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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Farming has nothing to do with raw nature. Farm animals are artificial in their purpose. Once released, they will die. The only effect cows have on the environment is by releasing waste products and consuming grass. They fart copious amount of methane and eat a lot of grass. If you want to reduce their enviromental footprint, the solution is to reduce their number. Cows living happily on a meadow and cows stucked in a row, it doesn't make a difference. They eat, they poop, fart, exhale and pee. Less cows, less waste, smaller footprint. Eating less cows benefits the environment.
  2. I eat it well done and can't understand the desire for eating raw meat. Not only it's a sanitary hazard, but it's disgusting, too. You can prepare it well done without it being like a piece of rubber and having toxic crust.
  3. That's the worst thing you can do. The financial investment will return in 10 years or so for the panels, but the turbine.... LOL. Things don't work like they do in Sim City. From the energy standpoint, a small wind turbine is carbon positive (more net CO2), and a small solar panel instalation is weakly positive or barely carbon neutral. Don't buy that crap. Just save energy and water, and recycle stuff that's worth recycling (paper isn't, metals are).
  4. Just reporting that the new version doesn't work properly. Changing shape is gone, and nodes are inside objects. Impossible to work with. Orbiting vessels are ok, they didn't break. I love this mod, it made KSP "new" again. Scratch that, now it works.
  5. I'm quite obsessive about turning off electric appliances. All lights in my house which burn for a long time are CFL. Short time burning lights are incadescent. I walk whenever I can and planting trees is something I'm doing at the moment. I recycle aluminium and glass. That's about it.
  6. Neptune has a much more violent atmosphere because it's colder. There's less friction, so once something starts, it's difficult to stop it. Most of the energy for such processes of our ice giants comes from the interior. Neptune is more massive than Uranus so the core is hotter. It's difficult to wrap your head around these things because we don't know much about them. One thing is sure - there is no solid surface there. Uranus and Neptune are mostly hydrogen and helium, but they have a higher ratio of ices (water, ammonia, methane) than Jupiter and Saturn, so we call them ice giants. Pressures and temperatures inside them are climbing at such rate that you pass from gas to supercritical fluid which gradually gets more degenerate. In case of Jupiter and Saturn, hydrogen supercritical fluid gradually starts conducting electricity, and in the case of Uranus and Neptune ices play that role, except the conditions are much less extreme. There is really no concieveable way to navigate the upper atmosphere for the reasons already described by others. Gas giants are like Venus, but a lot more evil. Hellish abyss.
  7. Here's a bit more news about this growing situation. http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/world/2014/05/18/ctw-balkans-flooding.cnn.html http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/16/europe/gallery/balkans-flooding/index.html http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/19/world/europe/balkans-flooding/index.html The flooded area is unprecedented in the history of hydrological surveys in this region of Europe. Several months of rain fell in less than three days. I am stunned. Honestly, I didn't expect to see such disaster. River Sava is still rising and the embankments are wet and collapsing. People are trying to build something with sand bags, but I doubt that will help. You can't stop a rising river like that.
  8. You really shouldn't drink coffee. Ever. If you can have a lifestyle where you don't need coffee, then don't drink it. Brain develops a habit after a while, and you can't properly wake up without it. It's a viscious circle. If you can, sleep longer, but don't mess with your brain.
  9. This. Then this. I'm on a spree.
  10. 1. They do. 2. That would be a HUGE alphabet. 3. "x" would become "ks", that doesn't have to be a simplification, but in some cases it might. 4. Why? 5. What confusion? 6. As in Spanish? Not exactly something we need. People read just fine this way.
  11. Perhaps you've heard about immense flooding that has occured in several countries in the Balkans. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia. Thousands are evacuated, towns and villages are literally gone under the spilled rivers. This is the worst large flood in the region in like more than 120 years. Even since the climate change has started showing its teeth, we have more and more of extremely bad weather. Record highs and lows in temperature and water level, never before encountered in the history of record keeping. (village near Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina) There are landslides, collapsing buildings, roads are torn apart and it still isn't over. Cattle and other animals are dying everywhere, some of them still tied in the barns. I myself live near the sea coast, so I'm spared of the disaster. After the flood receedes, there will be great danger of epidemics of various infectious diseases because of the corpses and mud. Granted, the morons of antivax movement haven't made the "success" as they did in USA, but nevertheless, rate of vaccination is dangerously low, and this will cause trouble. One of the terrible dangers are the landmines, left from the wars 20 years ago. Some of them will be shifted by the floods. If you want to make a donation, you can use Red Cross websites: for Bosnia and Herzegovina for Serbia for Croatia If you're in one of those countries at the moment, you can donate emergency supplies to the nearest Red Cross center, but if you aren't, money is a much better option. Thanks.
