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Posts posted by zxczxczbfg

  1. It's "SSTO" (Single Stage To Orbit).

    1) Possible, but very hard. As in, VERY hard. It's more practical to just refuel on the way.

    2) Depends. A few screenshots or a .craft file would be nice.

    3) Replace your regular chemical rocket engine with an aerospike for better efficiency. Of course, if you want a total redesign you could just go with the RAPIER engine.

    4) No. Even if the seat weighs very little, Kerbals weigh a LOT when they're outside of a command pod. The extra weight of the Kerbal will unbalance your craft.

    5) Go for "fast and fuel-efficient". Maneuverability doesn't really matter much. As for weight, just consider what you're trying to do. Are you going for a heavy cargo lifter? A refueling tanker? A science platform?

    This post assumes you're talking about an SSTO spaceplane; SSTO rockets are generally simpler but also require a lot more fuel.

    EDIT: Ninja'd.

    EDIT AGAIN: I reread the original post. I think you've got a CoL (Center of Lift) problem, most likely that it's ahead of the center of mass. You want it to be slightly behind it.

  2. One quick request though. Would it be possible to make a jet-driven version of this? Or even a prop-driven version using Firespitter or somesuch?

    Really late edit: I'm going to try my hand at replacing the rocket engines with a single KAX radial engine. Wish me luck!

    Edit again: It worked! But ironically the inline engine looked a bit better.

  3. As the title of the thread would suggest (possibly), today I encountered my first solar (Kerbolar?) eclipse on Kerbin. I was testing a lifting body twin-engine high-altitude hypersonic research jet (hooray stock aerodynamics!) and the sun was just coming up over the horizon directly ahead of me. (Thankfully Kerbals are immune to sunlight and radiation, otherwise poor Jebby would've been blinded.) I didn't even notice the eclipse at first, and when I did I thought it was a graphical bug. Then I checked the map view, and noticed that the Mun and Kerbol were both perfectly aligned to deliver a beautiful eclipse to this part of Kerbin. Alas, I didn't get any screenshots, but still a very neat event!

    EDIT: Hooray for zero-eccentricity orbits causing monthly eclipses!

  4. The geometrical demonstration is coherent (mathematically), you take a circle with finite surface and puts 2 triangle inside like a star of david, then go 1 scale smaller, draw 6 circles inside, and repeat the process, you get infinite amount of information inside a finite surface.

    The idea for physics is that instead of looking for the smallest particle (accelerators) we should find the initial pattern of division of space, the thing that connect all things in the universe(s).

    The nature of infinite anything simply cannot be harnessed by any sort of device, because we don't have mathematics capable of designing devices to deal with it. Part of why perpetual motion is such a transparent sham; if your little device contains infinite energy, how the heck is it stored? To contain infinite triangles inside a circle, you'd need a printer with infinite resolution, and also a scanning device with infinite precision, and some kind of processor capable of handling infinite input. You'd also have to be cramming information into a very small space for an infinite amount of time, and entropy ensures that will never happen.

    To quote XKCD:


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