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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. I guess I should also add that if your plane flies faster higher than Sea level, cruise towards destination at cruising altitude, then start a dive when you get close, then pull up when you get there. (also make sure your plane has TWR >1.1
  2. Yeah, I'm utterly confused here....... http://www.walmart.com/c/kp/usb-to-hdmi-adapters
  3. Yeah, KSP doesn't like 2x symmetry on 4x symmetry. I believe it causes a bug and possible crash if you somehow get it working.
  4. This past weekend I was backpacking with my venture crew, and it rained all the first day. We got a break, so we started to set up camp, and I realized my tent didn't have a rainfly. Now, these were the tents were the actual tent is half material, half net. So I was going into a rainy night in a tent with a mosquito net roof. Luckily, my girlfriends' dad (the venture crew leader, me, him, my girlfriend, and her friend started the crew together) had a small tarp, and we made a makeshift fly that mostly covered my tent. Good times! I'll be buying my own tent next time though, learned not to trust troop tents.
  5. Pfft. The way to do those contracts is this: 1) Fly at sea level to the Zone 2) Once you've reached the zone, pull up with full thrust. 3) Soar past the 14k range 4) perform crew report while suborbital 5) Apoapsis in the 20-30km range 6) fall back down pointing nose down 7) level out 8) done! Did that a few times. Just gotta time the pull up right.
  6. That's amazing. I really hope they officially use that video in every flight.
  7. Did you know....that this thread is full of truth?????
  8. I'll add you after you get home and find your sash.
  9. I started in webelos 2. ( I did webelos 1 and 2 in the same year.) - - - Updated - - - Added you all! I also added you, under "International Scouts!" with "Australian Scout, now Air Force Cadet!" I hope this is ok.
  10. I'll give you guys a hit for ramp design. Only make half the ramp. I started off with the full ramp, making the spiral was hard, and it didn't kick the rover hard enough. Then I made two "tracks" for each side of the car, one for the left wheels, one for the right. I made the left track curve up and sideways, and left the right side nearly flat, with a little angle to keep the car going up. This didn't give enough kick either. So, I've resort to only making the left track. 1 panel wide, just big enough for the left side of the car to go up it. The right side of the car doesn't have a ramp (aside from 1 panel to keep it going upwards) This really give the car the "kick" it needs to complete a spin. Only problem is, the kick is so violent that its hard to control orientation for landing. It is impossible to do the slow roll that we can IRL because the rotation is slowed by the atmosphere, and the rovers can't have enough mass to keep rotating. (I'm experimenting with adding lots of mass to see if it will help though)
  11. And the racial slur is spelled differently anyways.....I'm seriously questioning the reasoning of that teacher...
  12. I've found using skippers and mainsails a breeze. Have made many simple first stages with 2 half sized tanks+skipper or 3+mainsail.
  13. It was only broken for some people though. Still worth at least trying before a 600mb download.
  14. Its in the official change log, its to give the ugly panels a use. Nobody used them cause they were heavier, but now they have purpose, for reentry and such.
  15. I'm going to add a section for international scouts. (I hope that is an ok title) and by your name it will say what country you were a scout in. So for you Dodgey it would say "Dodgey - Australian Scout and Air Force Cadet Currently!" Does that sound alright?
  16. Did you really just ask me if I lived in America? hint: BSA= Boy Scouts of America XD
  17. Yes and no. My post count and join date doesn't show that. But a month ago I had 800 less posts! TUBM is very bored.
  18. that payout is not worth it at all IMO I guess the best way to do it would be to make a refinery tug. Tugs it around, burns its fuel, then mines from the asteroid and refills.
  19. Both added! Side note: I've decided not to reveal which awards are the most prestigious (IE palms and such) to keep this as far away from a competition as possible. If you guys think the competition part won't be a problem, I'm also fine with giving a list of awards and such, and saying which are the highest in prestige. What do you guys think?
  20. Added! Also DuoDex I added Sea Scout! I think I'm gonna add Venturer too, so in a bit I'll add that.
  21. I'll put you down as Eagle scout with ~33 merit badges. Space and Exploration was one of my firsts, and that was before KSP was a thing!
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