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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. 2000 users online right now More than half are reading this thread and wondering why they're even a part of this forum.
  2. We have turrets on our base. I think we might have to set them to attack anybody not in faction. That'll discourage whatever is happening. Also if the ships are docked they can't take damage without the enemy getting shot by turrets.
  3. Pfft. Eyeballing it? real players don't even need eyes, you cheater!
  4. Alt+B will bring up the BDarmory GUI where you can reassign the fire key.
  5. 11/10 Yeah, still waiting on the track.
  6. It appears a moderator beat me to even reading your request, and it seems it was done.
  7. from what I know, we have people in EST, MST, and some from the Europe area. So yeah, besides us here in the USA, it'll be hard getting us all on at once.
  8. The Enderprise wasn't much of a ship guys. It was just a bridge and a few hallways, no ship systems in place yet. It was about 15 minutes of work, so its not that big of a deal. Also, I have a youtube channel too, not many viewers but its there. Me and Starwhip were thinking of recording together. Not sure what's going on now though.
  9. I feel like this could be a feature of persistent trails. Right now, the mod records a trail that you can replay later. But maybe the recording could always be on, and you can always replay to a certain extent. You could set it to delete the track 30 seconds behind you to keep RAM and CPU down. You could also make that adjustable. you would only need a few seconds of replay for those close calls and such.
  10. Same with ksp though. 1 part craft can be lag free and someone can go "yay I can run the game!" and then they build a 100 part craft and watch their FPS drop. Ksp lag is definitely not straight to the face either.
  11. I've been playing since the summer of 2013, and I have seen it one time.
  12. This game is amazing. My computer is struggling to run it on low settings though. Any tips? Also I have continuously been experiencing flashing textures since I started the game. It's quite annoying.
  13. Oh my.....why would anyone in their sane minds get on that thing?
  14. Well, I grabbed FSX and Skyrim: Legendary Edition for 18 bucks total. 4.99 for FSX, a $21 savings, and 13 bucks for Skyrim: legendary, which is 40 bucks normally. And if you buy everything from skyrim separately it would be $65 just for skyrim. I would say I did pretty good, saved $48 minimum.
  15. I won't need to if you never make it there. -61 (+)
  16. Lets see...I've gotten rep from supernovy, and maybe kasper and rowsy. Not sure though, as it was forever ago. Like. Remember Rowsdower's joke about wearing a fireproof suit? Well, those reps were from the community upset before that.
  17. Mods, I do have a question. How much extra work are you guys having to do now that the PS4 announcement is out? Cause I've seen hundreds of posts that were simply yelling at SQUAD, there are multiple arguments in the devnote thread and the announcement thread, everybody is being so mean and hateful... I feel sorry for you guys.
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3a4ax0/were_broadening_the_ksp_universe_by_bringing_it/cs95m20
  19. SQUAD isn't doing the port. edited out for unnecessary rudeness.
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