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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Got the newest NFS and it's amazing. Really cool stuff, looks better than ever.
  2. They need warmth (dry rock in a terrarium and an infrared lamp) and you can feed them mealworms which should be available in larger petstores.
  3. 1) Don't watch it. 2) Watch Star Trek. 3) Profit.
  4. I can't believe you actually listened. After all these years of my pestering about surface mineral collecting, you listened.
  5. Oh, you know what would be good? For the rotational momentum to be conserved at timewarp (featured in Persistent Rotation mod and Mandatory RCS mod). That helps a lot with conserving time and monopropellant, and is also realistic and allows you to make neat rotating ships.
  6. It's a very interesting proposition but quite complicated when you think of it, knowing just how complicated and weird game's heat management is. But, for the sake of an argument, let me just comment on the way it could work. It doesn't have to be an actual part you stick on the craft because those things are supposed to be inside electronic housing. It could be an option for each probe core, something one enables or disables in VAB. Sources of this additional heat could be either electrical heaters (which would cause a constant drain on the battery - a good thing player would have to manage) or a lump of blutonium-238 pellet. If we combine the latter with this idea, we get a spacecraft that, if shot into the abyss of space beyond Kerbol, will one day inevitably stop working, presenting a new challenge for the players. I definitively like the idea, but it needs thorough and simplistic development with lots of automation because thermal management of electronics in space is extremely difficult to do passively.
  7. [snip] Chances are next to nothing this will occur in five years. Then another government will come, cancellation of the program will occur and another longterm damage to human spaceflight. Because of this, I bet smart folks at NASA are using the surplus budget to invest in things they will be able to use after the inevitable cancellation.
  8. Yeah... I think it's pretty obvious this one is not coming back. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/04/new-video-of-intelsat-29e-satellite-reveals-dramatic-anomaly/
  9. With notable and famous exception of USA, mathematics classes curriculums are pretty much the same around the world. There are some local variations of the curriculum depending on the type of school (trade schools will obviously have less demanding curriculum than gymnasiums), but same types of schools around the world generally have same curriculum. However, there are serious worldwide variations regarding the way it's taught. The worst examples of failed pedagogy are present in eastern Asia, notably Japan, and the consequences are high levels of student suicides. It's oriented towards brute force education, with memorizing lots of stuff, little to no creativity, etc. AFAIK the best teaching is present in Scandinavian countries.
  10. It's Reddit. It has an annoying interface and annoying community. It's been like that since the begining. The very layout where members are represented by a written name without an avatar gives people a greater sense of anonimity in a way that induces bad behaviour so it's most excrementsposting. Almost the whole place is like entering a kindergarten full of rabid, screaming, hungry children smeared with mud and feces, ready to gnaw your leg off. Never liked the place and I avoid it like the plague.
  11. intelligence ≠ wisdom ≠ knowledgeability ≠ perceptiveness These follow one another in a more or less close formation but they're not the same thing. Now, group behaviour is something entirely different with different set of rules. The Internet is clearly revealing how profoundly stupid groups can become, especially if it's catalyzed on social networks. What used to happen over years by agitators on soapboxes, now happens over days.
  12. No, there would be zero negative consequences. [snip] Nobody but people who use it on really long missions would notice anything. When heat was implemented (adopted from DRE), it caused huge negative consequences for people who enjoyed throwing just about anything into atmospheres without issues. Did people complain? Yes. Was complaining valid? No. Boo hoo. Same goes for electricity. And G-force destruction (adopted from FAR), and being unable to maneuver a craft without signal/Kerbal (adopted from Remote Tech). Lots of improvements that made grossly huge changes for lots of people. And today hardly anyone even remembers they were crying about it, because the changes were good. People endorsed the challenge even if it meant more reality. RTG decay was forgotten because it's a tiny code and a tiny part nobody improved upon since it had been introduced.
  13. Great idea many pondered in the past. I gave your thread five stars not only because it's a good one, but also to repair the damage done by annoying people who abuse this rating system by rating threads they don't like with one star. I've seen too much of that behaviour lately and it's downright annoying.
