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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I totally forgot about this, sorry. I finished the mission in last December, but I rarely visit the forum anymore, so I forgot to put the screenshots. Last amounts of fuel was spent on slowing down as much as possible, which is not something I haven't done before. If there's fuel, I'll try to brake. At one moment, the main engine failed which is not surprising, given that the ship was in space after more than a decade. It could operate at lowest thrust for a short while before it would overheat. Failing radiators did not help. As Kerbalism's color code shows, the ship really isn't in a great condition, despite having high quality parts. Kron 6 impacted the atmosphere at 5831.6 m/s which makes @roboslacker the winner of the competition. Almost immediately, the jettisoned ship started to disintegrate in a spectacular set of explosions and shower of sparks larger than any previous Kron mission, spreading two fission reactors worth of fission products into the atmosphere. Also, life support gobbled up all electricity, so the crew was basically dying on the way down. Those are the engine radiators evaporating above the capsule. Ablative shield was very damaged, but it kept the capsule intact. Kerty deployed the parachutes and the crew splashed down. Sadly, I forgot to take a photo of the crew, probably because they landed in the sea. They all survived. It took 1.5 years to finish Kron 6, and little over 2 years to officially end it. It started in early summer of 2016 and could've/should've ended by its end, but you know, life gets in the way. End of this mission marks the end of the Kron ships exploring the Outer Planets Mod in its current form, and a halt of the Kron missions. There are no active, working plans for the next mission, but Ascension and Ablate were always being considered, even though I honestly don't see how could my computer pull out the latter one. It's probably impossible to even achieve using a Kron-type ship (3.75 m infrastructure pushed by LV-NB engines) as the Δv requirements just to get there are around 25 km/s. Ascension is a much easier target, even though its extremely eccentric orbit poses serious logistic problems. Thank you all for being a nice audience.
  2. There was Kerbal wind, which requires FAR. As for the decreased illumination, it might take approach similar to Kerbalism's radiation.
  3. Here's an idea for Kerbalism. Storms. Random spawning areas on planetary bodies that cause: decreased illumination variable wind, possibly flipping things and lowering the speed of rover wheels
  4. They can survive reentry, as long as their temperature doesn't exceed the maximum one.
  5. Indeed, one of the must have mods. It almost has zero interference with people who still want to play stock on the server as it doesn't change the rules and they only see few extra ores. But if they want, they can work hard and reach all kinds of new worlds. Or just make a space station and fill it with chickens flapping in mid air.
  6. Can someone explain the process of getting this data? Was it calculated, was TransferWindowPlanner used? Or just careful mission and taking down measurements? I'd like to do the same for certain other planetary bodies.
  7. This needs to be solved. For what it's worth, I've blocked it with those instructions from Reddit.
  8. Ship effects mod produces IVA sounds such as rattling and screeching of ship's skeleton. Those are all sounds that are produced in, and travel by, solid objects, and then reach the capsule with a Kerbal inside who is listening to them in air. Those things should not be muffled because they don't depend on outside atmospheric pressure. Maybe the source of Ship effects sounds is the actual problem? I wouldn't know.
  9. I'm pretty sure China will do this properly because when China wants to do something high quality, it does high quality. Besides, it's EPR. Very little to go wrong with that, and if it does go wrong, it doesn't poop the place up.
  10. Could be. Sadly, a lot of that branch is just outright contaminated with people who are anything but people who actually understand and care about the environment.
  11. Solid or liquid, hmmm... Well, I know some people prefer not to do solids upstairs.
  12. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Fuel-loading-under-way-at-Chinese-EPR-1104184.html What do you think of this? Specifically, the fact that something envisioned and developed in EU has been made faster in China. Any benefits (to either side) or downsides to it?
  13. Also a status report - it works with Scatterer if EVE is removed. Given that EVE chokes my computer, and I use Scatterer for its original purpose only (scattering light in atmospheres), this works fine.
  14. You might. Thing is, if there's an error of few metres, having decimal digits isn't really useful. All these bodies should be surveyed. Forumers used to do that. It's too much work for just one person.
  15. I found the solution on the forum. Personal parachutes require higher experience level for Kerbals. If you play sandbox, just turn off the Kerbal experience.
  16. Not knowing about this thread, I've decided yesterday to get to the tallest point. This time it was easier because of paragliders. Wiki says: "with the tallest peak being 6764.1 m in altitude", Kerbalmaps says " 6761.0483 m", and I've found a point 6767.4 m high which confirms the screenshot on wiki. I've made Jebediah walk on all those adjacent peaks and none of them show higher values. They're all ten or more metres lower. Mind that my terrain rendering and other graphics details are maxed out, and I don't use any terrain altering mods. So I really don't see where your value of 6768.6 m came from. Nevertheless, it's good to have such table. I recommend placing it in KSP wiki pages somewhere.
  17. I am basically angry with people trashing good movies because they're better than average. Such movies make people's "error detectors" get overpowered, they find something small and then it's trash talk time. "Boooo, worst movie ever", blablabla. So childlish. And sometimes it's not even an error, but something very subtle. Nope, let's all jump on the trashtalk bandwagon.
  18. So... I've bought this expansion (I was merely few months away from getting a free version, but oh well) and it's indeed mixed feelings for me. - Those new structural panels... what are they supposed to be used for? - I can't make a Saturn V. The new lander can has some weird nodes. If anyone made it, please show me how you did it, thanks. - After DLC was installed, personal parachutes went missing.
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