I hack into the gun's mainframe and shoot you. I then tie it to a rocket which spontaneously disassembles on trajectory, destroying it. I claim de hill. Meh Hill.
Plants. The "rows" would be the crop rows. Vines grow in spirals up. There are billions of plants on Earth, and they can grow very large. I guess the "evil" would be like parasites or deforestation, which would kill most of the plants. EDIT: If I got this in one shot, you might have some serious competition.
Nah. I never hardly use 100% thrust, anyways. I like it in the green. The button will keep you from having any homework for the rest of your school career, but also age you by the amount of time it would take you to finish said homework.
I climb to the top of a very tall tower, with an ASHPD and a Companion Cube, shoot a portal below me, one in the moon, drop the cube off the building, and have it hit your rocket and kill you.
...was a morality core they installed on me after I flooded the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, to make me stop flooding the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin. So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters... --END SEQUENCE, GLaDOS, said in deep voice probably the creepiest GLaDOS voice ever ()_() Thread has been revived!?