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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. I asked this days ago and got no response. So I'll ask it again. Where do I find my computer's PSU requirements? Searching the web didn't help.
  2. Laythe Dwemmer? There's dwarves on laythe??
  3. The screeching sound sounds like the stresses mod (don't have a link right now, on mobile) I'm almost positive this isn't stock cause I've never experienced it. As for the navball jumping around, you said "blue symbol" which the only blue symbol I can think of is the maneuver node, and that jumps around when you've completed the maneuver. Can you try to give a bit more detail?
  4. How did you get two craft into one render? 0_o
  5. Maybe you could have your name changed to "Laythe." Or "Laythe!"
  6. Not entirely true. The one I have wasn't "sanded and rounded" from a cube. It has a similar core as a cube. But the pieces were made to make it a sphere, not a cube. It's the same concept though, 6 faces with 9 colored pieces on each side. I'll put up a picture later.
  7. First! I solve 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 2x2x3, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, and 5x5x5. I also have a Sphere cube.
  8. I don't think they can kick a user for inactivity so you can take his username.
  9. Park Janitor eh? Cool name I guess....
  10. Yes it is in the water. Blender doesn't like landing gear. They don't show up at all. So the only options were 1: plane in water, 2: kerbal climbing out in air (kirrim!) and 3: crashed.
  11. Flume of Acatak, Nice to see ya buddy!
  12. Here is my library as of earlier today. I've added more since, and have at least 20 more in my inventory right now.
  13. They are modeled after real life airbrakes, which are oriented like the first screenshot mentioned above. Pic of real thing:
  14. Oh I forgot that I also collect Hold Shields. Like Guard shields. I hope to have one of each of the 9 holds. (For a whiterun shield, I just lured a giant to the western watchtower and it killed one for me )
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