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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. 63! woo - - - Updated - - - darn, I'm invalid.
  2. 59. See this is why overrides are unfair at the moment. EDIT: heh, accidental override.
  3. Actually I think its 59 cause your 62 was invalid because of his override to 59. 60 now
  4. 57 and fel that means you're twice positive
  5. Since one person can halt two people on the other team. Because you can't override an override.
  6. 55 stop overriding its unfair D: Indestructible your post was invalid.
  7. He was talking about why he doesn't post, therefor why he hasn't reached 500.
  8. See? You were a positive for this post, adding 1 to the last valid post, which was 60.
  9. Arh, I was gonna have so much fun. There was in invalid post yesterday that nobody said anything about. I was gonna make a revert. But unfortunately, the number didn't actually change from the invalid post. The next poster subtracted from it, but they were actually adding to the previous number. (fel, you were a positive for 1 post. )
  10. I'm not mad at anyone, I just hate unfairness. Always have. That's what happens when you grow up unpopular. Sorry if I sounded rude.
  11. I didn't say it was fair either way, its just the negatives are the ones doing it this moment. I think the override rules should get tweaked to where overriding still helps, but isn't as OP.
  12. I don't see that in the rules fel....But whatever. That kinda makes it unfair though, because the negatives can just wait for a positive to post and the override it and there's no chance for the positives to do anything about it.
  13. I read the rules. It says nothing about double overrides. Dman posted 70 to add 1 to 69. Fel? I think posted 68 to override the 70. But I had already seen theh 70, and posted 71 in the same minute that Fel posted 68. Mine is the last post. According to the rules, the post that appears last is the one that prevails. How is my post not valid?
  14. No, stop the game until someone explains to me exactly how my 71 didn't override the 68.
  15. Someone explain to me how my 71 doesn't override the 68 override?
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