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  • About me
    I Am Broken
  • Location
    Waiting at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge
  • Interests
    I miss my beloved kitty.

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  1. Im not doing so well yall. I dont feel this is worthy of taking up a post in a thread but still wanted to put this out there. Im overwhelmed. Lately ive had a slew of things go wrong and its taking a toll. First my disposal went and broke. Then my car had a charging system issue so had to get a new battery then a new alternator. Then my camaro decided it wanted to nuke its battery. In fairness its battery was a 2019 battery, but still. Then tonight? Went to start my dishwasher and either i flubbed and missed a button (hey im human, im stressed, im wound up, it happens) or… i dont wanna consider or… and when i hit start it buzzed at me. Then i got it going by opening the door and that i guess reset it and this time i know i hit all the buttons right because its going on like a champ as i type. Guys i just want to know im going to be ok, that my stress and anxiety will quiet down. I just want…no…need a hug. Any words of encouragement and hugs would be nice. ;.;


    1. Spaceman.Spiff


      Hope things get better for you. Hang in there. :)

    2. AlamoVampire



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