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Posts posted by benzman

  1. 21 hours ago, Lisias said:

    1980'a racing. Dutch style!! (some close calls, by the way  - you need to have more guts to watch the race than running on it!)

    This is how Kerbals should do a Race!!! :)


    At the Sydney Olympics somebody said "Who would have guessed that the Dutch are the world's greatest party animals?" There is obviously more to the Dutch than meets the eye.

  2. On 3/28/2022 at 6:45 AM, benzman said:

    I don't watch a great amount of TV but for my money the best British TV series was 'Yes, Minister' and the best American was 'Breaking Bad'.

    In this context 'best' means 'personal favourite'.  After thinking for a while I want to add Barney Miller and The Big Bang Theory to my American favourites and Red Dwarf to my British.

  3. 23 hours ago, sevenperforce said:

    Balloons have been inflated in orbit before; you just have to get the pressure right.

    A balloon pressurized to 3 atm at sea level is under the same stress as a balloon pressurized to 2 atm in a vacuum. 

    I was being a bit flippant. I am aware of things like the ECKO project.

  4. 19 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

    I was thinking.... if it would be practical to create an airship to orbit SSTO?



    The idea would be to rise up into the high atmosphere, and then use plasma rocketry to reach orbital velocity.


    Possible or not?

    A balloon in orbit would go POP.

  5. On 6/24/2022 at 6:04 PM, Lisias said:

    Oukey, now we need a new female Kerbal on the main team, a mechanic called Gladys! :)


    Gladys Ingle has been one of my heros for years, ever since I came across some photos of her changing planes in mid air. Her tight clothing makes is obvious that she is not wearing a parachute. I am pleased to report that some years ago I read that she lived to a ripe old age.


  6. 14 hours ago, Lisias said:


    Neither the U2, by the way - for similar reasons, that huge wingspan (and the need to fly near the coffin's corner)

    Years ago at an English airshow I spoke to a U2 pilot, a woman by the way, and she told me that at maximum altitude the U2 was flying on a knife-edge for the reason you state.  Also it was difficult to land in any crosswind as the bicycle undercarriage meant that it always had to be landed dead straight. I read somewhere that if a U2 at maximum altitude started a turn the lower wing could could be stall buffeting and the upper wing, which is moving slightly faster, could be experiencing transonic mach buffets.  It all sounds rather ugly. 

  7. 12 hours ago, CFYL said:

    When speaking of electric...


    Solarpulse. A plane. It's wings are longer than that of Boeing 747s. But its mass is close to a household SUV. POWERED SOLELY BY SOLAR PANELS. Solarpulse. This plane did a circumnavigation in 2015.


    I was given a cap featuring this plane when I visited the Swiss Consulate in my city.

    As an old glider pilot my first thought was that in a turn those huge wings would generate a horrendous amount of adverse aileron effect, which would explain the big rudder. It would take a lot of rudder input to counteract the initial aileron drag. I suspect that the aircraft is not much fun to fly. I imagine that advances in technology would now enable us to make a much smaller, more efficient electric aircraft.

  8. As I understand it, in an expanding universe the universe will always appear to be expanding in all directions away from you personally, and this effect will appear the same no matter where in the universe you as the  the observer happen to be. So you cannot ask where the 'real' centre of the universe is because the universe is always centred on you. Try this for a bit of fun.  Close one eye. The eye that remains open is the centre of the universe.

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