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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Can you make a kerbal sized variant of the mod? Ie the missiles are set to kerbal values, which is like .64 of real life i believe?
  2. omg that was the funniest one yet for those who don't get it, say it out loud
  3. I was thinking of Earth as both the planet and as ground. So my guess would've been Submarines, Aircraft carriers, Ect. But thats a big number of people, so the percentage wasn't right. Never even thought of the ISS, well played Squad, pulling a space question over a space community's head.
  4. I'm thinking of making a slightlyanimated version of my avatar. I'm just gonna make the eyes slowly get brighter. Or I could add a really creepy enderman face that slowly edges closer screaming...
  5. He's not even online..... Ethanadams
  6. "A squadron of 3 enemy fighters are closing in on KSC! Scramble your best jet and get out there and defend us!"
  7. 52 woooaaaaahhh we were halfway therrrreeee
  8. Saw this on Imgur... *After me writing "cocker/poodle mix* "Oh no, my dog is not a mix. She is a purebred Cockapoo, I spend $1000 to make sure she wasn't a mix!" Some people just need to be slapped in the face by reality and common sense. Which is ever so scarce these days....
  9. Hey, BD Armory has an Air to Air Artificial Intelligence module now. You can have dogfights against unmanned planes. Which means, you can add Air to Air missions.
  10. 46 states or california. (sorry positives, too good of a chance to bash california about sinking into the pacific. )
  11. Darn it, I was so close. Star, come on back.
  12. Try this link. https://vimeo.com/125746164
  13. the 46 was overridden by the 48. numbers are still right. 48
  14. I'M SORRY! D: would you do It for me though, zekes?
  15. Also, I hope BD doesn't change the range back to 5km........
  16. Did you read anything on this thread? its been down for a bit now.
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