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Redshift OTF

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Posts posted by Redshift OTF

  1. Thanks for the pics. Although I don't think you can solve the problem I think you can mostly mitigate it enough to still use RCS thrusters for thrust. I use the octagonal struts and attatch multiple single direction RCS thrusters to those and stack them together to make a thrust tail. If most of the ports are in line with the centre of mass then the turning effect will be minimal. On landers the tail could sit at the top of the craft. Not ideal or pretty but it could work.

  2. Here's a list of "physicsless" parts in KSP v0.23.5.


    People say "massless" and "physicsless" sort of interchangeably. That's because there's a flag in the part.cfg file that says "PhysicsSignificance = 1". So in-flight, any mass is ignored. Hence "massless."

    Ah interesting! Thank you. I notice it doesn't list the plane wheels/small gear bay there. People are always saying these are physicsless and to ignore it's effect on the COG icon in the SPH/VAB. Is this correct?

  3. I'm hoping to make an ultra light glider/plane and I have heard many people say that this object or that object is massless. Can I confirm for sure which objects the game considers having no mass? I believe it is:

    Cubic Octagonal Strut

    Octagonal Strut

    Small Gear Bay

    All Ladders

    Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack

    Strut Connectors

    That's all that I can think of. The Small Gear Bay I am interested in the most as I want to know whether I will receive any benefits from jettisoning them after take off. Also are the OX Stat single piece solar panels considered massless as they are so light? Am I confusing massless and physicsless objects?

    Thanks in advance. :D

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