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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. I stared at the video for a while and I am having trouble understanding a bit, maybe you can clarify. Here's what I see. You turn on the reactor, and everything is fine, things heat up to the ideal loop temperatures of 900K (only one heat producer in the loop at its output of 900K). You activate the z-pinch engine and the new ideal loop temperature is 1570K (dominated by the z-pinch engine's output of 1600K) There seems to be a bug here, where the loop continues to heat up quite slowly despite the massive heat output of the engine. You do your radiator retract/extend and the loop heats up properly fast now The reactor melts as expected, because the ideal loop temperature is way above its operating temp I'll look into that potentially bugged heat up rate, but the overall behaviour seems correct. In natural equilibrium state, this setup will always cook your reactor, because the Z-pinch engine is too hot to be in the same loop as it. Put the reactors and its radiators in their own loop. I'm pretty sure if you look at this situation in the editor with the heat overlay on, it'll throw up alerts in the UI...
  2. Are you sure? I just tested this and the fans spin fine. Check your dependencies, particularly KerbalActuators. If everything seems fine, please provide mod list and logs.
  3. No, they're right, I updated it but forgot to increment the version #.
  4. No, there is no atmosphere on either of those planets, so proooobably no atmospheric resources :P.
  5. Stratos made some effects, but they never posted the actual config as I recall. You'd have to start from scratch. The wiki assumes you are familiar with how you add a module to a part, probably with ModuleManager. I don't really want to get into that, there is a lot of documentation and tutorials, plus a couple dozen examples in NFT now. You find the engine ID by looking at the original part config: MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = Dry thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 85 heatProduction = 15 useEngineResponseTime = True engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.5 engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5 useVelocityCurve = False flameoutEffectName = flameout powerEffectName = power_dry //runningEffectName = running_thrust engageEffectName = engage disengageEffectName = disengage spoolEffectName = running_dry engineSpoolIdle = 0.05 engineSpoolTime = 2.0 EngineType = Turbine ... I'm not aware of any issue with various engine modes; as the wiki describes there should be one ModuleWaterfallFX per engine module.
  6. Well, could be a bug going on, but I don't see any issues with that in my install (just flipping between planets in a fully discovered save). What resources have you collected, how, and from where? Did you actually discover anything using the scanning parts?
  7. Don't think it shows percentages, it shows you discovery rates, doesn't mean there's anything there.
  8. No, probably not. Better place to start would be Tantares, no?
  9. Well, ok. So this stuff belongs in the System Heat thread but you should know that temperature is no longer 'inside the reactor core' temperature. This is now cooling loop temperature and it is unconnected to Isp. Thrust/Isp is now directly connected to reactor power, which now ramps up slowly.
  10. bleh. Added NFA to 1.11 complete list KSP 1.11.x Updated bundled KerbalActuators to 1.8.3 Updated bundled DeployableEngines to 1.2.3 Updated CRP to 1.4.2 Made a few parts usable with the inventory system Buffed nuclear jet engine static thrust at low speeds by ~30% Fixed HVR-TWO colliders Fixed endcap separation on most engines
  11. B9 PS works fine in 1.11. SSPXr 1.4.0 KSP 1.11 Updated NearFutureProps to 0.6.4 Added inventories and cargo stuff
  12. Good find, it was some 2 order of magnitude off from targets on Kerbin. SpaceDust 0.3.2 Adjusted ArgonGas distribution Disabled cargo partmodule in KSP < 1.11
  13. Hey. We're working on the update. We know there's stuff to fix. Don't use it in 1.11.
  14. TweakScale support is TweakScale's business. I don't support it.
  15. I just dumped fixes for that 1.10 error, I think. Should disable ModuleCargoPart in KSP < 1.11.
  16. Functionally yes. However as mentioned it might not work perfectly. That would depend on all mod RCS blocks and engines having the same locations and scales of plume which is probably unrealistic. However you can use a template to greatly decrease the work. I have a heat distortion shader on the roadmap, but that's a ways off. You don't need to put it in the template folder, it can really go anywhere. However, I will need your log and the file you generated to debug that.
  17. Strip out everything that's not my mods and try again. In particular there are a ton of TweakScale errors.
  18. I see a pile of errors unrelated to my stuff in that log. Could you try this? It should preserve the modules for 1.11 and delete them in 1.1.0. // Deletes part inventories in KSP < 1.11 @PART[*]:HAS[ModuleInventoryPart]:NEEDS[!Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB_v2] { !MODULE[ModuleInventoryPart] {} } // Deletes cargo partmodule in KSP < 1.11 @PART[*]:HAS[ModuleCargoPart]:NEEDS[!Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB_v2] { !MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] {} }
  19. What engines? Your log doesn't have any load errors. Using this mod in 1.11 is unsupported.
  20. KSP 1.12.x Far Future Technologies [1.4.2] Last Updated October 9, 2024 Full Screenshot Gallery Welcome to Far Future Technologies, a mod to extend your space program into THE FUTURE. This mod provides pretty optimistic but generally viable spacecraft technologies. These might not be possible today, but the physics works out, and might be feasible within the next 100 years. Key features: Exotic Fission Engines: running the full gamut from low-thrust fission fragment engines to the notorious nuclear salt water rocket Fusion Engines: a wide swathe of thermal and inertially confined fusion engines Antimatter Catalyzed Engines: augmenting fission and fusion with antimatter power Torch Drives: for those who don't care about balance. One in the Fusion, Fission and Antimatter category. Resource Harvesting: many options for collecting resources, like atmospheric and exospheric scoops, big mining rigs and antimatter factories Thermal Mechanics: integration with System Heat for deep thermal mechanics Plumes and Animations: integration with Waterfall to drive some (in my opinion) beautiful plumes Keep in mind that Far Future Technologies is complex! Rocket engineers will need to master basically everything from CryoTanks, Near Future Tech, System Heat and a lot more to succeed. System Heat This mod uses System Heat to run its thermal mechanics. There is some new heat gameplay as a result of this. If you are just getting started, you should review the System Heat Wiki. When you install FFT, only FFT parts and radiators will use System Heat. If you want to use this system with other parts, check out the forum thread for a download of the 'full' mod which includes patches to extend the thermal model to converters, drills, NFE reactors, etc. Compatibility This mod is designed to synergize well with everything I make, particularly Kerbal Atomics, and with the various Near Future Technologies mods . It is also fully integrated into the Community Tech Tree (you should really use this). Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is this mod compatible with KSPI-E? A: It is not. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Community Resource Pack Cryo Tanks Deployable Engines Dynamic Battery Storage SystemHeat SpaceDust Waterfall Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source Special Thanks A big hand to all the testers who helped work out balance and bugs during the last month. If you appreciate this project, please consider contributing to my caffeine addiction! I really appreciate it, and also helps justify this time sink to my wife , which results directly in more models.
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