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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I also didn't like Better Than Wolves for the same reason. Didn't know about the Ringworm mod.
  2. This is the main reason I always questioned the "Better" in the mod's name. Different? Sure.
  3. @Geschosskopf while I understand the idea and the concept, I have never, ever had this happen to me in the game. I frequently use a time warp mod that I wrote that gives me 100x more warp than the stock maximum and haven't seen it with that, either. As a test, I started a new sandbox save, put a little ship (capsule, T100 fuel tank, terrier) on the launch pad, and then used the stock orbit tool to put it into orbit of Vall (no real reason, I just wanted a moon of Jool) at the default orbit. I then thrust a bit so it wasn't on some weird "cheat-set" orbit. The orbit it ended on was 386750 Pe x 1755456 Ap. I then went back to the space center and cranked time warp up to max. 100,000x. I alt-tabbed away and let the game run for a bit. When I came back, the ship had been out in space for 1 year and 342 days (Kerbal time). The orbit was 386750 Pe x 1755456 Ap. It had not changed by a single meter on either side. It would likely help your argument if you provided recreation steps for a way to - while wholly on rails and not intersecting an SOI changes - have a ship's orbit change like you say happens.
  4. Two things I can think of: 1) Take someone who has all the xp you want, and copy his "where you been" stuff to everybody else. 2) Load everybody into a ship, and cheat it into orbit around several planets and moons until they are how many stars you need.
  5. It's in the persistent file, but not as a number. It's a list of all the things the Kerbal has done.
  6. Yeah KSP would destroy a phone. Though I bet they could make a ship constructor that allowed you to build a ship and export it somehow to your VAB.
  7. So they sent him here to be with the other dummies? Sure I can buy that. Though I'd like to think the very first visitor to a new world would not be someone's snot-nosed kid brother that they're trying to keep entertained while they're doing the actual interesting stuff a couple light years away.
  8. I bet a mod is trying to communicate over the network. Close KSP during loading and then check out the recent log files in your KSP folder.
  9. I had a bit of a surprise today as I zoomed out in map mode in LKO, controlling "Minmus Flyby 1". Minmus wasn't there. Oops. Forgot I installed a planet package that moved it away I guess I'll be landing on Mun for more science after all.
  10. So long as the ship that collects the asteroids leaves Kerbin with the mother ship, sure. But it seems easier to just get fuel from Pol or Bop
  11. You are presuming that KSP is not struggling to survive. Note: I'm not presuming it IS struggling. I'm just not willing to presume it's NOT.
  12. I apologize. I saw "double click" and remembered the rest incorrectly. The setting I'm talking about is "Double Click Mouse Look" which - when enabled - basically makes PreciseNode impossible to use.
  13. I 2nd RCS Build Aid, which doesn't sound like it'll do what you want, but it does. The visual representation of torque on the screen is much easier for me to relate to than a number.
  14. You're going to have to take them off and put them back on without symmetry. There used to be a mod called strip symmetry, but I never used it.
  15. 3 possibilities: Kerbals are filtered out. Make sure the Kerbal icon at the top of the tracking station screen is lit up. Click it to make sure. He's in the ship. The game may have loaded the last save, before he EVA'd. He was eaten by the Kraken. Go to the astronaut complex and see what his status is.
  16. [1.4] Kerbal Space Program Reprogrammed - Updated 1/17 By linuxgurugamer, January 17 in Kerbal Network
  17. Yeah it's been a while but doesn't KER's Atmospheric thing in the VAB allow you to set a height? Maybe you're not at 0 but are instead at 10km or something weird.
  18. Engines have two TWRs. Well, a low point and a high point. In atmosphere, they have lower TWR than in space. The Terrier, in particular, has terrible atmo TWR. It makes up for this by being GREAT in space. In KER, it says you're viewing Atmospheric TWR but considering you're using 2 Terriers, I think it's wrong. I don't know why. The fix is to not use Terriers until you're about 10km up or so. I'd replace those with BACCs or something like that.
  19. The Empire State Building is dead! They haven't added a floor to it in like 90 years! The Mona Lisa is dead!* No new paint in centuries! The Bible is dead! And who exactly is this God person anyway?** What do those 3 things (that aren't dead) have in common in relation to Kerbal Space Program? They're MORE dead (yet still not dead) than it is. What they are is not DEAD. They're FINISHED. And Kerbal Space Program isn't even FINISHED yet. It's just mostly finished.*** *Okay technically she is. **H2G2 reference FTW. I say it here so people don't think I'm being anti-god or something. *** 2 H2G2 references in the same post! If I do one more**** I wonder what will happen! ****OMG this is just like the explanation of Ford's real name, where there was a footnote within the footnote explaining what his name meant.
  20. I like your plan so much I may try it myself. You're basically doing a periapsis kick and stage at the same time. A++ would transfer again.
  21. Naaw, because that's variable. I bet though that the stuff in the tanks has a different name than "liquid fuel"
  22. Yeah I don't see anything particularly wrong. Is it a 3 star contract? They can be quite picky. I'd right click my engine and set the thrust to 1% and get my periapsis and apoapsis exact.
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