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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. GLaDOS: Wait! Stop! What are you doing? I...I...Weee are pleased that you made it to the final test, where we pretended we were going to murder you. GLaDOS: Please lie on the floor with your arms at your side. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. GLaDOS: If you do not assume the Party Admission Submission Position, you will miss your party.
  2. Banned for attempting to control the most powerful being in the Kuniverse.
  3. False The user below can read my invisible text The user below can read my invisible text
  4. 8/10 "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." I think that that is very true.
  5. 567: An open door, you realize it leads to an out-of-service elevator shaft.
  6. It is barely dented, and now we're all deaf. I start using fire on the doors, attempting to un-weld them.
  7. ...And fall down the shaft. I look for invisible holes in the roof. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
  8. Starwhip


    Does anyone have the correct answer? Please, someone post a new riddle! And invisiText is a great way to have conversations!
  9. Banned for animation in your signature.
  10. Banned for 529 posts. Invisible Text... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  11. The beam reflects off the doors and starts bouncing around inside, nearly incinerating everyone. I'm gonna build a ASHPD (portalgun). It'll take a while, seeing as I don't really have hands.
  12. The pale full moons rest upon the ground, Fallen from the void above without sound. One moon upon another as though One is simply not enough to throw; Fragile and frail as mere coloured glass, They sit and wait near burnished brass. The shattered ones are far away, Tossed aside and drifting astray In fields of corruption and fallen stars, Cast aside like the broken vase. Was google-ing the answer to that stupid riddle. Gave me a link to this forum.
  13. 3/10 Eh, not so good. (@ theattackcorgi Shut up, we can't have any more conversation threads!)
  14. Guess what? More doors! I try clawing my way out through the roof.
  15. You can't come up with anything. I start pushing the floor buttons in hope that one of them still work. (The threads were locked up... and we're all stuck in here)
  16. 10/10 Hey, people! Don't be afraid to post on this thread if you're new, it's a great way to get to know other users. (Maybe it's just us though... if that's true, it's pretty sad.)
  17. The elevator starts lurching violently every time you touch the roof, so you stop. I start kicking the doors, trying to make an escape hole.
  18. Granted. The pictures never load. I wish that the new threads never derail.
  19. Starwhip


    When all else fails, Google Search! .....And the first result was a link to this thread! Very informative!
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