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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. You forgot that they were crap turrets. *click*click*click*click* I calmly walk over and kill you. My hill.
  2. That's not the launch tower. Dat be de crawler with a large clamp on a Saturn-V going to ze launch pad.
  3. A hammer to the head. Why doesn't everyone use proper-ish English when posting?
  4. Banned for needing more boosters, you overengineering scum!
  5. Error 404: No signature found.
  6. I just realized... the Kerbal Space Center is the KSC. And the Kennedy Space Center is also the KSC. Coincidence?
  7. Docking? Hmm. My first actual docking was in about .18, when I was building a station. Took quite a while, as I didn't have RCS symmetry. But I got 2 ships about 500m apart in Demo and rescued Bill... or Bob or Jeb, I can't remember.
  8. A thing which is great to stick in a fire. What is 6*7?
  9. Well, I still have my ASHPD, so I portal up to said moon rocks and get a free ride to the ship.
  10. As the parent star continues to expand, and temperatures increase, some of the ice at the equators begins to melt. This forms a warm-water current around the entire planet. The sea-derps find this channel and begin to ride it.
  11. Starwhip


    How about typing and deleting?
  12. Apply (give) something that decreases likelihood that desired behavior will occur. Ah. Psychology notes. Interesting.
  13. I just wait until you die and claim it. "My Hill"
  14. 7/10 ... it's interesting. (How about now?)
  15. Banned for not being online when I posted this.
  16. Oh, My, God, so much yes. Best launch ever and about 5/10 for the interesting Kerbal.
  17. Starwhip


    My sister suggests Time Lords. I say Nope But how about mushrooms/fungi? (Not that you see many houses built out of mushrooms...)
  18. Floor 674: After nearly falling to your death, an SRB comes up the shaft and pushes you through the doorway to the next floor.
  19. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Welcome to the forums. We hope you have a good time. "Whereupon you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
  20. Granted. It's broken. And it kills you. I wish that there were less threads that eventually get derailed by the, um, 5 or 6 of us posting you know what.
  21. Hmm... The Kraken is returning... Perhaps this was KSP's Christmas present to us.
  22. Those were the days, when I used to build rockets just to see how explody they would be. I don't do that anymore, because SCIENCE... er.. there are more mature things to do that involve the stuSCIENCE (Damn, stop it!) dy of other planets. Welcome to de Forums.
  23. Geronimo (INVISITENCHARS brought to you by Starwhip. All rights reserved.)
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