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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Nope. No mods for me. The user below is posting in this thread for the first time.
  2. Or just use the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. port on the bottom. Or a large Stack Decoupler with the port on top.
  3. Yep. I crashed a Jool probe into Kerbin because the Mun blocked the panels. I couldn't circularize the orbit. And my first-ever Duna rover shot right by because of an eclipse from its own craft. Now, I don't want to get rid of it, because it's realistic, but it is annoying.
  4. When the first thing that pops up (or the first 150 things) that pop up when you type "f" in the search bar for the Internet is "forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com"
  5. Banned for too many words in your ban post, and half of them being in all CAPS.
  6. Don't take us the wrong way and stop playing. It's just... addicting. You will never stop. As I said in another HP: "No one is welcome to the game. The game hates you. You welcome the game taking over your life." Hello there!
  7. Don't use them for braking, unless you calculated it beforehand. I use Sepatron motors for ascent stages, giving a small boost to separate landing from ascent.
  8. Eve and Duna science landers. Build a thing with parachutes and legs, with science stuff and antennas, and shoot it at one of them. You'll get several hundred science points for each.
  9. Yeah, try the tracking station. Otherwise, you have met the Kraken for the first time. It'll "eat" your ships while you're not looking and spin your bases apart. That second post has the link to it.
  10. I bring a couple of Harkonnen Devastators and overload them right on top of your hill. Big explosion, good-bye hill. My plot of land. (Maybe I'll start farming...)
  11. Banned for wielding a flute. (It's not a sword. It's a flute)
  12. 10/10 Interesting Words. (YES, it's a FLUTE.)
  13. Granted. It kills you. I wish for a better Emperor: Battle for Dune game.
  14. Granted. But it's money from another planet, and has no value whatsoever, because they use sponges as currency. The ability to fly.
  15. 4/10 Eh... not as cool as the last one.
  16. Starwhip


    Ahhhhhh!!! Too much writing! I guess if you put it that way...
  17. Hello. You have to have 5 or more posts before you can have a sig or avatar.
  18. Made in Blender3D, version 2.67. I've been using Blender for a few years.
  19. Me suck at textures. I can't seem to get them right, or make them. The Blender UV unwrap hates me. Is this thread for KSP things only? EDIT: because if it isn't... I have plenty of Blender things to post.
  20. We might need to fix that. At least he wasn't nice.
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