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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Dynamic Battery Storage 2.1.8 Added a new settings flag: DebugLoading, which decreases the number of messages emitted when loading (off by default) Added support for FFT modules: ModuleAntimatterTank, FusionReactor, FusionEngine, ModuleChargeableEngine Added support for SystemHeat modules: ModuleSystemHeatRadiator, ModuleSystemHeatHarvester, ModuleSystemHeatConverter, ModuleSystemHeatTemperatureAdjuster, ModuleSystemHeatConvector, ModuleSystemHeatFissionEngine, ModuleSystemHeatFissionReactor Added support for SpaceDust modules: ModuleSpaceDustScanner, ModuleSpaceDustHarvester
  2. Indeed, fundamentally you have a new pair of balance values and you need to configure them, usually from things that aren't present in other configs. Config nodes... i mean, it's close, but I'm not getting much feedback at the moment, so I don't know if the concept needs work or if there are major bugs.
  3. The factory. Presumably it still exists, but you don't need to manage it, you just pay x cost to get y units. The harvesting is still a ways off.
  4. The automation supplied will be limited in scope - the reactor will run at a power level to supply demand. If a lot of power is required, it will run highest possible capacity until that power is no longer needed. If less power is required, it will run at that power level (though will respect a minimum power level). Automating radiators is way out of scope, would require another DBS-like solution. Been meaning to redo those but I have much better things to do. Plus I want to redo the NFE reactors so been waiting for that.
  5. Glad you like the mod! I don't really see the benefit of adding someone else's mod to this one - why not just download that one? Yes, but some of the slopes are pretty vague - in the images I posted you can see that it's hard to tell by placing just one part in a lot of cases.
  6. Let's check out our resource detecting parts... For scale, the cylindrical part of the CRANE detector is 1.25m.
  7. Last update I moved all the 'gameplay-changing' patches to the Extras folders. That way the mod can be installed to run things that require it (e.g., Far Future Tech) without affecting the base game. The only things that are patched by default are radiators, and this change is backwards compatible. SystemHeatConverters: Changes resource converters to SystemHeat converters SystemHeatHarvesters: Changes resource harvesters to SystemHeat harvesters SystemHeatFissionReactors: Changes NFE reactors to SystemHeat reactors SystemHeatFissionEngines: Changes KA fission engines to SystemHeat nuclear engines.
  8. This concept no longer exists, as described in earlier posts. If something doesn't end up being configurable enough to your liking, you can always submit a pull request to add this feature.
  9. Er, so I've got most of the suite done for 1.10.1 so somewhat back to this. A few thing I've been working on: Antimatter Loading I removed the old system for simplification. No more factory, no more handling of that. Antimatter costs science (as previously discussed), and when you load to the pad a popup comes up asking you if you want to launch. System Heat As described in the SH thread, it's coming along. If you, as a user, want to speed up the release of FFT, go there and test it. Space Dust I resumed work on the final piece of the puzzle, which is the atmospheric and exospheric harvesting system. I wrote the resource distribution and sampling code and am working on the visualizations, which are being a pain to port from Unity to the game. Took a break to model the two revised instruments, the antimatter detector (now based on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory's EGRET instrument) and the atmospheric scanner (now based on Cassini's UVIS instrument).
  10. As mentioned, the old deprecated engines have configs. The new engines are all Kerolox and don't have a need for this.
  11. Ooof no, that's too involved for me to want to deal with. Simplified yes, completely user-less, no!
  12. *sigh* Logs, pictures, modlist, etc. Temperature will be green/orange/red when in the appropriate bounds, and that little warning icon will appear I'm uncertain what you mean by the second one. Usually the cause of too much heat is always not enough radiators
  13. Something some people miss is that the reflector needs to be deployed for it to work. If you can't get the line to turn green, check that the reflector is deployed. In other news, redoing the NFE reactor panel. Interested in thoughts
  14. New update is available: General Restructured patches into Extras and not-extras for better modularity Parts/Patches Added a dummy coolant tank part Added a dummy Heat Sink part Added a dummy Compressor part Added patches for all NFE reactors Added patches for all Kerbal Atomics engines Tuned balance for some parts Simulation Fixed a number of bugs surrounding simulations Various upgrades to the simulation system to handle new modules Added ModuleSystemHeatFissionEngine: replacement for NFE fission engine module Added ModuleSystemHeatFissionReactor: replacement for NFE fission reactor module Added ModuleSystemHeatSink: heat sink module that allows for storing and slow release of heat Added ModuleSystemHeatTemperatureAdjuster: module that allows the adjustment of a loop's nominal temperature for a power/heat cost UI Added Volume information to loop overlay panels Bugfixes for overlay panels and overlay loops ModuleSystemHeat provides Volume information in the part info box plus a little display Additional localization additions Note a few things... The NFE reactors and thermal engines work a bit differently than they used to, namely they auto-adjust their output and are overall less complex to use NFE reactor panel doesn't exist at the moment Nothing plugs into the NF system manager yet (power not tracked for reactors, for example)
  15. Nominally 1.10.1, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work as far back as 1.8.x
  16. That looks really cool and makes me more excited to work on this! There's a fairly big update coming soon (tomorrow?) with a ton of fixes and improvements. Unfortunately other people's custom modules are probably not going to work. My mods will be fine, I'll work with anyone who want to in order to help them, but I really doubt USI or Kerbalism will be part of that bin.
  17. I mean, I wanted to write this plugin and make models for it. So I could just make models for it. I have to peruse the code a bit, but this looks like 90% of what I wanted from the post, so, yay.
  18. Updated for 1.10 plus a few fixes. KSP 1.10.x Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.4 Updated NF Props to 0.6.3 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.17.0 Chinese localization (tinygrox) DRE compatibility (dlrk4)
  19. Updated for 1.10. Very pedestrian, no fixes needed.
  20. Spacedock's back up. Some small hotfixes that have come to light: NF Spacecraft 1.3.3 Fixed IVA portraits on Mk3-9 pod NF Exploration 1.0.10 Fixed an issue where broken antennas would cause NREs
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