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Everything posted by Lothsahn

  1. As a mod developer, for my first 15m playing with 1.3, it's a massive improvement. It's fixed a number of bugs I've been running into on my mod. Wheel destruction throwing script errors, for one. Performance seems significantly improved as well (although there were some code submissions from a fellow dev that may have improved performance at the same time). I know you guys may not see a big difference, but from where I stand, it seems to have helped a lot. Now I gotta go back to trying to position packed vessels properly. Fun times!
  2. I've been playing with this quite a bit already and can probably help you. I'm trying to reliably set the position of a ship in my mod (LMP), and so understanding the various attributes of Vessel, OrbitDriver, orbit, and others have been key. Before you start, though, you must watch the following video until re-entry fx (approximately 24.5 minutes in). The second half of the video is how render and mapping works, which is less critical for your question and can be skipped: Also read and understand this page: http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/XYZ_system_of_KSP Once you understand both of those, send me a message on the forums or at Skype (same handle as the forums), and I can try to walk you through the logic. JeanLucJ, take a look at my previous post. I forgot to hit quote when I wrote that up--it was addressed to you.
  3. So I want to know how you actually drew the PQS stuff...

    1. godarklight


      https://github.com/godarklight/KSPPQSGrid I just cobbled something together in order to demonstrate KSP sillyness, don't be afraid to throw something together to investigate a problem

