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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. mwuahahahaha! He can't save you now! *SCCCRRREEEEEECCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH* that was a lot more fun than it should've been. Star come share the joy
  2. Ah minecraft. It comes and goes for me.
  3. Hmm. no clue. Very strange indeed. I say write it down as a UOO. An unidentified orbiting object.
  4. He's cornered! Gotcha! Star come on back.
  5. I'm #152 as of now. I was #205 like 4 days ago. Indeed. Has been for a while. Shoot Upsilion a message, he just graduated after all.
  6. Actually ethan has been ninja'ing you all day. Quick, before he does it again!
  7. wow. Just wow. This is getting very hilarious. Xannari come back, I have cookies!
  8. You don't believe it was the monolith? (there is a floating one on Mun right?) Maybe it was the kraken slipping by...
  9. You guys stink at predicting endermen, i've been here like 6 times without being summoned. Xannari
  10. I thought it only did that in atmosphere? IE the ghost smoke that your ship flies through? I find it hard to believe that in munar orbit he would notice a particle effect. although I also find it hard to believe he spotted the monolith
  11. hehehehehe I'm good at teleport ninja-ing. But if you reply next, I promise you wont get ninja'd.
  12. welp, only 81 rep away from joining the light side! See you guys soon!
  13. I am only 81 rep points away from joining the light green group!
  14. you know I almost said ethanadams. Ethanadams again
  15. woah, you mean you left before .17??? That's crazy. I can't imagine how different this game is to you! Welcome back, weary traveler!
  16. When you spend 3 hours on KSP every day, but more than 8 hours on the forums....help
  17. I believe there is a floating monolith on the Mun, although its crazy that you saw it by accident. You were at 109km what? altitude, distance from the thing?
  18. And instead you get screamed at and robbed by me. Starwhip?
  19. I'm not so sure about that being beyond SQUAD's design. I mean, they already have it where you don't get contracts for a place till you've at least been there. Who's to say they won't make the contracts dependent on existing craft? IE "build a base" later: did they build the thing? If yes, add things to the thing for profit and science and fun and things
  20. Nope! wait, what am I doing, FINGERS STOP STAPH NOA dang. you got me. Come back though?
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