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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Forgetting comms on a probe is mine. Or only putting one solar panel on a probe because surely this time I'll remember to keep it aimed at the Sun and then... well you know the rest.
  2. This does not do what I asked for. This does the same trick that doesn't work very well in RSS. It just tilts the whole system so everybody has the exact same tilt.
  3. I put wheels on my modules. I used to decouple and delete them, but now I leave them on. They're the same number of parts as legs and if I want to move the base later it's far easier on wheels.
  4. Thanks, I didn't actually know that Principa did that, though on reflection it makes sense. Though I'm one of those toy players so yeah, I was hoping for a mod that only added axial tilt.
  5. Correct, but you could still play the backed-up non-drm version. Please point me to this mod. I've wanted individual planetary alignments for years.
  6. It exists for all DRM-free games, including KSP. All you need to do is find your Steam KSP folder, mine is c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\, into another folder. I copy mine to d:\ksp_* where * is something semi-descriptive. I have the following folders in my d: drive: KSP_105 ksp_20161129 ksp_actualstock ksp_contracts ksp_current ksp_current_121_bad ksp_future ksp_galileo KSP_nh ksp_stockish ksp_stockish_old I'll leave it to the reader to figure out what each one is.
  7. "I can't tell you what's coming in KSP 1.7, but I can say it rhymes with 'schmicro-vransactions'."
  8. (Also you would probably get more replies with a more descriptive subject line. I almost didn't bother loading the thread myself.)
  9. I'd need more info about the surrounding stars to know. It's probably not a constellation if it's smaller than Lyra.
  10. How small is it? Full moon sized? Is it off of Orion's shoulder with a big red star nearby? Because then it's the Pleadies. If it's a little bigger and near a huge cross, that sounds more like Lyra.
  11. No, that time was X years ago, where X is the number of years you've been playing the game.
  12. Make a car, name it "PUT ASTEROID HERE", and park it where you want the asteroid. Rename the asteroid "MOVE ME" In the persistence file, swap the location variables of the car and the asteroid. Be prepared* to have some explosions and have to edit the asteroid's height variable up a bit Note: Some will call this "cheating" but you live on a planet where you can get 100% of your craft value back for free by recovering it. Pretend those kind souls also collected that rock for you. *i.e., make backups, before during and after.
  13. NoO I doOn't think their eyes are loOpsided at all.
  14. While a picture is worth a thousand words, I do not believe the opposite to be true in this case. (I "spoiler"ed the quote so it wouldn't take up even more space [snip]
  15. Specifically, parts inherit the mode and number of the symmetry of any part they happen to touch as you drag them around the screen. It sounds like you have them in mirror mode, or a part on your ship is in mirror mode and your part is touching it as you drag it to where you want to put it, or the part you are putting the part on is in that mode.
  16. I have no idea for what, but I'm'a gonna use this on something, some day.
  17. Hit the "Build Mode" button, putting you in VAB-mode, which is exactly like the VAB only centered on your base, with no limits except the parts you have in stock or on site. Edit your base/station/ship/whatever as if it's in the VAB. Available parts (in storage boxes) would be in the familiar side part menu. Nearby vessels could be in a sub-assembly like menu. Click the "Done" button. I'd also like it if Extraplanetary Launchpads had this interface. Or in fact it would almost not be needed in that case, except for the "turning-ore-into-parts" part.
  18. I'd much rather have a VAB like interface but only using the parts you have in stock, or only dragging parts around that are already there. I love what KAS/KIS allow, but I really don't enjoy using them. The same could be said for IR, with an added need for all the (not IR's fault) bugs fixed first. So, no.
  19. You are almost assured to get the flyby of any world while doing the landing, unless you come I'm from interplanetary on a collision course.
  20. So really you want a single stage to Tylo's surface and back, or a SSTTSAB, and not a single stage to Kerbin orbit, which can then stage as much as needed to do the rest of the mission, or a ship that can, without staging, reach orbit around Tylo from Tylo's surface..
  21. Well when it comes to Jool, petty much the whole system is unstable. Throwing a moonlet around Tylo won't make it more stable, but won't really make it much less.
  22. No guilty needed for Flash Gordon. It's one of the few movies that I loved as a kid, and still think is great today. Dark Crystal, too. As far as guilty pleasures, the two that come to mind are Bring It On and Legally Blonde. Both are far better than they deserve to be, and both have sequels that we're far worse than I thought they'd be. I also really liked 13 Going On 30 but only saw it once, years and years ago.
  23. If you have ground stations turned on (the default), you can save even more by not launching relay satellites at all. The two main reasons for launching keostationary satellites is for consistency (they've always in the same place over Kerbin) and to copy what humans do. Both are valid rp reasons but neither are particularly important to succeed at the game.
  24. I just want to confirm, are you talking about burning STRAIGHT UP to Mun, or doing a gravity turn to go sideways, but not stop burning until your Ap is at Mun's orbit? If you are going STRAIGHT UP, then no. It's cheaper (sometimes a LOT cheaper) to get into orbit first and then burn to Mun. Why? Because every SECOND you burn straight up, you WASTE almost 10 m/s of dV in fuel, fighting gravity. If you are burning sideways, you waste NONE of that fuel. The ONLY reason you start burning straight up is because you need to get out of the thick atmosphere before turning sideways. If you are burning sideways, and nail your Mun encounter perfectly from launch (possible, but not likely, at least not on the first try) then yes, it is a teensy tiny bit cheaper to just keep burning. However, you can EASILY waste more fuel fixing the inevitable incorrect encounter, than you would have by getting a nice LKO first and benefiting from the extra time you spent creating a maneuver node.
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