  14. As much as I'd like to see new planets and satellites, I'm afraid the developers would take the usual path of taking a mod idea and replicating it in a poor way instead of adopting it fully. We've seen it with Kethane and ISRU. Outer Planets Mod is IMHO one of the best mods ever to be made for this game and I think anything but implementing it would be unfair to the modders. It has become a staple extension for many players. Life support is a similar issue. I wouldn't mind seeing something like a light Kerbalism. One resource to consume (and produce onboard using electricity and waste) and health points affected by exposure to heat and ionizing radiation (radiation belts are a really cool part of Kerbalism). Immersive, fun and makes you care about Kerbals even more. All could be available as an option in settings, just like heat and electricity are. However, my opinion is that the most critical part of KSP is, besides correcting bugs, is the way planets look. It's outdated. They are "waxy balls of nothing" that require both content and visual redesign. Elementary form of Scatterer affecting atmosphere would make them look decent. Strong skybox attenuation in daylight conditions (feature of Distant Object Enhancement) would make it look less goofy and more immersive. Planetshine gives immersive visuals in low orbit. With all these things combined I don't even yearn for clouds (which are really difficult to implement with Unity without sacrificing lots of computer resources). Content wise, years ago I suggested Kerbals having an option to pick up various rocks and minerals spawning randomly, which would make roving around actually useful. Bringing back such items to put them in a museum after the researchers examine them could yield plenty of science points and funds for career and science mode, not to mention the fun of searching for really rare ones. Roving around Mün while some detector beeps faster and faster, then finding a special mineral... what's not to love? Kerbol is an uggo star that also needs some love Scatterer gives it with a blinding glow. Since KSP strives towards realism, and terraforming is a pipedream for societies that fly through space using engines that spit fire (it's a distant future applicable to "Star Trek"), I would actually vote against this. Space is harsh, and we/Kerbals are a speck of dust. KSP constantly reminds you of it and I love it.
  15. I'd like to see the clamshell mode be enabled by default instead of each time users having to enable it. I'm pretty sure most people use near clamshell deployment as it looks more realistic, presents less hazard for the ascending rocket, and less strain on the computer since it can be as little as 2 parts, whereas confetti is a disaster on multiple accounts. When Squad first added fairings, there was no clamshell option at all, which rightfully caused lots of complains. Then it was added, but having to click the damn button each time just pokes my brain. If someone knows how to make it be ON by default, do tell and I'll give them a cookie.
  16. I agree, it's useless for the stock game. I'd very much consider it when/if the game ever develops the outer system of planets, maybe/hopefully endorsing OPM. But for stock game... total overkill.
  17. I'm ok with this but excluded it out of compromise with the squealers who see every suggested realistic advancement as an opportunity to belch fire. Oh boy, was I wrong or what! Imagine KSP if the developers had always succumbed to squealing. We'd never have maneuver nodes, electricity, science points, heat, communication signals, G-force limits, etc. This is such a great idea that works wonderfully, as beloved JDiminishingRTG mod shows, and was the original plan of Squad. It just got forgotten. Hopefully, with all these revamping developers are doing lately, RTG will become what it was supposed to be. And I hope implementation won't be a typical halfass let's-not-offend-the-luddite-squealers attempt that will force the players to shut it down and continue using the mod. ...That's the point of the idea.... Hence "RTG decay". I'm not really sure what's bugging you here. There is nothing that can stop a lump of Sr-90 from decaying. And no, not all units would decay the same way. When an RTG unit is placed on the vessel, it's a fresh one and when you click launch, it's the start of the mission - start of decay. It goes for everything. Time does not flow in VAB. What would be the purpose of those reactors in a stock game? Nothing uses that much electricity that a nuclear reactor is needed, not even a ton of ion engines. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a nuclear reactor in the game if more stuff was added that actually used the electricity, but since there is nothing like that in the game, there's no current need for it. It's like developing ablating shields for a game where no reentry heat occurs. BTW, your "backup" would not be impacted by RTG decay. Stock KSP doesn't consume electricity when nothing is running, so even a tiny boost from a very decayed RTG unit will allow you not to lose ability to open a solar panel or anything else.
  18. I noticed the vertical component of the speed started to increase, and then also the horizontal component. If it was simply a dead spacecraft on a ballistic trajectory, there would be, of course, zero horizontal acceleration. Since there was, this means the lander had tilted in a wrong direction, possibly close to prograde vector and was basically contributing to slamming itself into regolith. Good try, nonetheless. A small private company managing to do even this is a great achievement. I just wish more of the stream had been translated. More luck next time, I guess.
  19. I'm watching the stream and it's very sad that no English translator has been included for worldwide audience. Nobody understands them except themselves. Why such isolation?
  20. I'll never understand the stubborn cultural insularity of USA. (I'm not criticizing you per se, just commenting on the whole annoying thing of butchering people's names and surnames in videos online, basically same reason that made you write your post. LOL) Most people in the world learn at least basic IPA in schools. Even better, today we have the Internet and we can hear the sounds denoted by IPA signs. And everything is linked and so easily accessible. I remember when I learned this in school. We'd have little notebooks and learned how to pronounce it. It's pronounced as: [ˈʃvaɐ̯tsʃɪlt] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Standard_German)
  21. Exactly, and it saddens me how Mün was somehow turned into The Mun over the last few years. For me, it will always be Mün and Kerbol.
  22. Kerbol is not an official name, it's the name the community endorsed.
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