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Redshift OTF

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Posts posted by Redshift OTF

  1. Cute little ship. Nice design, and the range is pretty impressive. I'll use it as a crew shuttle I think. I know you call it heavy cause of the range, but it seems funny to call that heavy sitting next to the 4a :P

    Thanks. Perhaps dense shuttle would be a more appropriate name. It is only 0.2 tons lighter than the 4a.

    Moar intake!Judging off my own you should be able for a refueless Minmus return trip.

    It's got 6 pairs of intakes already. :P I've just tested it and it does go to Minmus and back without much fuss.

    A modified version can be used to launch satellites in high orbit, (Just removed the shielded docking port).


  2. Time for one more SSTO?


    Introducing the Boson Heavy Shuttle SSTO space plane. Built for distance in mind, after re-fuelling in orbit, she is capable of return trips to Duna and one way trips to Laythe. She's probably capable of trips to Minmus without re-fuelling but I haven't tried that yet. :P

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    The Boson utilises Rapier and LV-N engines to get her where you need her. She has 2 FL-T800 tanks worth of fuel.


    Size comparison with one of my other SSTO's, the Bullet, and the stock Aeris 4A space plane.



    Part count = 135

    Starting Mass = 16.9 tons

    Starting Rapier TWR = 2.29

    Starting LV-N DeltaV = 3725 m/s

    Fully fuelled LV-N DeltaV = 4678 m/s

    Fully fuelled LV-N TWR = 0.34 (Kerbin gravity)

    Electrical charge = 465

    Operational notes:

    Hotkey 1 = Toggle Rapier jets

    Hotkey 2 =Toggle Rapier cycle mode

    Hotkey 3 = Toggle LV-N

    This shuttle is fairly heavy but has plenty of wing clipped into the body so she'll fly like a decent plane. Takes a bit of effort to get to altitude and the Rapier jet mode will give you an apoapsis of 40km but when you get that high and engage the closed cycle of the Rapiers then there is more than enough thrust to punch your way out of the atmosphere and plenty of fuel to do it as well. Features the normal range of luxuries like docking port, internal RCS, RTG, and a probe control ring fitted under the nose for remote piloting. Also note that both engines drain the side tanks first and then the central tank so you shouldn't need to move fuel around if you want to land her with the jet engines!

    Craft file

    Hope it's of use to someone. :cool:


  3. Thrust/Weight Ratio ratio? :P

    Good craft, what's its electricCharge capacity?

    Oops. Electric charge is 260.

    shuttlepod! submit it!

    needs a parchute though to be considered an emergency spacecraft too.

    Heh, I will. It has two parachutes inside!

    Would 2 little wings make it more efficient?

    Perhaps but I wanted to keep it pod like and there's enough clipped into the capsule as it is. I may return to this to make it into a space plane but it won't look pretty. :)

  4. Welcome to Pod.


    I was going to use this format to build the smallest SSTO plane ever but thought better of it and decided to make something a bit different. Pod is a jet and rocket powered SSTO VTOL capsule that can get Kerbals to orbit and dock with whatever station or mothership you have up there, get refuelled and return. Should be Laythe capable as well.

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    Pod contains a fuel tank clipped into the hull and includes such luxuries as landing lights, RTG, battery, internal RCS system, accessible RCS tank and a small control ring just below the docking port for remote piloting. It also contains 2 internal parachutes making landing on Kerbal and Laythe a more fuel efficient exercise.


    Part count = 40

    Starting Mass, (partially fuelled) = 4.1 tons

    Mass (fully fuelled) = 4.4 tons

    Starting Jet TWR = 5.54

    Starting Rocket DeltaV (partially fuelled) = 537 m/s

    Rocket DeltaV (fully fuelled) = 894 m/s

    Operational notes:

    Hotkey 1 = toggle Jet engine

    Hotkey 2 = toggle Rocket engines

    Hotkey 3 = toggle parachutes

    Due to the large TWR ratio of the Jet engine you should be able to reach an apoapsis of 100km with the jet engine alone. This means you only need small amounts of Rocket thrust to finish the orbit and rendezvous with an orbital station. To access the internal fuel tank for refuelling it is recommended to zoom in under the Jet engine and right click there. The probe control ring is between the docking port and RCS tank and can be a bit hard to right click on but it is there. I have locked the landing gear suspension as the compression was causing the Jet engine to hit the ground and explode. The landing with the parachutes seems slow enough to handle it though.

