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Redshift OTF

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Posts posted by Redshift OTF

  1. 14 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

    I loaded up the forums to download your other carrier for testing my Swordfish from the deck of a ship, but I found this one instead! Can't wait to try it out!

    EDIT: Oh wait, it's almost 900 parts. Sorry, it looks cool, but I think I'll use your other carrier so I can get a higher frame rate.

    Lol no problem. It's probably not practical anyway. Especially if you have to press F5 after it has loaded just in case it explodes. I guess it's more of an exhibition piece.

  2. Time to push the boat out. Literally! *Groan*

    OK, here's the largest thing I've ever built I think. The KSS Obsidian Mega-Carrier!

    867 parts. 3872 tons. 247.5m long. Almost a 1/4 of a kilometre of ship. You will need the Vessel Mover mod to move it to the sea of course.


    OK, too big for the hanger...




    Has enough room to park jets on the side to allow a clear runway for landings.



    It also has a decent sized island for overseeing take offs and landings.



    Hot keys:

    1) Toggles rear engines.

    2) Toggles thrust reversal on rear engines.

    3) Toggles bow engines to turn left.

    4) Toggles bow engines to turn right.

    Top speed is around 19 m/s. Obviously it is a little laggy but it still runs at about half speed on my PC which isn't state of the art. As a comparison, the US Nimitz class carriers are about 330m in real life. It leans a fraction to the right but I didn't want to add any more ore tanks to balance it out as I think 12 is enough. Sometimes planes wheels can stick to the deck when moving sideways on the deck, (not front to back though so landing is not affected), but that is just the way wheel physics work at the moment. Just lower and raise the gear quickly and you should unstick.

    I would be interested to know how easy it is to land on it!

    Download here > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9mK0rPybNaxN1VVZDZRclFfZXM

    Warning! Upon testing it looks like the carrier sometimes explodes if it is parked somewhere and you go back to it from the space centre. OK, that happens, it's KSP. However, I would recommend you press F5 to save the game before you go back to it. Unless you want to pick-up 800 odd pieces of debris:



  3. Hmmm, I built this experimental Walker some time ago:




    It had 8 large bearings, 2 for each leg and used airbrakes as levers to move the legs up and down using the hotkeys, (front left and rear right legs, then vice versa). It did work, kind of. The legs moved correctly but it didn't really seem to move forward, (at least not fast enough for it to go anywhere). Sadly, with the latest update the wheels on the bearings get too stressed and the whole thing falls apart now. It was a fun concept though.

  4. Heh, I just realised this myself when trying to use this mod with a plane using a single cluster of Juno's. I redesigned the plane with separate multiple engines instead. (Sorry, meant to quote a post here but it didn't appear)

    Thank you for this wonderful mod Allista! The only issue I have with it is that it seems to over-ride manual gear deployment and lands the plane on its belly and then deploys the gear. Is there any way to turn this off so I can control when I deploy the gear myself? Thanks. :)

    Edit: never mind, I went into advanced and turned off VTOL assist landing and it worked.

  5. Copy away! Here's the Stock version of the ship. Let me know if you have any problems. There are full ore tanks in the left hand side of the ship which you may need to partially empty to compensate for the removed weight of the BD armoury components.



    I have highlighted the one fuel tank I filled, all the others are empty, apart from the one mirrored on the other side.

    A lot of the parts are struts I used to hold the ship together as the deck tended to bow at the sides which wheels on planes didn't like, (probably the weight of the island and ore tanks). Typically, after up-loading this I realised that this was probably due to the catamaran style of the ship so I will probably make a bigger version of this and structure it in a different way.

  6. Finally, the Kerbals are able to field their great jets all over the planet with their newest Aircraft Carrier. The KSS Dominion!


    555 parts. 1,858 tons. 147.5m long!


    So big I can't even get decent shots of it in the SPH. :D





    Dwarfs other ships in its path.



    Looks good at night too.


    The island is bristling with defences. I think I used 6 full ore tanks on the other side of the ship to balance it out.


    Access to the deck for Kerbals.


    "I'm on top of the world!"



    1) Toggle the 7 Goliath engines

    2) Toggle thrust reversal.

    The ship is pretty rock steady and wont list whatever planes you place or land on it. Can travel up to 30m/s. 12 Shuttle tails are used for steering as SAS would have been useless. I'm not a good enough pilot to land on it without a VTOL plane but the length and the front ramp allow conventional take offs to be pretty easy.

    There's a probe core on the front of the ship for easy control. I would recommend using the Vessel Mover mod to place it in the sea, unless you want to fit wheels and drive it into the water!

    Download here -->  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9mK0rPybNaxMHZscnpja2RVNlU

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