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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Somebody could go watch it I just cried all over my keyboard, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. I went with my girlfriend of nearly 2 years. We had a wonderful time dancing. Can't wait for next year!
  3. There is no button for flares....you have to assign an action group to the countermeasure pod.
  4. Which is what.............. seriously guys, stop with that, a lot of people are totally lost and can't post numbers now cause we have no idea what you guys are doing.
  5. Ok, problem. KSP supports multiple joysticks, but it doesn't support 2 Joystick axis's being half an axis. IE right pedal only moving rudder right, and left pedal moving rudder left. It doesn't work. In fact, it freaks out. I tried using primary and secondary, and inverting one, and when I loaded a craft, the tail fin rotated all the way around. and kept going. Like it was possessed. And it increased memory usage so much that I had to force close KSP cause my computer was maxed out on ram and going super slow. (man I need 8GB) Any ideas on how to get pedals to work?
  6. Eh, I've had that in my sig for over a year...I'm sure people got the message by now. I'll just leave it to them to give it as they see fit.
  7. It's easy to forget to rep though. I didn't give out a single rep for like. Over a year. Cause I never even thought about it. Till I read someone's sig and realized "oh hey, I should actually rep people when I like the post." That being said , I'll remove it anyways so I don't seem like I'm asking for rep.
  8. Funny thing is, I realized the rover thing ages ago...curious as to how rudder pedals never came to mind.
  9. So, I have a flying joystick for flying in KSP and other flight sims. I always had to assign rudder to buttons on top of the flight stick, resulting in all or nothing yaw imputs. I also have a wheel/pedal set for racing. I just now realized that since KSP supports multiple joysticks, I can assign my gas pedal to right rudder, and my brake pedal to left rudder. This changes everything. I'm so excited to set this up when I get home! If you have a racing wheel with pedals, you know have proper yaw pedals!
  10. Either way, I guess I can make my own module manager config, its not that difficult I believe...
  11. Also, I seriously hope there's a mission for destroying enemy fighters parked at the island runway.
  12. Just use Improved chase cam. (google KSP improved chase cam) It works a lot better.
  13. that ones good...it'll probably take people a few times to get it though.
  14. Well its fine with 4 missiles. BDArmory includes what, 6 missiles, and 6 guns or so? I just thought if he made a .64 re-scale config, it would make it a lot easier for kerbal sized planes to lug the missiles and guns around, and easier for us to get them rescaled.
  15. Yeah, I'm not asking for rep anymore. It was a joke last time, and like 6 people repped me that day. Not really fair. When I post here, its just to post something about my rep, I'm not asking for any. If you still wanna give me some, go for it, but I'm not begging anymore.
  16. Well I'm begging Baha to make a config for .64 as its hard to go through and change all the values for every part. Also, the lift thing. That's why I was asking for you to make a seperate config for .64.
  17. #I'MSORRY Dman? ( i just accidentally switch the a and m...whoops)
  18. but ethan, the school day is 7 hours long....I could be in 7 time zones. theoretically. Jumbo-64!
  19. Hello! and welcome to the forums! Yes, the recent release has made this forum explode with new people.
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