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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Nope. My "craptop" as I like to call it was not built by me, thank god. The user below is not the user above.
  2. Spacesuits? Screw that. Do it Kerbal style and tie them to a chair on the top of an old Soyuz or something and launch it to space.
  3. Granted. You're one of those little midget raptor things and get hit by a car. I wish that the Reliant Robin Shuttle had separated.
  4. Boom go your head. My hill.
  5. Banned for being on the VAB. Also banned for me being 1 second early in the 30 second delay between posts.
  6. Starwhip


    Dis is not riddle. Dis be random question with no logical answer. Posteth again with a better riddle.
  7. Nice thingy, is it a real light or something else? They have those in jet airliners. 5/10 for the thing itself, plus 5 for it being on. 10/10.
  8. Starwhip


    You must do the thing like this: Nope How about an animal of some sort for food.
  9. Umm... I believe that is not normal. Try what Clockwork suggested and take it back to the store.
  10. Banned for [random.randint(0,15)] reasons of which I care not to list.
  11. If anyone watches the BBC America show, Top Gear, you'll know the Reliant Robin. And you may have even seen this thing. THIS is the most KSP-ish spacecraft I have EVER seen: The Reliant Robin Shuttle. You notice the solid fuel boosters, the liquid fuel tank, and, you know, the CAR on it... Ignition! Liftoff! And, to top it off, a failure to separate the glider from the main rocket... Which ended in a blaze of glory... All in all, a classic KSP moment. In real life.
  12. Me too! Is it a FIRST team? I think it's our fifth year. 3410. Other than that, I program, do 3D modeling, and play Minecraft and/or Tekkit.
  13. Go to space and turn on a flashlight. Then wait a long, long time..... How to make pie.
  14. Starwhip


    Ah, come on now. A vehicle of any sort (if that is what it is) would not be transportable by a single person. Probably. So a rocket or an airplane.
  15. You know you play too much KSP when you forget to check for updates because you are obsessed with getting to Eeloo. (Happened to me. I was still at .20 and the game was at .23)
  16. Floor 703: You discover a paradox: How is it that in 630 posts you are already on floor 703?
  17. Erm... I've never seen you before. So 0/10....
  18. 10/10 for space stuffs. EDIT: OOOH I like that Abraham Lincoln one
  19. Granted. You can play KSP with mods. Woo hoo. I wish I had a roll of Duct Tape.
  20. Put your fist through the monitor and grab it. How do I connect to the Interwebs?
  21. Eh, not really. The user below posts in this thread a lot.
  22. I kick you out the window. My hill.
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