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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. I think BDB will probably provide some of these for 6.25m. I don't have much interest doing an in-between for sizes 5 and 7.5 - we already go from 3.75 to 5m without and in-between size. I typically don't provide for specific ships, but more general parts, so you won't see Sea Dragons, etc from me. Those, as far as I'm concerned, are just big tanks plus unpleasantly large engines. Hmm, it's not massless, but it does have 'less' mass per unit. One unit of antimatter is, I believe, 1 microgram (this is how it is defined in CRP). So, while the ratio is 1:1 for the engine, it's actually mass-wise quite in favour of hydrogen. This is something I might tune as well to increase the amount of AM needed for the engine. This is why the engine is coincidentally more thrust-optimized, I've configured it at a tiny 1% of maximum theoretical specific impulse for the large boost in thrust. The engine the model is based on is actually designed to manufacture the pellets in a just-in-time method, reasoning that storing cryogenic fuels is easier than storing precisely machined balls of deuterium ice for years. The bulky thing at the top with the 'pellet' design language is the pellet factory. The numbers you are showing look pretty fine to me. You traded 1/3 the DV for almost double the thrust. I'll look at the sound issue, I usually test with sound off so don't really see those things. God that looks horrific. One thing I'm seeing in the ships people post is really... not enough radiators. I'm going to have to look at this, because it seems like with the exception of a couple of the most powerful things there are not a lot of radiators required. Appreciate thoughts here.
  2. Ok, that is working as intended. I haven't figured out how to populate that field dynamically, so you have to right click on the tank when placed to see the final value. I don't think my mods have any ability to touch your aspect ratio.
  3. Wow... so that part doesn't seem to have a cap on it, so it is taking the full amount of air movement through the volume. I'll add a cap in the next FFT release . I think the other intakes that part has (fan, ram) do have caps. New update, 0.2.0: Fixed harvesting that broke last update Added SystemHeat integration: when SystemHeat is installed, ModuleSpaceDustHarvester can add heat to the system, and will overheat Improved ModuleSpaceDustTelescope Occlusion is now a thing: can't observe planets through planets Atmospheric effects are now enabled: discovery rates are modulated by atmosphere (if your observatory is on a planet with atmo)
  4. Ah so the systems manager UI will not show the radiators but they should work. I'll check it again, it has been a while. The NFE reactors have been ported for quite a while now, but not enabled by default. Look in the SystemHeat distribution for the extras files.
  5. If you just want extensions that are several parts together, that's not really something I am interested in doing. You can accomplish that without my help in modeling. Taking the other approach, cutting up models and configuring them for multiple lengths (so they don't just look like one repeated element is fairly time consuming and best done with scratch models. I'm not aware of anyone doing it. I'd love to do them both, but both are a lot of work. Particularly IVAs. No, I think it lacks the model features. Heh, enjoyment varies... I will be happy to get this mod out the door. I think you misunderstand, we're talking about a SystemHeat part, specifically the Heat Sink that allows storing and releasing heat. It is currently untextured because I don't know if it is actually useful. FYI, SystemHeat configured radiators keep their stock radiator attributes; they do double duty. I have no intentions to merge to mods at this time, people would probably riot. Heat production is probably going down, and so is thrust. Did the tank and its consumption show up the NF Systems Manager UI? Worth checking that if you see any explosions and take screenshots to see if the tank is getting detected and managed properly. Your problem is that the antiprotons would immediately react with the surrounding air, causing 'excess reactivity' inside your engine, specifically right at the outlet. If the engine was designed to handle this, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever, you'd basically get a low density plasma core engine with air as the reaction mass, but yes you would kill everyone nearby with hard gamma. OPT is close to what I would build if I was making planes, but I don't really want to do that. the OPT fuselages are great, the engines are pretty scifi though. OTOH they have a pretty crazy energy density for their mass and size.