    Craft file

    I built Pod in the Space Plane Hanger, (easier to clip stuff in there), so you may need to save it in your SPH folder for it to work.


  5. You got a post from Exo! Welcome to the club of KSP Minniaturization Masters, Red.


    Ahem...permission to go "Full Kerbal" to celebrate?

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    Craft file.

    It flies pretty well although I wouldn't do any full pitching manoeuvres as it is quite wide and lack of tail means you can get yaw creep. Gets into space easily enough. :) Obviously each plane is a fully usable SSTO in it's own right.

    (I hope the album posts OK this time. :mad:)

  6. OK, I've looked at the Tiny Tot and yes it would be hard to beat this kind of arrangement for size although I think you must have built your plane a few versions before 0.23 as I don't think you had the advantage then of using the Rockomax 48-7S which offers more thrust with significant weight savings. I also managed to put a double sized fuel tank in the cockpit and clipped the Jet engine in further by using octagonal struts. I like how you did the wings though. I see we placed the ram intakes in very similar places as well. Putting them on the bottom is the only way to do it as they have quite a large hitbox around them and it either blocks eva or disrupts fuel to the engines if I put them any where else.

  7. Does 1 load of jetpack fuel to stabilize a jet-powered trip to Low Kerbal Orbit count as an SSTO?

    If so.... I have a 3.06-tonne plane that can get to Orbit in FAR as long as one instance of "get-out-and-push" is acceptable.

    I'll try making it fully functional and we'll see.

    I think the cockpits in 0.23 come with 2.5 units of RCS so you might run out.

    Definitely is cute ^.^ What is it like without parts clipping though?

    It looks like someone threw a magnet in a box of cubic and octagonal struts. :)

  8. Cute! Looks just like my Tiny Tot, but we clearly solved some things differently. Just a case of convergent design.


    More info here.

    I agree that something like this format must be the smallest fully functional SSTO.

    p.s. The term "Convergent Design" must give Biologists the willies. :D

    Oh damn! I downloaded your mini SSTO pack as well but didn't try all the ships. I'll have to compare them when I get the chance.

  9. Jebs personal little runabout...the Bullet! He keeps this in a cleaning cupboard so he can escape the wrath of his bosses whenever they learn of one of his latest stunts. This is not just a jet engine on a fuel tank, (inside a cockpit), but a fully functional, fly like a plane, get into orbit and dock SSTO.

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    A triumph in miniaturisation, this craft has multiple control surface clipped into the body allowing it to be flown like a real plane and also making it easy to glide and land at very low throttle. Also includes RCS for docking and a control ring below the nose for remote piloting and has plenty of spare fuel for doing whatever you want to do in orbit around Kerbin and returning to the KSC. Only one fuel tank used!


    Part count = 63

    Starting Mass = 5.1 tons

    Starting Jet TWR = 4.46

    Starting Rocket DeltaV = 1091 m/s

    Fully fuelled Rocket DeltaV = 1564 m/s

    Hotkey 1 = Toggle Jet engine

    Hotkey 2 = Toggle Rocket engine

    Hotkey 3 = Toggle ladder, (although it doesn't need the ladder if you raise the gear)

    Craft file download

    I've only just started playing around with this but if you were any good at making carriers you could attach a load of these on. I hope it's of use. :confused:

  10. You mean an SSI flight plan? I haven't tried but if you mean get into a 120km orbit and dock with a ship I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem. Getting back to Kerbin and landing without refuel may be a problem though. There is potential to place extra fuel in the nose cone using 2 toroidal fuel tanks and 3 probe fuel tanks which would make it capable of that but when I tried it I couldn't get the ship to use the fuel and because the tanks are hidden in the nose I don't think you could transfer the spare fuel to the main tank in the cockpit. It'll easily get to a station in a 100km orbit for refuelling.