  12. I'd buy all candy in the world, shut down all candy factories and then launch it into orbit, so everyone could look at it, knowing they can't have it.
  13. I love the sound of it smashing into the ground.
  14. Yeah, together with other gazillion other identical threads...
  15. Detonation is an explosion with a supersonic reaction front. That's how it is defined, and not by the molecular structure. If you have a barell of gunpowder and you seal it tightly, it will detonate upon ignition. A shockwave will be visible. A three story pile of gunpowder will certainly detonate if it's ignited at the bottom, because the released gases can't escape fast enough, which causes an increase in pressure, temperature and, finally, reaction rate. It all goes very fast, but after few miliseconds, the bottom of the pile is subjected to an outward propagating supersonic shockwave. The pile will not deflagrate as a handful of gunpowder would, if ignited on its top. I hardly doubt there is any expert on NERVA on the entire forums (they're mostly old people now), but you don't need to be for basic analysis. NERVA engine's reactor doesn't have typical "pull out" rods. They have rotating reflector rods which makes the design very compact. I honestly don't see how could a locked, cold reactor be turned on in such event. You can't just turn on a reactor as you turn on a lamp. Every reactor has a procedure which ensures the spatial geometry of the neutron flux is such that criticality can occur. This is not an atomic bomb which can fizzle if you mess with its fissile material. The procedure lasts for days for power plants and I doubt it's less than several hours for NERVA. Brotoro, you ninja!
  16. David Bowie is not a "starlett", LOL. It's like you've never heard of Pink Floyd or Beatles or Springsteen. Granted, I don't listen to his music, never have and I don't feel the need for it, but I know there is a famous singer by that name whose looks were scandalous at the time. I think that sums up expected level of knowledge about him. You've mentioned 26 bands/singers. I haven't heard of 4 of them: Gamma Ray, Avenged Sevenfold, Amanda Palmer and Arkona. I've looked at their Wikipedia pages and I see their popularity niches are incredibly narrow compared to Bowie. Genres are relatively unpopular and their fame is not near Michael Jackson or Iron Maiden. By all means, I'm not mocking you. I just think it's weird and unusual.
  17. Yes, that is a proper term, thanks. They indeed can, but a baby can flip the switch and cause a detonation, too, though we don't call that baby a detonator. You mean a 10 metre pile of gunpowder, ignited in the bottom, won't detonate? Oh, it will. These things are exactly dependant on the bulk amount. That is not the topic here. We're discussing liquid fuel rockets. PEPCON had ammonium perchlorate which is a compound containing all it needs for an intramolecular reaction, so that means it's in the class of the most thoroughly "mixed" explosives. Two tanks of LOX and kerosene, ruptured by a falling rocket on a launch pad will cause a huge disaster, but won't produce these detonations. If, however, the tanks are intact and in fire, . That's a different scenarion.
  18. Deflagrations do not cause pressure waves. That's what detonations do and it's the key thing which distinguishes them from deflagrations which by all means can be also devastating. The process on the clip you've linked is detonation. Confined gunpowder, or a large pile of unconfined one, will detonate upon ignition. It is an intimate mixture of reagents. Two tanks sitting one on top of another, containing LOX and kerosene, breaking and spilling their contents, can not cause such immense detonation. At best, it can be a strong deflagration. The reagents simply aren't properly mixed, and the flame front doesn't do the proper job, as it increases the volume. Mind that a deflagration can turn into a detonation in some cases (MOAB, for instance). The destructive nature of exploding liquid fuel rockets is due to the huge amount of fuel they store inside. But if that amount was premixed... oh god. You wouldn't want to be near that. Those explosions in movies are all weak deflagrations. I cringe when I see a war movie where grenades look like Molotov cocktails. In real life, bombs cause pressure waves, and in most cases there's only a flash, but your soft tissues get destroyed if you're near them.
  19. The topic is physical chemistry. It's more about chemistry than physics. Most of chemistry is exactly problems like this.
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