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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Starwhip


    Not really a riddle... probably water. More like a paradox. Why would he be dead if he had the water in the first place? Maybe there is a snake or something along with the water. Try more lengthy riddles, like a certain someone on the forum. EXAMPLE: A fairly easy one: Color of the earth, Strong and stout, Light, I cannot grow without. I reach to the sky, grasp the soil, birds who fly through strife and toil rest on my limbs through the night. What am I? Again, not very hard.
  2. That is exactly the same thing that is happening with KSP. When I bought it it was $22, now it's $27.
  3. How about no. The user below has seen my trailer. (I don't like it, making a better one.)
  4. I'm using Blender3D, yes, and the standard "Blender Render" setting. Cycles is a bit of a pain. For the actual movie I'll do DoF (Depth of Field) and better lighting. I'm planning to make a better trailer soon.
  5. I know it needs music.... but I don't have good speakers or battery. This is my last post for a while, so I'll be back when I find the charger.
  6. Starwhip


    NOOOOO Jeb died again.... Darn. Time to go Config editing.... Another thing: Quicksaves. Press f5 at any time (not while throttled up/in atmosphere, moving, however) to quicksave, and hit f9 to reload to that point. I think that since all your 'chutes deployed at once, the g-forces broke them off. Right-click in flight/in the VAB/SPH and set the top ones to X height, the middle to Y height, and the bottom to Z height. X,Y,Z being abstract heights of your choosing. Other than that, I've never had this happen before. So you might not get any help from me. Good luck out there, Kerbonaut!
  7. Banned for having the chance to play KSP 0.10
  8. View My Video"]Minecraft Trailer Click to see the trailer... Still open to ideas, though.
  9. That's a pretty good idea. But how about "Next Stop Everywhere"? Here's Steve's house for the movie.
  10. Banned because redstone comparators...
  11. Basically: 1. Pick a destination 2. Build a lander 3. Test lander 4. Build a CSM/Unmanned tug 5. Test lander/CSM combo 6. Revive Jeb... 7. Dig up some kind of lifter craft or rebuild one. 8. Stick it on the bottom of the payload. 9. Forget the launch clamps the second I hit "launch" 10. Go back to VAB and add clamps, forget sepatrons, add sepatrons. 11. Lift off about 10 meters off the ground 12. Explode 13. Screw the hour and a half of my life I just wasted and walk away. This is not really how I do it, steps 11-13 are just for fun, usually it gets where it's supposed to by step 10.
  12. You know you've been playing too long when you get a spaceplane in orbit.... (Several months or so...)
  13. Banning template: Banned for [insert comment here][reason] Banned for happiness and having 260 posts
  14. .....Well, I have no real problem with that. But I'd have to spend a whole day modeling/texturing the darn thing, and I don't really want to do that yet. Well, let's see here; If I were to somehow have a plot centered on Herobrine being eventually killed, how should it happen? Mob revolt? Obsidian sword? It's not a machinima, so possibilities are only limited by time spent.
  15. Granted. You have been touched by a magical artifact that allows you to spell the word "wish" correctly the next time you write it. Then you are cursed with misspelling every word you write afterwards. I wish that I hadn't written "wish" so many times.
  16. Banned for the amazing comment on Duct Tape
  17. Comets, huh? I've got my name on the microchip of the Stardust probe, which collected samples from a comet.
  18. Banned for being a Spacecraft Engineer.
  19. 7/10 I remember you, but haven't seen you in quite some time.
  20. I'm going to work on a trailer this weekend. How would I put said trailer up on this thread? It's going to be a kind of Herobrine reawakening. Kind of hard to explain. Not like anything else up there yet, the trailer will explain everything.
  21. Oh, damn, I remember the name.... but not what it is. So maybe? The user below can reinvigorate my knowledge.
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