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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. 1 (+) I considered being a GM but I was having too much fun playing the game
  2. I get a bug with pasting a lot. When I paste, especially in my company thread OP, afterwords it teleports me to a random place in the post. (its really long thanks to spoilers) Also, just tried the WYSIWYG mode, first stroke of "backspace" and it teleported 3 spaces back XD
  3. I ninja'd you, and you guessed me! Crazy! Wink again?
  4. You guys are always in cahoots in this thread. I like breaking it though Gonna guess Supernovy? EDIT: totally ninja'd XD My guess still stands though
  5. Oh thank goodness, I was scared for a second! Star come celebrate with me!
  6. I have no idea. HAVE WE LOST RIC????? Star, come help me find him!
  7. Just made it to the light green group! Now I'm 199 points away from two bars XD
  8. YESSS! I MADE IT TO THE LIGHT GREEN GROUP! :D :D :D :D I'm so happy right now! I'm a master kerbal engineer! Woot! EDIT: I'm now 122nd in this entire forum? WHAT? That's crazy.
  9. Hey, you can't play this game! You can actually ban people! Banned for scaring people!
  10. Read. The. Rules. Rule #7 in particular. It means, you posted negative from 0, I posted positive from 0 within a minute. My post overrides yours. so my post is indeed the last valid post.
  11. He overrode you. Check the rules. Last valid post:
  12. All Added! Also, Funny, I found KSP at summer camp! I saw one of the worked on his laptop all week, and every time I looked, all I saw was a bunch of different colored circles. I asked what it was called, and he said "Kerbal Space Program" Then when I asked what he was doing, he said "trying to dock this, with this" and that was all I needed to hear. I bought the game a few weeks later, after messing around in the demo.
  13. Granted, now the sig line looks like the updated line. (This is funny, we're like venting our problems on this thread XD ) I wish for a new friend on this forums.
  14. 4 (+) you know it! Guess I'm back now guys.
  15. Title is confusing. Do you mean Coke products or Pepsi products? Or just Coca-Cola or Pepsi? If the latter, neither. If the first, I prefer mountain dew over anything (sorry kidneys)
  16. Granted, life is less confusing, but you are more confusing, and that causes someone to be offended by nothing. (sorry, I couldn't resist XD) I wish the internet wasn't so emtionless (therefor causing tone issues)
  17. Missed my chance. (stupid slow internet) Dman
  18. -redacted- I removed the part about reverts from my post. (click the link to my post)
  19. Ok, so you click "my profile" in the middle of the page, there should be like posts and such. at the top of these, there are two layers of tabs. "my activity" and "all" should be highlighted. On the top row of tabs, all the way at the right is the reputation tab.
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