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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. The weeping angel sends you and your minions back in time. My still deadly hill.
  2. The doors were welded shut when I attempted to burn them open.... Oops. I try pushing on both walls at the same time with my wings, to bend them. EDIT: Wow, double ninja'd, and I didn't notice for about half an hour.
  3. That is a good idea. Now we could have atmospheric probes for recon missions on Duna or Eve, and have landers with tiny air-capable rovers attached.
  4. Look, all of those people who say that the developers are "slow" or "lazy" should boot up their computer, open up their desired programming language, and program their OWN Kerbal Space Program. Then they'll see how complicated a game like this is. Atmospheric simulations, real-time physics, I mean, it's friggin' rocket science, in its own way.
  5. Banned for attempting to create a vicious circle.
  6. Starwhip


    This sounds stupid, but... snowballs?
  7. The other devices, like the 88-88, can transmit more data, for more science. I think that's the case, because with the 88', I get 5-6 units of science, instead of 3-4.
  8. Use RCS Thrusters. They are fairly precise. I can get within 100-500 meters of equilibrium.
  9. You're going to have a hard time doing that..... dragon scales are pretty tough. I attempt to cut a hole in the roof.
  10. Hello there! I hope the forums live up to what you expect. And if you've nothing better to do, check out the game section.
  11. 561: The floor, walls and ceiling are made entirely of glass. Step carefully.
  12. I use Microsoft Expression Encoder. There is a trial for free that can record up to 10 minutes.
  13. 2 reasons. 1: Processing power. Planets of that size would take up MASSIVE amounts of memory, possibly crashing the game or even your computer. 2: Time. It takes 8 minutes to get to orbit in reality. The game is set up so it only takes about 1:30.
  14. Yes. It is up to the developers to say what version it is. It's all arbitrary, anyway.
  15. You and the rest of the users have become trapped in an elevator. The doors will not open and the elevator will not move. You must come up with a method of escape (Hatches, holes, teleportation, whatever). The next user will find a way to make your method unusable (Hatch is locked, Walls indestructible, dampening field) and suggest a new way, so on and so forth. Remember, Do Not Derail Thread With Side Conversations Or The Like The game begins.... Now! EDIT: Something interesting would be to use only what your avatar could use. Example: I burn a hole in the doors.
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