  11. So after learning some new clipping techniques from Inigma's shuttles I thought I would try another project. Here is my take on Star Trek : Voyager's Delta Flyer!


    Ok, it's hardly accurate, but then I didn't have a lot of parts to work with!




    This small SSTO sacrifices range for aesthetics and manoeuvrability although it still has enough fuel to get into orbit and dock with whatever station you have and return to Kerbin. It is capable of 180 degree turns with pitch or yaw so you can turn the ship right around and fly her back in the opposite direction thanks to the large amount of SAS it carries, (50.3 I believe). This works best at half throttle but can also do this at full throttle. Although this ship is aerodynamically balanced I wouldn't recommend flying without SAS as it is extremely twitchy.

    The visible wings are fixed but there are control surfaces clipped into the body to aid in turning, balance and to give it a fair amount of lift if you need to glide into a landing. Try not to hit your landing spot too hard as there are so many parts clipped into the body that it may explode!

    The fuel tank is clipped into the cockpit so you will have to keep clicking on the underside of the ship to access that. There is also a small control ring under the nose tip for remote piloting. RCS thrusters and an RTG are clipped inside the cockpit too.


    Starting Jet Engine TWR = 3.63

    Starting Rocket DeltaV = 860 m/s

    Fully fuelled Rocket DeltaV = 1229 m/s

    Hotkey 1 = Jet engine toggle

    Hotkey 2 = Rocket engine toggle

    Hotkey 3 = Antenna toggle

    Hotkey 4 = Toggle ladder





    Download here!

    Hopefully this will be of use to someone or at least fun to mess about with. :)

  12. Better?


    See if you can figure out what I did to the front wings. Clue: it added 0.2 extra lift. The front wheel pod sticks out slightly but it's the bit with the light on it so I think it works well. I also altered the rear wheels so the plane doesn't fall on its bum after loading any more and the wheel pods clear the steps making it easier to get the pilot in. It also means you can't accidentally clip the jet engine on the runway during take off. I even added a couple of small batteries in the nose cone, (not that it really needed to have them with the RTG but some people like having a bit of electricity in reserve).

    All in all a good set of improvements.

    Zipper I 2.2 Download!

  13. OK, I've got Zipper I 2.1 up and running. I've replaced the front nose cone with an FL-A10 adapter which saves 0.25 tons. Not insignificant for a craft of this size and it brings the weight to 5.1 tons. Not sure if it looks better or worse, just different. Some people like the stubby look. :) It's certainly one of the shortest space planes you'll see.




    I had to move the front winglets to compensate for the new COG. I can't guarantee the plane won't flip out if you perform extreme manoeuvres when the fuel tank is almost empty but it's no biggy. Lands on it's ass when it loads but again no biggy.


    Starting Jet TWR - 4.50

    Starting Rocket DeltaV - 1103

    Fully fuelled Rocket DeltaV - 1579

    I suspect it would be quite easy to add extra fuel tanks on the side to make it Minmus capable. Perhaps that would make for a good Zipper II.

    Download here!

  14. Thanks inigma. I'm more than happy to submit the shuttle but I may have to do it tomorrow. I'm happy for anyone to use it for whatever they want tbh as long as people enjoy it.

    Nice job on the Zipper I.2! Seems quicker to get into orbit than before. I'm not sure if that is the 0.3 tons worth of weight you saved or if it is because 1 pair of air rams are facing backwards meaning less drag? My version had 3 pairs of air rams facing forwards because I'm a bit of an airhog. One thing I'm considering is replacing the nose cone on the front of the cockpit. It looks nice but the thing weighs 0.3 tons on it's own which seems way over the top for something I'm using for aesthetic purposes. I haven't found anything better yet though.

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