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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. He's saying that Minmus being taken was better than laythe being taken because at least Minmus actually posted.
  2. The first game I remember playing.....guitar hero I? I think. Rocked it out on easy XD
  3. Pong isn't even the part that screams old, its the word "doodads" XD
  4. f4 would remove any and all markers i'm pretty sure. Although, the aiming marker doesn't go away, so maybe that idea will work.
  5. In the video you zoomed in pretty far. Is there a zoom limit?
  6. Not to mention heating... - - - Updated - - - Wow , this guy almost topped the leaderboard on water! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128674-Supersonic-boat?
  7. Wow. That was very cool. It was crazy watching the water go by so quickly! Very nicely done.
  8. From my understanding, none of the above. Pluto is tiny, and NH is going through at. ~14.5 km/s, so it isn't really affected by Pluto at all. (It will, but it'll be very small) Edit: ninja'd
  9. Erm...someone screwed up. 477 replies, yet we're on the 520th way to get kicked out of Walmart. Whatevs, 521: mop the entirefloor with gorilla glue.
  10. Dang979? What's frustrating you?
  11. I've seen the first one a few times, never seen the other ones though!
  12. Needs more runway. And less struts crossing the entrance and exit. Cool idea!
  13. in a kraken bug? what does that even mean, cheater?
  14. We should try a kerbal X again.
  15. My parents funded this computer in april. Not likely I'll get another one within the next few years. Thanks, I'll try that.
  16. It is a used laptop. Bought it from a computer shop. He replaced the PSU. But it seems to be underpowered like I mentioned a few pages back. So I need to get a new one. and I need to know what I should get. Any tips?
  17. The warp to feature doesn't work correctly sometimes. Many landings have been botched because "warp to" warped past.
  18. Just tipped 15 hours to go! WOOT!
  19. Found this on google It's Pluto Time!
  20. Added new entries, also Added Completion of the Philmont Trek to Dman's awards! Congratulations! (Now go get some rest!)
  21. Question is though, will it acknowledge the building, or will it target the ground just past the building? If you could make the laser targeter acknowledge buildings' hitboxes that would would be great.
  22. Yes, I would recommend uploading it to Imgur and the on the left side, copying the "forum link" and pasting it here. Ninja'd the man.
  23. Wow..that..looks...amazing. Any word on my suggestion of target markers for KSC buildings? I guess the Laser guidance would kinda make up for it. Maybe.
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