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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. MegaTigger87? You like tigger too?
  2. Endersmens


    Man, you just gotta open up with "Hi, I'm Whackjob." you'll be beating them off with a stick.
  3. Those pictures are amazing!!!
  4. Cause he makes his renders using in game textures.
  5. Guess Baha didn't take my suggestion of releasing laser before working on heat and radar. Awh Oh well, more goodies to come when it is released.
  6. If you want good KSP backgrounds I suggest going to Rareden's render thread. He has some amazing stuff. Also check out Starwhip's renderfarm, for a few cool craft renders.
  7. I figured you hadn't watched it. It's all good. Did you take a look at my blueprint? Any experience you have is more than mine.
  8. I've discovered something else weird I do. Any time I raid a place, if the owners are bandits or they attack me, after I kill them, I take what I want, and then proceed to throw every moveable object onto the floor. To make it really seem like I raided the place. If there's a full table I just Fus Ro Dah it and watch the chaos. Lots of fun.
  9. I don't think many people around here build fireplaces. DIY shapeways XD true, that would be bad. I will be careful. If it doesn't work I'm sure I can figure something else out. Will try if the other way doesn't work. Thanks! I will pull the trigger and get started as soon as I can!
  10. erm. failing to realize you fall under that category? Profane cheating right there.
  11. Not trying to be rude, but you can abort from any altitude usually. Otherwise the abort system would be flawed. "as low as you can above 1km" would be 1km.
  12. Edits? cheats! I call cheats! Thought you could get away with it, didn't you?
  13. BillKersplat? Why would you even think that?
  14. That sounds disturbingly like your avatar....
  15. Some things scared me in that article. Particularly this:
  16. If hiding rep didn't take you off the rep list it wouldn't be a problem. But it does. and then confusion. I don't really see them as "walking side by side" its more like the white bar group is like *attacking the light green. *not literally of course.
  17. Those animations are very old, they surfaced around .23-.24 as possible in game animations. Never made it past there I believe. They would be awesome if they got put back in.
  18. I'm starting to not like this at all. It's very confusing now. If someone goes to view the top repped people (in the member list), white bar people don't show up. So some of the best posters here appear to have no rep. It also means that the light green group can't work anymore cause every time someone clicks "hide rep" they get taken off the list. Its causing a lot of confusion. I get that nobody can stop it cause its a personal choice. I just think the whole bandwagon white bar group is kinda....not a good thing anymore. Make sense?
  19. So, I have a blueprint designed for my foundry. Please note that this is a starter foundry, not my permanent one. Here is my idea for handling the crucible: Thoughts? The thinnest part of the foundry wall will be 1.25". I cannot make it thicker due to budget, but later I will add another layer of brick to make it 2.5" at the thinnest. The foundry will be 9" across. I will be cutting 1.25" off of the 9" fire bricks to use on the inside corners. Then, fire mortar will be used to round out the inside chamber. The chamber will be 6.4" across, leaving 1.25" between the crucible and the wall, charcoal will be placed there. The foundry will be 11.5" tall with the lid on. The Foundry will be secured by digging a 1" square, level hole for it, and surrounding the base with enough dirt to make it sturdy (and pass the "strong kick" test) anything totally wrong here?
  20. I believe rosas is his middle name. Dan R. Paulsen. Just speculation though. Still haven't even been able to watch the video. - - - Updated - - - I was loving all the kerbal stuff. And I too totally thought the Macarena was about to happen. That would've been awesome. Then, a pig. So confused by that point. Then a bird with a cat fetish? and then restroom signs falling in love. Weird. Still good animations though!
  21. Video looks awesome. few questions 1: when using the CoM lock with a moving vehicle, does the laser guided missile account for lead? or does it just constantly update and turn? Will be useful to know for faster moving targets. 2: can you make each mechanic that I quoted a separate release? that way we will have new toys to play with while you work on radar and heat. like, release laser when it's done as like 9.0, then work on radar or heat and release that as 9.1, ect ect.
  22. You should've reminded me, you changed your username! Finally caught it and changed it.
  23. I also had an idea about how to remedy the high surface tension problem. If I made my casts with a universally sized hole in the top for pouring, if I pour enough to fill the hole, and then use a steel bolt and washer that is perfectly sized to the hole and pushed the aluminum down the whole to fill the gaps that the surface tension prevented, would that maybe work for detailed casts?
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