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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Alright, this is another forum game idea I had. Not sure how this one will go, but hopefully it will be fun! So, the way it works is, someone posts any action, any daily task, pretty much anything that people do (appropriate please), and then the next poster tells them how to do it the kerbal way. Example: Poster 1: Brushing my teeth Poster 2: Brushing your teeth with rocket fuel, and rinsing your mouth with oxidizer. Eating breakfast Poster 3: Eating a healthy balanced breakfast of perfectly balanced ball bearings and bolts. driving a car Rules Please Follow these rules while playing. 1: Obey all Forum Rules 2: Always post an action for the next poster to use 3: Always tell how to do the previous posters action the kerbal way 4: Have Fun! Get it? Got it? good! Lets have some fun, The Kerbal Way! I'll start us off. Sitting in school.
  2. And I taught it to you! [/derail] Ok, back to the game. Dman?
  3. Oh dang, so like, can I do more than one? I was gonna make a B-2 as well XD F-35 is considered stealth too right?
  4. A while back, the forum admins wanted to test the effects of "negative rep" and since RIC was number 1 in rep, they made Green Iron Crown, with the same rep as RIC, but negative. So Green Iron Crown had 11 red bars instead of green. It only lasted a day though. RIP GIC.
  5. You mean, if I wait till it's totally done before posting it here, I get 5 points?
  6. Thanks guys! More are coming soon! I'm working with Dman979 on a century fighter pack, Already have the F-100 Super Sabre and F-104 Starfighter, working on more. I also have a sweet looking A-10 in the works! Stay tuned
  7. What am I supposed to do though? The only work-around I can think of is to scale up the plane till the engine size is correct, but that would really increase part count, decrease performance probably, and it would be way too big for kerbal scale.
  8. I've had it start shaking a ship and having parts very misaligned, but opening the bay has always fixed it. Also, yes fairings cause the jitters too. It's really annoying cause the fairings root starts inside of it, meaning it will clip whatever is above it no matter what. I always have to offset the fairing root down a bit so it doesn't shake my launch to death.
  9. Hold up. I've been making lots of replicas recently (I have....6 in about a week) I'm very much adding this to the list. Both for my American Planes Pack, and for this challenge. Hold on to your hats, fellas. Just kidding, I'll probably fail miserably XD
  10. nobody? I'm very interested in this idea but I can't mod.
  11. Well, he meant he was wanting to put data in the lab, and also put the experiments in the lab, bring the lab back (researching all the way I think) and then transfer all the experiments to another MPL (but it could be a regular command pod) and recover all the science points, while keeping the data in the lab to generate more science.
  12. Wow, I'm surprised at how many fellow christians there are here. I wasn't expecting it at all. My favorite songs...I have way way too many.
  13. How did he hide the engines? On my f-22 I used ram Intakes. Not sure I know of a better way to make f-22 engines without being in game.
  14. Oh! Sorry! I rearranged some files and I forgot to check it if still worked. One sec!
  15. This. I have many first stage SSTO launches. Using a skipper with jumbo 64 (well the two smaller ones put together)
  16. It says "2-" Think the "-" is supposed to be "months"
  17. He means, a thread can be over 2 months old, as in it was started 2 months ago. He meant you should change "If the thread is 2 months old..." to "If the last post is 2 months old..."
  18. -26 (+) Actually, the glass is always full. Half full of water, and half full of air.
  19. I would be really interested in a mod that adds more atmospheric effects, like shock cones, vapor clouds from high G turns, and wingtip trails. Shock Cone example: For the High G turn vapor clouds, watch this video (Title says shock cone, but its mostly vapor clouds from turning. Uploader mistake) As for wingtip trails, I'm sure most of you have seen them. They occur on many jets and stunt planes while turning hard. The stock effects could be tweaked to appear on the top of the plane during a high G turn to act as vapor clouds, although bigger ones like in the video would be really cool. Anyone else interested? Anyone wanna make it?
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