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Posts posted by Oddible

  1. Cannot launch the app with the Core module installed. I've gotten down to Step 3, and launched after each step to verify - all worked until I installed the Core Mod - at the end of loading the game crashes. What now?

    EDIT: I isolated the problem down to /GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures

    When I add this folder I can no longer launch the game (which is weird because it is all PNGs and they seem to be the same size as the ones already in the folder).

  2. Losing control at high speeds is due to more accurate aerodynamics.

    Once again, this is at VERY VERY SLOW SPEEDS 50-150, right off the launch pad with very low TWR (1.25-1.5).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Taking the fins off your lateral boosters might help. RV-8 steerable fins are also very helpful if you've unlocked them.

    I have a sort of similar craft that flies quite nicely

    Yeah I have several like this from old saves as well. Weird I'm having so much trouble this time around. I tried to use SRBs on this ship first but the (significantly more expensive) T45 boosters gave me the necessary control, couldn't keep it upright with SRBs. And yes I'm using a Pilot Kerbal :) (Jeb or VALENTINA!).

    So you're not bringing your Science Jr back with you eh? Just broadcasting it and discarding it?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Only one of those decouplers (on each side) is actually involved in holding the side tanks to the ship. Unless you're using struts that we can't see to hold them on.

    Thanks, years, literaly years of failed ship building thinking I was getting stability out of more decouplers!

  3. I... don't think decouplers work like that. o.o

    Funny, I've been using them like that for years... what do you mean?

    - - - Updated - - -

    KSP: teaching entire generations about why arrows, darts, and rockets all have fins on their back ends!

    Seriously, though, unless you have a huge rocket or insane gimbal range, you're gonna need fins to keep from flipping out of control every time you point slightly off prograde.

    You just read the first message in the thread and didn't look at the pretty picture did ya.

  4. I wish that was the answer but sadly it is not. I am a fin maniac. I start tipping over at very slow speeds right off the launch pad. I've been playing KSP for years and this is literally the first time I'm about to give up because I just cannot seem to understand what's going on.


    EDIT: Well with this current rocket I replaces the two LV-T30s I had on the boosters with LV-T45s (same as the center rocket) and the gimbals gave me the control I needed.

  5. Having a lot of trouble getting things up to orbit this time around (after many years of doing this). Everything seems to start toppling over pretty early after launch and then I lose control and can't keep it upright. Am I not using a high enough TWR so I'm not going fast enough? What is the difference in 1.0 that is making all my rockets tip over?

  6. @TEX_NL that's pretty much what I've been doing but I've noticed some things that have negative impacts when I do that. For instance, it doesn't take into account vertical speed and I find that without attentiveness to keeping a constant vertical speed it impacts my efficiency getting to orbit.

    @GoSlash27 interesting, will have to look at adding acceleration as a factor.

    @Deutherius I'm looking at improving the efficiency of gravity turns.

    Currently I've been using something similar to @TEX_NLs 3 benchmark method but am adding both Time to Apo and Vertical Speed to my eyeballin'. I keep my vertical speed constant while increasing my horizontal speed (not sure of a speet spot for vertical speed yet, may vary per craft). Like was mentioned above I try to keep my Time to Apo under a minute at least until the end.

  7. Help! I've been using Proc Fairings forever, just came back to the game... now my fairings don't appear in the staging list, and there is no option to jettison in the right click menu. How to I get these fairings off my ship!?! I'm not talking about a stage decoupler, I'm talking about splitting the fairing in half to reveal what is inside. No idea how to do that anymore if it doesn't show up in staging.

    EDIT: Apparently this is a Procedural Fairings bug. I just went back to the ship in the VAB removed and re-added the fairing sides and it re-appeared in the stage list... well that is one satellite launch failure noted... need to check that PF is doing what it is supposed to before I launch.

  8. I'm not sure if such a thing exists, or if it is wildly different for different craft with different TWR/ISP/etc. but I'm wondering if there is some sort of rule of thumb that I can follow. For instance, I know that I get more bang for my dV pushing my peri at my apo and pushing my apo at my peri. During liftoff, can I use my 'time to apoapsis' as a guide?

    Just wondering if there is something that I can do to be more efficient about my gravity turns without breaking out the graph paper and setting a bunch of explicit targets.

  9. I have two survey missions which require me to take a crew report in the vicinity of two different named locations on Kerbin. How do I know where these are? The two are Sheldred's Lament and EF7DK0. I googled but no idea how to find these places. These are good paying missions but if I can't find them then they're just going to take up space in my mission queue.

  10. I get the concept of root. In prior versions it was always the first control unit (Pod, OKTO, etc) you put down. I also get the concept of being able to change the root, I would expect that you could click a button to change the root, then click the part you want to be the new root. However, the new button in the VAB asks you to click TWO parts!? Why two? The first part will be the root, ok I got that, but what is the second part I'm clicking and why?

  11. The craft that landed had all of the science parts safely attached after landing. I did not transmit the data. The landed craft included both my OKTO and my pod. After testing, it was the Control From Here that made the science not automatically get picked up after landing (2 control units on the landed craft and changing control after collecting the experiments). Perhaps I could have gotten out and picked up the science manually out of the units.

  12. For some reason I'm getting a problem updating Kerbal Alarm Clock. I have and TinkerTime is showing the orange up arrow but it doesn't update. I'm using this url: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220289-kerbal-alarm-clock

    Additionally, when I use the Update Module Manager selection from the menu it shows I have 2.1.5 but that the latest version is 2.5.1 but it also doesn't update. EDIT: Actually the latest version is 2.1.5 not sure why TinkerTime is reporting that the latest version is 2.5.1. That isn't even the latest check-in.

  13. Need some help with FAR, just trying it for the first time. Are there good resources to help get a sense of what to look at and how to build to minimize issues? I got over my penchant for building rockets with giant bulbs on top rather quickly. Currently however I'm struggling with re-entry. Pods are coming in just fine but when I try to get anything more complex to the surface I'm running into a lot of stability issues. For instance, trying to land a pod with a science jr attached to it. It always flips over and goes pod first, tossing a chute from the top of the pod or even sides of the science jr rips my craft apart. How can I make my re-entry more stable with FAR?

  14. I just did a rescue mission with an empty 1 man command pod and an OKTO. While in orbit I ran some goo and science jr experiments. When I collected my kerbal I switched control to the command pod, landed, recovered, but got no science from the goo or science jr experiments. So I loaded up a save and switched control back to the OKTO, still no science. It seems that if you switch control, it loses any science that the former control unit had on board.

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