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Everything posted by The_Rocketeer

  1. You've really answered your own question. Once the power for the Stayputnik died, you'd have no way to activate the batteries for the engines. You'd be a big chunk of space debris. It's a rock-paper-scissor. Engines require Probe, Probe requires Power, Power requires Engines. Shut any of those down for any length of time and the system breaks down.
  2. It's worth considering that craft like the Voyager probes and Cassini/Huygens actually used a whole series of gravity fly-bys to build up their velocity high enough to reach the outer solar system. If you're looking for a really efficient way to get out to Jool and Eeloo, you'll want to figure THAT out.
  3. Frankly I think the science system is awesome! Sure, it needs some refinement, sure it's a bit clumsy and goofy in places. But building a rocket that can go to Mun using only tier-1 parts - now that's a challenge. One of the things I love about this game is nearly every patch and update makes it a bit harder somehow. I've had to redesign some of my ships about 4 times now because something Squad tweaked broke some part of their functionality (this release forced a total redesign of my 2-stage lander, which is now lighter but works and looks exactly the same). When I first looked at career mode I though it looked a bit dull. I tried a few things and then left it a while. Gradually the thing grows on me. Instead of being annoyed that it now takes ages to get the bits to build my best designs, I'm looking forward to eventually being able to build them again, and coming up with new designs on the way. I also love that it's locked me out of the add-ons and mods that I've downloaded and bloated out the game with, making everything far too easy. As I go on, I'm beginning to worry that there isn't enough science to do and it unlocks too fast - I guess that's where the credit cost for parts will come into the game!! Anyhow we've been playing this game for the last many months, and we've all got used to doing whatever we want with anything we want and just trying to be clever enough to beat the learning curve to do it, and that's all there's been. But nobody's forcing us play with the new gizmos this time. After all, if you don't like the science, there's always sandbox mode.
  4. In theory this is possible, but only by timing your burn to coincide with the ascending/descending nodes of Kerbin to Jool (or whatever other planet) - i.e. when your Jool intercept point is directly on Kerbin's equator. Otherwise you will always have to make an inclination correction. That said, waiting for Jool and Kerbin to perfectly align for a single ascent burn at a realistic delta-v requirement isn't exactly what you'd call convenient. I have always used the technique Kasuha described to reach other planets.
  5. Ditto. Reassuring to know I wasn't just being a space lemming.
  6. No MapGen with X4r1? I'm really unhappy with the default elevation scale on Mun, can't make out any features except the large craters. Anybody help me out here?
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