  6. No, I mean I'd like to see exactly what's going on on the pad in terms of the UI. Also the log.
  7. On the pad? Also, you don't need that intake, the part has its own intakes.
  8. I haven't made this texture yet. It is a bunch of work to finish and I haven't got much of a testing result to see if that part is useful. I may scrap it for now. Dang that is fast! I will probably be evolving the balance specs for that engine a bit in the near future. Hah you wish....
  9. I can think about this, the way discovery is architected isn't super conducive to this, I'm afraid. What might be best is to rework things so that discovery is sequential; i.e. you discover resources one at a time. Then you could reasonably elapse the time needed to discover a single band and then declare nothing found. A screenshot of your craft might help.
  10. It is worth looking at the author distribution of the MH parts. I only handled the basic 1.875m suite and 5m suites (the latter only because I was redoing NFLV, too). Of course others can do it, but I can't make anyone do work, obviously. I'm pretty sure we got 80% of the way through one of the two engines, but stuck there. I have maintained forever that any MH parts that get added are additions to scope. They were not part of the original plan. I don't enjoy working on them, and even if I was interested in pestering the rest of the team to do it, I wouldn't, because that's their choice and not mine, no matter how whiny I get. I've gone into my problems about the fundamental design of MH in other posts, not interested in rehashing.
  11. I took a break from answering to avoid knee jerk reactions, so here's my considered response I did this to help users with large part counts. I just created an engine that *needs* dozens of identical parts to support it. The way I see it, creating one multi do-all radiator part that can extend to crazy lengths for the sake of supporting that one part (because the cooling requirements for all the other engines wouldn't even get close to halfway) just creates a need for 2 parts where there is really one. You can't use the long radiator truss without the engine (ok, well if you put dozens of other engines or something, maybe), and you really can't use the engine without the radiator truss. The one place I can see a very clear argument for a separate part is in terms of orbital assembly So in short, I will keep the part as is, but will consider adding something separate to the radiator mod. Yes I'm aware of this. Don't know how I used the wrong resource but eh :P. I'm not aware of any broken textures. Sweet! I feel like I see a bug in one of the screenshots though, ha. Ha, so I've had one comment that it's too hard, and one that it's too easy . Challenge there is that will cost a bunch in terms of texture space. Might be worth investigating, it's not a lot of work.
  12. I was unable to reproduce this: Built a ship with 1x LV-T-45, 2x FL-T400, 1x Mk1 Command Pod Launched (no SAS) Flew up for quite a while without any wobble and stuff (maybe 20 km)
  13. There are now fissionables tanks and fusion tanks to keep part catalogue counts low. I don't particularly want to do this ( the split), not the least because it'll just lead to asks for more trusses of different sizes. It also puts a random radiator in this mod which breaks the separation of responsibilities between the packs. It leads to two-part solutions for single part... things. Not sure why that is better.
  14. Resource discovery isn't sequential - you observe with all instruments and make progress on all bands that match those resources. Even showing a timer for each instrument will immediately tell players that the resource is there.
  15. So are you not seeing it in the VAB? Flight? Some screenshots would help.
  16. Sorry, need more information.Which tanks? How do you mean, view? In the part window? Somewhere else?
  17. Yeah I was revising the numbers this morning and something seemed weird too, so take my statement as one of intent but maybe not current state I should note that the radiators are literally just the static microchannel radiators glued onto a common truss so there's nothing really special about them.
  18. I actually back-calculated the radiative capacity based on the number of integrated radiator panels versus the EF-2K's capabilities. In theory you should need no cooling with the full sized engine, however, looks like I made a mistake and there is still one 'segment' worth of cooling needed at full extension. I can fix that. While writing that I realized thats a bad assumption as you'll lose half of each radiator panel to self shadowing, so all those numbers will get cut by 2 as well. Yes, this is the same physics concept as the Venture Star engine. I actually made the colliders hollow so you can do that. In 'reality' you don't want to put antimatter tanks in there, even with the large shadow shield there are still too many gamma rays to make that safe. Pay attention to the length numbers on this diagram
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