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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. I'll look into it, but could you provide some pictures of the situation so I can replicate it? Screen caps should have inventories open and all. I did a recent test in my case and it seemed to be working fine.
  2. The button only shows up when you have an EVA Kerbal with a container in their inventory close to the part you want to transfer to. Are you sure you have that?
  3. I'm not certain this is a big problem. We had decided that the torch drives exist on another level as they're quite cheaty no matter where they are in the science tree.
  4. I'll investigate, thanks. Can you be more specific about the exact steps you took?
  5. Yeah I'm just going to move this mod to the very bottom of the stack.
  6. I tried to hack the inventory system to filter things like that and it didn't end well. Might be something for the future. To use the feature. equip a kerbal with the nuclear container, EVA them and have them collect fuel or waste from a tank/reactor. Then move them to where you want to go and have them store again.
  7. We don't patch these parts at all. Suspect this is a stock bug with 1.11.
  8. FFT 0.9.11 (RC1???) Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.2.1 Updated DeployableEngines to 1.2.3 Updated CryoTanks to 1.5.4 Updated SystemHeat to 0.3.0 Updated SpaceDust to 0.3.0 Updated Waterfall to 0.2.10 Marked mod for KSP 1.11 Added PK-DUST-XS Regolith Processing System: smaller bulldozer style He3 processor Made gas scanner storeable as a cargo part Moved Dirac to correct tech node Reduced minimum throttle for Dirac reactor to 25% from 50% It's worth mentioning that this might not work in older KSPs than 1.11, as I use some new API features in SystemHeat. Feedback welcome.
  9. Pretty sure this is actually a bug with Restock. So I bumped basic package to KSP 1.11. However, the WaterfallRestock package is not updated. This will occur after the Restock update. The old package should still work, I just won't update the version #.
  10. DBS 2.2.1 Marked for KSP 1.11.x When altitude is set to 0 in the solar panel UI planner, time displayed will be the body's time in eclipse
  11. CryoTanks 1.5.4 KSP 1.11 Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.2.1 Various MFT fixes by dlrk
  12. SpaceDust 0.3.0 Marked for KSP 1.11.x Fixed pre-discovered resource distributions granting science at game start Gas Analyzer and Spectrometer are now storeable/placeable parts for 1.11 inventories
  13. No, stock inventory only. SystemHeat 0.3.0 Pushed to KSP 1.11 Improved Repair feature for fission reactors: now requires EVA repair kits. More kits needed for larger reactors Improved Refuel feature for fission reactors: now needs Kerbals to equip the Nuclear Fuel Container EVA part, and for them to collect fuel from containers to store in reactors Added Nuclear fuel container cargo part for working with fission engines/reactors It's worth mentioning that this might not work in older KSPs than 1.11, as I use some new API features. Feedback welcome.
  14. It probably would have been if it hadn't been for KSP 1.11... You can put the other one on rovers too, just... bigger ones ;).
  15. Maybe an edge case, but also recall that fusion reactors have higher alpha (power/mass), better thermal performance and instant response! head_explode.gif
  16. No worries, I haven't kept the OP totally up to date. See here: I'm currently doing some work to leverage the 1.11 inventory system for reactor repair and refuel. Repair kits are now needed to repair reactors - depending on the size of the reactor, you will need more repair kits to repair damage. For fuel, you will need your Kerbal to equip the new nuclear fuel canister inventory item: I modeled it before I learned how useless the model is in the current implementation. It won't be shown anywhere, really! Squad made all these assets (eating a lot of memory) for just icons in the part picker. Oh well... Anyways, with a cylinder equipped, kerbals have the options to collect and store nuclear fuel and waste from reactors and containers. Slightly more fun.
  17. Further to @Beale's note, this is somewhat worse for any mod that creates a storeable part that doesn't sit in a Parts folder. It's also pretty awkward for mods that replace/mess with stock part visuals as then we have to de shennanigans inside users' GameData/Squad folders, which is less than ideal. I would suggest a solution to this might be to preserve the current capability, if you must, but allow ModuleCargoPart to specify the thumbnail path.
  18. Do you mean it is set to 285, or that 285 science is added? I see something that could cause the latter, but not the former (loading seems to 'rediscover' all the bands again, total science in the default discovered bands is 285).
  19. We'll do an impact assessment and start work immediately soon whenever the next shipment of scotch arrives.
  20. An interesting challenge. I really appreciate your work though - even if I can't read it I'm sure other Russian speakers greatly appreciate it. Nice! A very pretty ship. Yes, it's intentional. Depending on the reactor, the minimum throttle is different. The AIM reactor is rated for 200kW and has a minimum throttle of 50%, so you'll always see minimum 100 kW. The power reactors and the 'traditional' confinement reactors on engines have a 10% minimum.
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