  4. Yeah, LMP is not ready for prime time. I've been poking at the code and making some parts a lot better, but there's some massive performance issues in the code, etc. All the work I've done so far may map to DMP (as it's just how to reliably set the position), so I'll try to port that over when I'm done. DMP doesn't have the lag issues that LMP has, and my first attempts to even find the slow code have been unsuccessful.
  5. Oh, yeah, I haven't even gotten to that. Trying to do reliable position updates first. But yes, I do expect to fix that.
  6. That's correct. Change your username and it should let you login. Use a username that nobody else will have used.
  7. With the new update of KSP, CompatibilityChecker.cs is throwing a stack overflow when running in debug mode. I'm using debug as Sarbian described here: (top 3 lines repeat over and over) UnityEngine.RectTransform:get_rect() TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI:ComputeMarginSize() TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI:OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() UnityEngine.RectTransform:get_rect() TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI:ComputeMarginSize() TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI:OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() UnityEngine.RectTransform:set_anchorMax(Vector2) PopupDialog:SpawnPopupDialog(Vector2, Vector2, MultiOptionDialog, Boolean, UISkinDef, Boolean, String) PopupDialog:SpawnPopupDialog(Vector2, Vector2, String, String, String, Boolean, UISkinDef, Boolean, String) LunaClient.Utilities.CompatibilityChecker:Start() (at C:/shared/kerbal space program/LunaMultiPlayer/Client/Utilities/CompatibilityChecker.cs:166) This is happening inside a compatibility checker by Majiir. Should I contact him to fix it? Is he around anymore? It's easily worked around by simply updating my program to contain the new version, so it doesn't spawn the popup anymore. This is the line that causes the problem: PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity), "Incompatible Mods Detected", message, "OK", true, HighLogic.UISkin); Code that's causing the error (although you shouldn't need it) https://github.com/DaggerES/LunaMultiPlayer/blob/master/Client/Utilities/CompatibilityChecker.cs
  8. Hopefully a simple noob question, but does anyone know where KSPUtil.PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive) went to? It causes KSPUtil warnings every time I start the mod I'd like to make go away...
  9. Resolved a number of the crashes, but quite a few still remain. Identified some core flaws in vehicle position updating which was causing some of the jerking issues present when interpolation isn't happening. Now we're working on resolving those and the other crashes. I know some people are chomping at the bit for a build, but this will take a little while to get critical details right. We could do an initial release with the code we have now, but really, it's not a fun experience. Just use DMP for now.
  10. After working on the code, I have SUPER respect for @godarklight . The problems he was dealing with are insane. LMP is getting better, but it is super super unstable. Dagger will likely be out for the next couple days or so, but I've been working on fixes here and there. There are still critical breaking bugs all over the place.
  11. Yeah--we're busy coding and setting up servers, so not much testing right now. I'll PM you my contact info.
  12. Quick update on LMP: To get this to work, Dagger rewrote the time warp system, because DMP's version was very very complicated. That rework had some design flaws and made playing the mod not fun/useful for any orbital maneuvers or rendezvous with other people. We talked about the time warp, and he's rewriting it to account for those scenarios and hopefully we'll have an alpha build "soon". I've been working on getting automated builds setup and my dedicated server online. Once I do that, I'll provide links from which you can download the client build and play on either Dagger's server or mine to do some early alpha testing. That'll allow us to continually build and run the latest version of the software as changes are made. Once we've got some testing and we feel the mod is in good shape, we'll publish both client and server builds for everyone. A big thanks to Dagger--he's doing the majority of the hard work. I'm just doing some minor work around the edges.
  13. Talked to Dagger. Going to setup a dedicated KSP server that we can all play on in a few days. We're working through some difficult problems and last minute bug fixes. Then I need to setup a dedicated server--either using Dagger's machine or mine. I want to try to get Linux builds working first, as that's the server I have the best access to. I'll keep everyone informed!
  14. Dagger, Would you mind if I setup a dedicated server and kept it up to date? That would allow people to use and test the mod around the world. I want to make sure you're OK with it before I go do it, since it is your mod. Lothsahn
  15. I'm at work around that time, so that makes it pretty hard. I just need people to play with on the LMP server to find bugs. That's it... no modding skills needed.
  16. Still looking for a couple testers. No programming experience needed--just some tolerance for instability and things going wrong--there will likely be lots of bugs! Need to be available from 10-11:30pm EST US weekdays.
  17. I was hoping to find someone else who could help with testing so I could find issues with them, fix minor issues, and report & leave the complicated ones to you. So I wasn't expecting you to be available in that timeframe. I'll Google about git--I'm sure plenty of instructions are readily available. -Lothsahn
  18. Dagger: Testing time sync, and seeing some weirdness: 1) When I come out of time warp (not physics warp), my ship appears to move me back in time to a point between when I started the time warp and where it completed. It really shouldn't move the ship at all when coming out of time warp. Time warp on a re-entry trajectory often puts me directly in atmo at low altitude, resulting in instant explosions... Is this because the planet state is rewinding to server time, and the planets are moving back in their orbit? 2) Physics warping at 4x for about 5 seconds works well until I stop warping. When that happens, the server time is +1h, and the sun jumps to a new position. 3) I don't understand the purpose of the sync button with regards to server time. If I time warp an hour in the future, and then I click sync, does it move me back 1h in the past? I'm confused because the server time doesn't update when I click sync. Also, if it moves me back in time, does it move me back to a previous point in my launch, or does it just rewind my current orbit? Overall, I don't understand the time sync as is--and explanation would be good so I can understand when I try to work on it. Overall, I found the DMP time warp to be very easy to understand, but I'm very confused by the "parallel universe" concept. I played on LunaMultiPlayer all evening and didn't find any problems aside from the 3 listed above. It seems to find problems, we really need multiple people in the game at the same time. I really need a volunteer who can be available from 10pm-11:30pm EST US on a few weekdays to help me multiplayer test. It generally won't be fun--lots of server up and down, lots of crashing. But if you're interested, PM me.
  19. Dagger: Still figuring out git--I've not used it much frequently. Found two things: 1) (Major) A lot of CPU cycles are burned in a busy loop in LidgrenServer.cs:RegisterWithMasterServer(). This is because there's no sleep in the while loop. I recommend adding the following on line 212: Thread.Sleep(100); It should go inside the while(ServerContext.ServerRunning) loop, but outside the if block checking the last registration time. This brings the server CPU down from 100% of one core to idle when nobody's connected. 2) (Minor) Since Client.csproj is checked in, I got a conflict from my post build edits and had to resolve them when I pulled your latest changes. Maybe we should somehow isolate the post build changes from the project changes that may occur, assuming that's easy to do. Perhaps we should take this discussion offline to another thread, or a private convo. I suspect we may start collaborating on the code.
  20. Overall some great improvements to the mod, dagger! So I managed to compile and run the mod with a friend and I. Few thoughts: 1) It's definitely a developer build. So take everything below with that in mind... 2) Interpolation is still not good, but massively better than before 3) We were able to undock a rocket payload (carried under fuselage) from a carrier plane and fly the rocket into space, and land the plane. Amazing. 4) Crashed. A lot. Frequently, especially when recovering ships--there appeared to be some sort of desync errors. 5) Timewarp did not work properly. Using it didn't warp as expected, and the sync button let me sync backwards in time. Looks like I've got some bug hunting to do.
  21. Dagger/godarklight: Do you have, or can you point me to a howto on how to compile DMP? The readme didn't have any compilation instructions. I'm trying to compile LunaMultiPlayer but I don't even know the commands. I was able to clone the repository, but now I'm stuck. I've got some Unity experience, but I don't even know what resources we need for KSP 1.2 or anything else. Thanks, Lothsahn
  22. So I actually just completed the mission by replacing the ramp air intakes with nose cones. It appears I also have more intakes than needed, which is just unnecessary drag, right? I never have a problem with overthrust, and I do use the 4 engines below. That specific version of the craft file had an issue where the 4 engines on the bottom both aren't linked to action groups and are incorrectly set to automatic mode. Questions: 1) What was your ascent profile? I'd love to remove engines--in a previous version, I had roughly 8 less engines, but I never could get to orbit in 1.1 so I added more engines. I usually climb at 25-30 degrees until 8km, 15 degrees until 12km, then level off at 10 degrees for the remainder of the climb. Should I be doing it differently? 2) Why is using less rapiers out of atmo more efficient? I thought faster burns would be more efficient for orbital maneuvers, as long as the engines have the same ISP. 3) Any other tuning thoughts? My official entry: Craft File Score: 18418 LF(.8)+13183 Ox(.18)=14734.4+2372.94=17,107.34
  23. Okay, so I've been trying to use my stock lifter SSTO (which I normally only use to get to LKO) to do this challenge. I find it interesting that its design is very similar to TaxiService, but it needs massively more engines and fuel--and even with my best attempts runs out of fuel de-orbiting. Granted, I'm not using nuclear engines, but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to tune it--or why it's so much less efficient than TaxiService. I'd rather not use Nukes, as I avoid Nuclear Engines and RTGs due to the massive nuclear protests on Kerbal... </roleplaying> Is that the main reason for the difference? Is avoiding nukes THAT big of a penalty? Do I have too little lift? Too many parts? Thoughts? I'm pretty sure I could remove the Minmus VTOL thrusters and finish the challenge, but I'd really like my stock taxi to manage without modifications. Craft File (Right click and Save As...)
  24. Godarklight- I know you're not playing kerbal a lot, but I wanted you to see this: Log]: [712.9723] DarkMultiPlayer: Threw in UpdateEvent, exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TimeWarp.SetRate'. at DarkMultiPlayer.Client.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This happens repeatedly in the debug log--over and over and over.
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