but most don't add parts or change physics, and none add crazy parts or physics changes.
  13. I chose my words poorly. Imagine a cube around Kerbin, a D6. The 1 is over the North pole, and the 6 is over the South pole the other 4 sides don't matter, they're just all 4 over the equator. Your 6 satellites will be in elliptical orbits that each touch the center of a face of that cube.
  14. The easy way is to just launch a bunch of satellites so you'll have coverage most of the time. I tend to do it this way. I launch 4 into equatorial orbits and then make their orbits elliptical out to before they'd get interfered with by Mun, in a + shape so there's one going "north", one going "south" etc. With elliptical orbits they spend most of their time far out and roughly in the same place. Then I launch two more in polar orbits and do the same thing, only one going over the North pole and one going over the South pole. The harder way is to launch all 4 (or 3, or 6, or whatever you want) at the same time in one ship. Get that ship at your desired altitude for the Apoapsis, but with a Periapsis so that its orbit is 3/4 (or 5/6, or 2/3, or whatever for how many satellites you want) the period of the orbit you'll eventually want your satellites at. Then at that apoapsis, detatch a satellite and burn it so its orbit is ciruclar. Then go one orbit of the delivery ship, and you'll be at a position to detatch the 2nd satellite (because the 1st will have only gone around 3/4 of an orbit, or 5/6, or 2/3, or whatever). Repeat until you're out of satellites. Note that due to inaccuracies your satellites will wander and you'll need to fix them on occasion or you'll get blackouts even with the 2nd method. THat's actually the main reason I use the 1st method. If I'm going to have blackouts anyway, I may as well do the least work to set it up.
  15. You'll have to write the contracts yourself but Contract Configurator has all the tools you'll need, including the randomness.
  16. Yes I thought it was reported. And confirmed just 2 days ago. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/16087
  17. I don't have time to check right now but I'm almost sure this is a reported bug. It sounds really REALLY familiar.
  18. First off, I don't use Sepratrons. I don't actually remember the last time I used them. In those rare instances that aerodynamics doesn't do the job for me of keeping the dropped boosters heading away, I help it along with the smallest fins available twisted slightly outward. To align them perfectly vertically with each other, I use the Move Tool (Hit '2' to activate it) with Snap turned ON, and align them vertically which is very easy with snap ON. If this makes them sink into the ship, I just turn snap OFF and pull them out a bit, because doing so will retain vertical alignment. The same technique should work fine for your sepratrons. Incidentally, to rotate those fins I use the rotate tool (Hit '3' to activate it). Editor Extensions is a great mod, but I almost never see the need to install it anymore.
  19. I am 99% sure they removed that after the first version that Limited Control was available, because it was reported as a bug. I'm not that last 1% sure because I can't be bothered to load the game to test something I'm 99% sure of. I am 100% sure that there exist versions of the game for which this is true, because when I read about it I was happy and tested it to make sure it worked as advertised. If it doesn't work that way now, then I'm gong to fill out another bug report
  20. While what Vanamonde suggests will perform a search, I find Google to be a far better system. Search for this on Google: site:forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com constellation names Or whatever
  21. Pick a number. Take Two would like to sell more than it. But anyway, what I failed to say was pick any expansion for any game, and the majority of players of that game probably don't know about it. Heck, take most any game and the majority of the people who own it probably haven't played it or even installed it. Those who are likely to buy the DLC probably know about it, or will hear about it when it comes out. Those who aren't likely to buy it don't matter, to Squad or Take Two.
  22. You could install HyperEdit and put it in orbit of Duna (without ever going to it to control it). I *think* it wouldn't explode when loading it then. What you'd do with it at that point, I'm not sure. Maybe decouple, reland (again with Hyperedit, or with VesselMover which makes it a bit easier to pinpoint land) and then install SimpleLogistics, so you can share resources without docking the parts together.
  23. I suspect a disproportionately large portion of the people represented by that graph do.
  24. When I start a new career, I have a goal. May be to land everywhere. May be to make a base everywhere. May be to complete the tech tree. Except in that last case, I either don't actually complete the tree or when I do complete the tree I'm not at my goal so I continue toward it. In the last case, of course, I stop playing because I achieved my goal
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