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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. SystemHeat 0.3.4 Fixed fission reactors always starting at 50% health Fixed uncooled fission reactors always instantly melting down during first load sequence Fixed EVA kerbals losing all their carried fuel in containers when storing, no matter what capacity is remaining in the target container
  2. Nah you can use it, I just want people to think a bit before using it so it's staying here. Looks like I left a debugging/test thing for the repair system in there. Thanks! It probably plays fine with KSPI-E, but: Obviously now you have two competing heat systems I think KSPIE patches some of my parts, those patches might screw up
  3. Delete or modify this patch: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/NearFutureLaunchVehicles/blob/master/GameData/NearFutureLaunchVehicles/Patches/NFLaunchVehiclesOverlappingParts.cfg This error doesn't seem to show up in the log so it's difficult to investigate further. All I can say is that the error you posted before is something breaking the save pipeline, which tends to destroy the game. None of these mods affects the save pipeline in any way, which is why I'm a bit doubtful. If you can get me a log with the actual event occurring, or if you can isolate the problem to an install with only my mods, I might be able to do more investigation. From your mod list, the things that are 'dangerous' (in a sense that they have deep hooks into my parts) are TweakScale and KSPI.
  4. I mod between 5 am and 8 am when my 3 month old wakes me up, sleep is a luxury. Craft file probably not required unless you see more weird things with 0.3.3 ;). Also might be best to post those in the SystemHeat thread, so I can keep development related to that in one place.
  5. I'd suggest submitting (tested) pull requests to the Watefall repo, so we can all collaborate. edit: release will be longer, I started rewriting some stuff.
  6. Nope. It's the same as the other one (play effects for a specific event) sure It's software, most things are possible ;). I think I found the reason for this. The good news - it's fixable. The bad news - you may need to go and adjust the speeds of all effects you've worked on. I'll push a new version out tonight with the mach controller, the fix and maybe a few other things.
  7. Overall I think SystemHeat 0.3.3 will fix this slow speedup thing - at least I replicated your setup in the video as best I could and now things seem to break correctly :).
  8. System Heat 0.3.3 Fixed fission reactor Manual mode showing both on and off buttons at game start Fixed fission reactors still generating power/working when they were full of waste Fixed fission reactors that didn't generate electricity not generating waste Added emergency shutdown message to fission reactors when safety temp is exceeded. Added Hibernate On Warp control to fission reactors: if activated, an enabled reactor will turn off when the ship goes on rails. It will reactivate when the ship goes off rails. Fixed a bug in loop integration that could cause strange behaviour below norminal temperatures
  9. I think we've had this discussion before, I'll reply with my canned reply: I always baseline tank volume on envelope volume instead of looking at the exact design of the tank. This mod is hefty in terms of RAM. Space Dust is probably not much of a factor, it doesn't have a lot of code or assets. Waterfall is more performant than stock particles, so that should improve things.
  10. Yes I can look into this. This existed in NFE but I wasn't aware whether anyone used it.
  11. No, thanks for reminding me. That's quite a wishlist. Probably at least 40 or so hours of development. And, to be perfectly honest, I don't really care about planes so uptake is really going to depend on whether these are useful for other things as well. Not hard, could be added. That's a lot more nuanced than you think it is. How frequently is a new random number generated? what is the rate of movement between the two numbers? That's... really involved at this point. I can think a bit about it but I'm really trying to avoid more UI work. That seems like overkill for that situation? What is preventing you from doing that with multiple modifiers with different blend modes? The effect you describe could for example be accomplished with a throttle-driven curve (replace) that animates a positive gradient. A atmosphere-driven curve (multiply) that moves between values of -1 (at sea level) and 1 (at altitude) should invert the curve as described. Probably not impossible. I'll think about the best way to achieve this as it seems like a good improvement in general I don't think this one will be happening. Can you provide some kind of template for me to reproduce this?
  12. You're more or less correct. However there is no need for the A channel in the diffuse slot because it is unused. But... you'll notice something missing. Sadly, you can't do accurate PBR in KSP because the shader doesn't implement smoothness/roughness as a map, only as a single value for the whole material.
