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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Ha. Nothing is stable in skyrim. I typically have to fiddle with something at least twice to get it to stay.
  2. Oh. Um. That's....interesting? Remind me never to make you mad, wouldn't wanna be an addition to the collection!
  3. Ever since I built my house with Hearthfire, and installed a bookshelf, I've been obsessed with collecting books to fill up the shelves. New books, books I already have, any book (except ruined and burned) I take (even steal) to put on my bookshelf. When I ran out of room on that shelf, I built another whole house just so I could have a dedicated library to store all my books. I'll have them sorted shortly, between Large books, story books, info books, and journals. Is there anything weird or out of the ordinary that you do in Skyrim?
  4. Pagani? Are you the one who designs all the Zondas?
  5. But "Puke" is also a verb. and also, usually that's not considered obscene. Gross maybe. I was more referring to body parts, curse words, that sort of thing. Also, Sad Bonnet Science, why are you so sad?
  6. A-STARK, are you tony stark's son Adam stark???
  7. Wow! That would be really cool, Upsilon. Consider it considered. Also, took care of inbox
  8. OverBoater, that is a dangerous pet. - - - Updated - - - What about my rules? Only changing half the username? I did change less than half. Puke 6 Agagak Plume & Akakak -------- Bold letters: 7 Not Bold Letters: 5 The Bold letters are ones I didn't change. There are more bold than there are not. (in the original)
  9. I feel horrible for the design team, but I laughed really hard at this. The fact that KSP sponsored them just tickles me. Warning: DO NOT LET KSP SPONSOR A REAL LIFE ROCKET! XD
  10. Ok baha, I have the greatest suggestion you've ever had. Would it be possible...to add targeting nodes....to the KSC buildings? Like, one target node for each destructable building. That way we can use guided missiles on KSC. It's a Ton of fun testing out planes and such on the KSC, but you can only use guns and ugh used rockets and bombs effectively. Guided missiles require "eyeballing it" which is counterintuitive. Adding target markers to each destructible building would make for a lot more fun around KSC.
  11. Bad Poppet Scientologist? What does that even mean?
  12. Flume & ararath is such a strange name...
  13. This is by far the funniest thing I've seen in a while. XD
  14. The Moho Initiative? Whats that?
  15. Woah....That is truly amazing. Only 50 years to survey all the planets in our system. Crazy.
  16. This Kimi sounds like a great guy to follow.
  17. This is a fun little game where you misspell the user above you's username in the funniest way possible. (No obscenities!) Rules are: 1: You can only change half of the username, no more. It has to be recognizable. Brownie points if you change less than half. 2: Absolutely no obscenities, including vulgar language. Example: Endersmens: I'll start the game Poster 2: Nice to mean you Endermam. Poster 3: Hello Postman 2! etc Have fun! The first poster gets to misspell my username.
  18. What has this world come to? Banamonde come look at this! EDIT: just gonna drop this here... Misspell the username forum game!
  19. Added! To me, any scout younger than you seems insanely more immature than you were when you were that age. Whether or not thats true on the other hand....
  20. There's a few problems with this. Firstly, it won't a 100% uptime server. It will be turned on prior to recording and shut down afterwords. Secondly, while the "race" sounds cool, it wouldn't be fair, cause some people would have more time to play then others, meaning they would win. If starwhip wants to put the server up 100%, maybe we could invite a few people and send you far away to play personally. And we may (emphasis on maybe) let someone be in the recording just as a helper. But it's a really big maybe. We'll have to discuss it. Don't get me wrong it sounds cool. It just wouldn't work right.
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