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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I jump up behind you and stuff you in a crate, load it on a SRB, and shoot you to the Mun. Meh Hyll.
  2. 10/10 I can't see it right now, but it's pretty cool because I saw it the other day.
  3. Banned for "LapTop" in your location.
  4. Starwhip


    NOOO I was too late! The second I read that riddle I knew the answer. Next one....
  5. I walk into elevator on floor 18, see weird bearded creeper, and just cant wait to get back out.
  6. List of common vocabulary: SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit), SSTM (Single Stage to Mun/Minmus), (basically Single Stage to Wherever the Hell you Want.), and probably the ultimate challenge: SSTLAB: Single Stage To Laythe And Back. Hope you learn fast, and welcome!
  7. I use my spirit to possess your body. My hill. And new body.
  8. If I am, I don't know it. Or at least I don't think it. Hmm. The user below thinks that they live inside a computer program.
  9. Well, there's a Christmas present for SQUAD!
  10. 5/10 Seriously, change it back. I'm not kidding, I liked the other one better.
  11. Banned because I am a grammar ****, and you don't capitalize your sentences. Wow, it really is.
  12. 7/10 I know I've seen you before!
  13. 10/10 for Words and Stuff. (YEAH, it's a flute!)
  14. If a race has discovered the ability to travel faster than light, without thrusting (warping space time), then they would probably be able to assemble objects out of protons/neutrons/electrons. Which is plausible. You just take waste matter, convert it to subatomic particles, then reassemble said particles to make objects. Not quite sure how it works in Star Trek (I'm not so obsessed that I know every detail!) but the above process would work.
  15. The radiation kills you. And since I'm a dragon, I could live here for a while. My hill.
  16. Use the Drogue 'chutes to slow you down enough from Hypersonic to more reasonable atmospheric/landing speeds, with the radial/standard (smaller white ones) for the final descent. Also, it's a good idea to have an engine/skycrane, just in case the 'chutes are not enough.
  17. Probably Emperor: Battle For Dune. It's a 2001 RTS designed for Windows 98. My Windows 7 laptop runs it at full graphics with no problem.
  18. That's exactly how that works. Which is why you have small payloads with aerodynamic designs.
  19. What turned light blue? If there's an image I can't see it.
  20. "...more spinach!" Yeah! Welcome to the game and the Forums!
  21. Sorry, I can't see the image... Try spinning the ships on their axis with Q and E. Or back up with RCS and come back in.
  22. Well, did you actually open them? That might be your problem. Other than that, turn off your SAS. Right click on the port, then click "toggle"
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