  13. I can also suggest something like this to modders wanting to support both: // Deletes cargo partmodule in KSP < 1.11 @PART[*]:HAS[#author[Chris?Adderley??Nertea?],@MODULE[ModuleCargoPart]]:NEEDS[!Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB_v2]:FOR[NearFutureSolar] { !MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] {} } This filters all parts for your author name, and deletes the ModuleCargo part only if Size2LFB_v2 is detected, which is a part added in 1.11. edit - stop competing people, mine is by far the most bytes.
  14. Hmm, don't really know what I could have that does that. Full log please, module manager cache, mod list, hopefully reproduction steps.
  15. Well, that patch is pretty complex. Generally first you will define some tank types, or use them if other mods define them: B9_TANK_TYPE { name = yourTankType tankMass = 0.000278904 // <- edit this tankCost = 0 RESOURCE { name = ResourceYouWant // <- edit this unitsPerVolume = 4.995 // <- edit this } RESOURCE { name = Resource2YouWant // <- edit this unitsPerVolume = 0.333 // <- edit this } } Then write the patch to patch the parts you want // Target the parts you want here, run it after the CryoTanks patch @PART[yourPartHere]:FOR[zzzz_CryoTanks] { // Target the module @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]] { // Add new subtypes here SUBTYPE { name = yourSubtypeName // <- edit this title = yourSubtypeTitle // <- edit this tankType = yourTankType // <-- As you defined above } } } This should get you in the right direction
  16. So I guess you left the reactor on the whole time? It looks like there might be a bug where fission reactors that don't produce any electricity (like the Stubber) don't correctly add the transmuted depleted fuel to their store.
  17. Yes, FFT uses SpaceDust to run its scanners and harvesters (whole reason I wrote SpaceDust..)
  18. @toric5 Can you have a look at that universal patch warning issue? I think the generic patch is more designed for ISRUs and stuff, not things that use converters but really aren't .
  19. I added a clarifying sentence, but from the FAQ: Q: What's going on with the Making History-like parts? A: If you own Making History, the Restock+ parts that overlap with the MH parts (fuel tanks, etc), will not be added. Instead, those parts will have their art replaced.
  20. There's also some things that exist in interstellar space, but to be honest there aren't a ton of definitions. I placed resources that I (i.e., my mods) and stock care about, and only for stock bodies where it made sense. There might be scope for, say, some airless bodies to have trace amount of some volatiles (and this is easily done with the mod), but I'm not maintaining those definitions and I didn't supply parts to do that. It's important to note the distinction between Telescopes and Scanners: Scanners: Scanners are parts you place on a vessel like a probe, then fly to you destination. Different scanners operate differently, some may need you to fly into the resource band, others can detect things from a distance. Make sure to consult the Part Info window to see how a scanner works . Telescopes: Telescopes function at a distance. Target Celestial bodies you are interested in and start surveys - eventually, depending on distance and the target, you will start discovering things - as long as they aren't too far away or too difficult to find. There is no substitute for actually sending a probe in! If you spend your whole time using the telescope, you are not going to find everything (or it might take forever). The real only way to know if you've found everything is to send a probe with the survey scanner out and drop it into the right orbit to pass through (or near) places where there might be resources.
  21. I'm not totally clear what you mean. Do you mean that you want to add LF and LFO options to the dedicated cryo tank parts (gold foil)?
  22. That's what I'm talking about. There's a slowdown of heatup around 550K that should not be happening. The big heat spike that you see after retracting and extending the radiator is more typical of what you should see (a very rapid jump to loop operating temperature). I misspoke when I say there was 'equilibrium' - SystemHeat does not have a real concept of equilibrium below ideal operating temperature, when the loop is below ideal it should always trend towards ideal temperature. This is no matter how many radiators you add. In some edge cases you might get an equilibrium above operating temperature, if the radiators have a maximum operating temperature that is higher than the ideal operating temperature and they don't fully cool the system at operating temperature. That's not going to happen a lot though. Again though, this setup you have is functionally never going to work, this bug just slightly delayed the inevitable. I've put together a conceptual guide to SH on the SH Wiki, if you're unclear on the concepts please have a look and give me feedback.
  23. Take the following steps to replicate my test: Start a fresh save. Make a thing with the spectral telescope, equip an Xenon and a LF scanner Cheat to orbit, infinite EC Target Eve. Start scan. Timewarp a few days You should get a screen message saying "we discovered Xenon near Eve". More messages will follow (IDed xenon, discovered LF). You should now be able to see overlay things near Eve. Let me know what happens on your install.
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